From 042eebafddee20d172a560ec59f9965ecb1ec85f Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: =?UTF-8?q?Sebastian=20M=C3=BCller?= <>
Date: Thu, 23 Mar 2023 12:53:22 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] update bindings for FINAM 0.4

 examples/        |  48 ++++-----
 src/finam_mhm/        |   1 +
 src/finam_mhm/       | 173 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
 src/finam_mhm_module/ |   1 -
 src/finam_mhm_module/      | 163 -----------------------------
 5 files changed, 196 insertions(+), 190 deletions(-)
 create mode 100644 src/finam_mhm/
 create mode 100644 src/finam_mhm/
 delete mode 100644 src/finam_mhm_module/
 delete mode 100644 src/finam_mhm_module/

diff --git a/examples/ b/examples/
index 7166066..f49e8e3 100644
--- a/examples/
+++ b/examples/
@@ -3,34 +3,30 @@ Simple coupling setup using live view modules.
 from datetime import datetime, timedelta
-import numpy as np
-from finam.adapters import base, time
-from finam.core.schedule import Composition
-from finam.modules.visual import time_series
-from matplotlib import pyplot as plt
-from finam_mhm_module import Mhm
-def grid_select(grid):
-    col, row = 3, 5
-    return grid[col * 9 + row]
-plot = time_series.TimeSeriesView(
-    start=datetime(1990, 1, 1),
-    step=timedelta(days=1),
-    inputs=["Runoff"],
-    intervals=[1],
+import finam as fm
+import finam_mhm as fm_mhm
+import finam_plot as fm_plt
+import finam_netcdf as fm_nc
+start_date = datetime(1990, 1, 1)
+day = timedelta(days=1)
+mhm = fm_mhm.MHM(cwd="../../MHM/mhm/test_domain")
+runoff_viewer = fm_plt.ImagePlot(vmin=0.0, vmax=650)
+# netcdf writing files
+writer = fm_nc.NetCdfTimedWriter(
+    path="",
+    inputs={"QMOD": fm_nc.Layer(var="QMOD", xyz=("x", "y"))},
+    time_var="time",
+    start=start_date,
+    step=day,
-mhm = Mhm(cwd="../../MHM/mhm")
-composition = Composition([mhm, plot])
+composition = fm.Composition([mhm, writer, runoff_viewer])
-grid_value = mhm.outputs["L1_TOTAL_RUNOFF"] >> base.GridToValue(func=grid_select)
-grid_value >> time.LinearInterpolation() >> plot.inputs["Runoff"]
+mhm.outputs["L11_QMOD"] >> writer.inputs["QMOD"]
+mhm.outputs["L11_QMOD"] >> runoff_viewer.inputs["Grid"], 1, 1)), 1, 1))
diff --git a/src/finam_mhm/ b/src/finam_mhm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..ab3cc14
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finam_mhm/
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
+from .component import MHM
diff --git a/src/finam_mhm/ b/src/finam_mhm/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..646e0f6
--- /dev/null
+++ b/src/finam_mhm/
@@ -0,0 +1,173 @@
+FINAM mHM module.
+from datetime import datetime, timedelta
+import numpy as np
+import finam as fm
+import mhm
+    "L0_GRIDDED_LAI": dict(unit="1", long_name="leaf area index"),
+    "L1_FSEALED": dict(unit="1", long_name="Fraction of sealed area"),
+    "L1_FNOTSEALED": dict(unit="1", long_name="Fraction of unsealed area"),
+    "L1_INTER": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Interception"),
+    "L1_SNOWPACK": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Snowpack"),
+    "L1_SEALSTW": dict(
+        unit="mm / h", long_name="Retention storage of impervious areas"
+    ),
+    "L1_UNSATSTW": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="upper soil storage"),
+    "L1_SATSTW": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="groundwater storage"),
+    "L1_NEUTRONS": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Ground Albedo Neutrons"),
+    "L1_PET_CALC": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="potential evapotranspiration"),
+    "L1_AETCANOPY": dict(
+        unit="mm / h", long_name="Real evaporation intensity from canopy"
+    ),
+    "L1_AETSEALED": dict(
+        unit="mm / h", long_name="Real evap. from free water surfaces"
+    ),
+    "L1_TOTAL_RUNOFF": dict(unit="m^3 / h", long_name="Generated runoff"),
+    "L1_RUNOFFSEAL": dict(
+        unit="mm / h", long_name="Direct runoff from impervious areas"
+    ),
+    "L1_FASTRUNOFF": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Fast runoff component"),
+    "L1_SLOWRUNOFF": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Slow runoff component"),
+    "L1_BASEFLOW": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Baseflow"),
+    "L1_PERCOL": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Percolation"),
+    "L1_PREEFFECT": dict(unit="mm / h", long_name="Effective precip. depth"),
+    "L1_SOILMOIST_VOL_ALL": dict(
+        unit="1", long_name="average soil moisture over all layers"
+    ),
+    "L11_QMOD": dict(unit="m^3 / s", long_name="Simulated discharge"),
+    "L11_QOUT": dict(unit="m^3 / s", long_name="Total outflow from cells"),
+"""dict: meta information about available outputs in mHM."""
