fence_sequence = "```"
fence_sequence_alt = "~~~"

block_name_prefix = ";-"

macro_start = "; ==>"
macro_end = "."

transclusion_start = "@{{"
transclusion_end = "}}"

link_prefix = "@"

file_prefix = "file:"
hidden_prefix = "hidden:"

root = "."
code = "model/"
docs = "odd/"

files = ["README.md"]
entrypoint = "Main" # Avoids writing unnamed code blocks

# NetLogo is not suited to generate the UI from code.
# We therefore use the copy files feature for the base .nlogo file, and for UI.
code_files = ["nlogo/Model.nlogo"]
code_paths = ["-"]

clear_blank_lines = true
eof_newline = true

    comment_start = ";"
    block_start = "<@"
    block_next = "<@>"
    block_end = "@>"