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Erik Nixdorf / cornish_pasdy
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyCORNish PASDy -- COsmic-Ray Neutron flavored PASDy PASDy -- Processing and Analysis of Sensor Data in pYthon
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OESA / Literate NetLogo
MIT License📖 Literate Programming for NetLogo - Example and TutorialUpdated -
This is used for building the coupled stream-groundwater model of Selke catchment.
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Jupyter Notebooks zu den Übungen der Lehrveranstaltung
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Archived 0Updated
Make climate projections for german crops based on climate projections produced in HICAM.
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Sebastian Müller / HI-CAM EDK
MIT LicenseCollected sources for down-scaling data for HI-CAM with EDK.
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This is an example project for the super awesome git course