+    "L0_GRIDDED_LAI": dict(unit="1", long_name="leaf area index"),
+"""dict: meta information about available inputs in mHM."""
+class MHM(fm.TimeComponent):
+    def __init__(
+        self,
+        namelist_mhm="mhm.nml",
+        namelist_mhm_param="mhm_parameter.nml",
+        namelist_mhm_output="mhm_outputs.nml",
+        namelist_mrm_output="mrm_outputs.nml",
+        cwd=".",
+        input_names=None,
+    ):
+        super().__init__()
+        self.OUTPUT_NAMES = list(OUTPUT_META)
+        self.INPUT_NAMES = (
+            [] if input_names is None else [n.upper() for n in input_names]
+        )
+        for in_name in self.INPUT_NAMES:
+            if in_name not in INPUT_META:
+                raise ValueError(f"mHM: input '{in_name}' is not available.")
+        self.namelist_mhm = namelist_mhm
+        self.namelist_mhm_param = namelist_mhm_param
+        self.namelist_mhm_output = namelist_mhm_output
+        self.namelist_mrm_output = namelist_mrm_output
+        self.cwd = cwd  # needed for
+        # mHM always has hourly stepping
+        self.step = timedelta(hours=1)
+    @property
+    def next_time(self):
+        """Next pull time."""
+        return self.time + self.step
+    def _get(self, var):
+        value = mhm.get_variable(var)
+        value.fill_value = np.nan
+        return value.filled()
+    def _initialize(self):
+        # only show errors
+        mhm.model.set_verbosity(level=1)
+        # init
+        mhm.model.init(
+            namelist_mhm=self.namelist_mhm,
+            namelist_mhm_param=self.namelist_mhm_param,
+            namelist_mhm_output=self.namelist_mhm_output,
+            namelist_mrm_output=self.namelist_mrm_output,
+            cwd=".",
+        )
+        # disable file output of mHM
+        mhm.model.disable_output()
+        # only one domain possible
+        # set time
+        year, month, day, hour =
+        self.time = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=max(day, 0), hour=max(hour, 0))
+        # first time step compensate by negative values in mHM
+        if day < 0 or hour < 0:
+            self.time += timedelta(days=min(day, 0), hours=min(hour, 0))
+        # store Grid specifications
+        self.gridspec = {}
+        # get grid info l0 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
+        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mhm.get.l0_domain_info()
+        self.no_data = no_data
+        self.gridspec["L0"] = fm.EsriGrid(
+            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cellsize=cell_size, xllcorner=xll, yllcorner=yll
+        )
+        # get grid info l1 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
+        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mhm.get.l1_domain_info()
+        self.gridspec["L1"] = fm.EsriGrid(
+            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cellsize=cell_size, xllcorner=xll, yllcorner=yll
+        )
+        # get grid info l11 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
+        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mhm.get.l11_domain_info()
+        self.gridspec["L11"] = fm.EsriGrid(
+            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cellsize=cell_size, xllcorner=xll, yllcorner=yll
+        )
+        print(self.gridspec["L11"].nrows)
+        print(self.gridspec["L11"].ncols)
+        print(self.gridspec["L11"].axes_names)
+        # get grid info l2 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
+        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mhm.get.l2_domain_info()
+        self.gridspec["L2"] = fm.EsriGrid(
+            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cellsize=cell_size, xllcorner=xll, yllcorner=yll
+        )
+        for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES:
+            grid_name = var.split("_")[0]
+            self.outputs.add(name=var, time=self.time, grid=self.gridspec[grid_name], **OUTPUT_META[var])
+        for var in self.INPUT_NAMES:
+            grid_name = var.split("_")[0]
+            self.inputs.add(name=var, time=self.time, grid=self.gridspec[grid_name], **INPUT_META[var])
+        self.create_connector()
+    def _connect(self, start_time):
+        push_data = {var: self._get(var) for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES}
+        self.try_connect(start_time=start_time, push_data=push_data)
+    def _update(self):
+        # Don't run further than mHM can
+        if
+            return
+        # update time
+        year, month, day, hour =
+        self.time = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour)
+        # push outputs
+        for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES:
+            if not self.outputs[var].has_targets:
+                continue
+            self.outputs[var].push_data(
+                data=self._get(var),
+                time=self.time,
+            )
+    def _finalize(self):
+        with
+            mhm.model.finalize()
diff --git a/src/finam_mhm_module/ b/src/finam_mhm_module/
deleted file mode 100644
index 23a644a..0000000
--- a/src/finam_mhm_module/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1 +0,0 @@
-from .mhm import Mhm
diff --git a/src/finam_mhm_module/ b/src/finam_mhm_module/
deleted file mode 100644
index c2b0fe3..0000000
--- a/src/finam_mhm_module/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,163 +0,0 @@
-FINAM mHM module.
-from datetime import datetime
-import mhm_pybind as mp
-import numpy as np
-from finam.core.interfaces import ComponentStatus
-from finam.core.sdk import ATimeComponent, Input, Output
-from import Grid, GridSpec
-from import execute_in_cwd
-class Mhm(ATimeComponent):
-        "L0_GRIDDED_LAI",
-        "L1_FSEALED",
-        "L1_FNOTSEALED",
-        "L1_INTER",
-        "L1_SNOWPACK",
-        "L1_SEALSTW",
-        "L1_UNSATSTW",
-        "L1_SATSTW",
-        "L1_NEUTRONS",
-        "L1_PET_CALC",
-        "L1_AETCANOPY",
-        "L1_AETSEALED",
-        "L1_TOTAL_RUNOFF",
-        "L1_RUNOFFSEAL",
-        "L1_FASTRUNOFF",
-        "L1_SLOWRUNOFF",
-        "L1_BASEFLOW",
-        "L1_PERCOL",
-        "L1_PREEFFECT",
-        "L1_SOILMOIST_VOL_ALL",
-        "L11_QMOD",
-        "L11_QOUT",
-        "L11_QTIN",
-        "L11_QTR",
-    ]
-    def __init__(
-        self,
-        namelist_mhm="mhm.nml",
-        namelist_mhm_param="mhm_parameter.nml",
-        namelist_mhm_output="mhm_outputs.nml",
-        namelist_mrm_output="mrm_outputs.nml",
-        cwd=".",
-        input_names=None,
-    ):
-        self.INPUT_NAMES = [] if input_names is None else list(input_names)
-        super(Mhm, self).__init__()
-        self.namelist_mhm = namelist_mhm
-        self.namelist_mhm_param = namelist_mhm_param
-        self.namelist_mhm_output = namelist_mhm_output
-        self.namelist_mrm_output = namelist_mrm_output
-        self.cwd = cwd  # needed for @execute_in_cwd
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.CREATED
-    @execute_in_cwd
-    def initialize(self):
-        super().initialize()
-        mp.mhm.init(
-            namelist_mhm=self.namelist_mhm,
-            namelist_mhm_param=self.namelist_mhm_param,
-            namelist_mhm_output=self.namelist_mhm_output,
-            namelist_mrm_output=self.namelist_mrm_output,
-            cwd=".",
-        )
-        # set time
-        year, month, day, hour =
-        hour = max(hour, 0)  # fix for first time step
-        self._time = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour)
-        self.gridspec = {}
-        # get grid info l0 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
-        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mp.get.l0_domain_info()
-        self.no_data = no_data
-        self.gridspec["L0"] = GridSpec(
-            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cell_size=cell_size, xll=xll, yll=yll
-        )
-        # get grid info l1 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
-        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mp.get.l1_domain_info()
-        self.gridspec["L1"] = GridSpec(
-            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cell_size=cell_size, xll=xll, yll=yll
-        )
-        # get grid info l11 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
-        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mp.get.l11_domain_info()
-        self.gridspec["L11"] = GridSpec(
-            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cell_size=cell_size, xll=xll, yll=yll
-        )
-        # get grid info l2 (swap rows/cols to get "ij" indexing)
-        nrows, ncols, __, xll, yll, cell_size, no_data = mp.get.l2_domain_info()
-        self.gridspec["L2"] = GridSpec(
-            ncols=ncols, nrows=nrows, cell_size=cell_size, xll=xll, yll=yll
-        )
-        for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES:
-            self.outputs[var] = Output()
-        for var in self.INPUT_NAMES:
-            self.inputs[var] = Input()
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.INITIALIZED
-    def connect(self):
-        super().connect()
-        for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES:
-            if not self.outputs[var].has_targets:
-                continue
-            self.outputs[var].push_data(
-                data=Grid(
-                    spec=self.gridspec[var.split("_")[0]],
-                    no_data=self.no_data,
-                    # flip upside down to use lower-left corner as origin
-                    data=np.flipud(
-                        mp.get_variable(var, indexing="ij").filled()
-                    ).reshape(-1),
-                ),
-                time=self.time,
-            )
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.CONNECTED
-    def validate(self):
-        super().validate()
-        # TODO: add checks if connected outputs are compatible with process selection
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.VALIDATED
-    @execute_in_cwd
-    def update(self):
-        super().update()
-        # Don't run further than mHM can
-        if
-            return
-  # do we want this here?
-        # update time
-        year, month, day, hour =
-        self._time = datetime(year=year, month=month, day=day, hour=hour)
-        # push outputs
-        for var in self.OUTPUT_NAMES:
-            if not self.outputs[var].has_targets:
-                continue
-            self.outputs[var].push_data(
-                data=Grid(
-                    spec=self.gridspec[var.split("_")[0]],
-                    no_data=self.no_data,
-                    # flip upside down to use lower-left corner as origin
-                    data=np.flipud(
-                        mp.get_variable(var, indexing="ij").filled()
-                    ).reshape(-1),
-                ),
-                time=self.time,
-            )
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.UPDATED
-    @execute_in_cwd
-    def finalize(self):
-        super().finalize()
-        mp.mhm.finalize()
-        self._status = ComponentStatus.FINALIZED