diff --git a/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py b/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py
index 8e6b2850a29f7ac3eaf9c236c4f532f0c93a195b..ff099f91ab8ddf6e6b98b893392c0e2f53135add 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def flagConstant_varianceBased(
     if plateaus.sum() == 0:
         return data, flagger
-    plateaus.fillna(method="bfill", limit=min_periods, inplace=True)
+    plateaus.fillna(method="bfill", limit=min_periods-1, inplace=True)
     # result:
     plateaus = (plateaus[plateaus == 1.0]).index
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py b/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py
index f9c232940d2310b722185fcff06b31ac0bf8bad9..37f9ad1de9c027f304ac9ef74eff3063afd008a8 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py
@@ -9,6 +9,7 @@ from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
 from saqc.funcs.break_detection import flagBreaks_spektrumBased
 from saqc.funcs.spike_detection import flagSpikes_spektrumBased
+from saqc.funcs.constants_detection import flagConstant_varianceBased
 from saqc.funcs.register import register
 from saqc.lib.tools import (
@@ -263,10 +264,12 @@ def flagSoilMoistureByConstantsDetection(
-    rainfall_window="12h",
+    rainfall_window_range="12h",
-    i_start_infimum=0.0025,
-    i_end_supremum=0,
+    var_total_nans=np.inf,
+    var_consec_nans=np.inf,
+    derivative_maximum_lb=0.0025,
+    derivative_minimum_ub=0,
@@ -274,126 +277,62 @@ def flagSoilMoistureByConstantsDetection(
     """Function is not ready to use yet: we are waiting for response from the author of [Paper] in order of getting
     able to exclude some sources of confusion.
+    Note, function has to be harmonized to equidistant freq_grid
+    Note, in current implementation, it has to hold that: (rainfall_window_range >= plateau_window_min)
     :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
                                         Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
                                         time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
     :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
     :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data, field, flagger)
-    # abort processing if original series has no valid entries!
-    if data_rate is np.nan:
-        return data, flagger
-    # get data max
-    data_max = dataseries.max()
-    min_periods = int(offset2periods(plateau_window_min, data_rate))
-    # identify minimal plateaus:
-    plateaus = dataseries.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(
-        lambda x: (x.var() > plateau_var_limit) | (x.size < min_periods), raw=False
-    )
-    plateaus = ~plateaus.astype(bool)
+    # get plateaus:
+    _, comp_flagger = flagConstant_varianceBased(data, field, flagger, plateau_window_min=plateau_window_min,
+                                                    plateau_var_limit=plateau_var_limit, var_total_nans=var_total_nans,
+                                                    var_consec_nans=var_consec_nans)
-    # are there any candidates for beeing flagged plateau-ish
-    if plateaus.sum() == 0:
-        return data, flagger
-    plateaus_reverse = pd.Series(np.flip(plateaus.values), index=plateaus.index)
-    reverse_check = (
-        plateaus_reverse.rolling(window=plateau_window_min)
-        .apply(lambda x: True if True in x.values else False, raw=False)
-        .astype(bool)
-    )
-    plateaus = pd.Series(np.flip(reverse_check.values), index=plateaus.index)
+    new_plateaus = (comp_flagger.getFlags(field)).eq(flagger.getFlags(field))
+    # get dataseries at its sampling freq:
+    dataseries, moist_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data, field, flagger)
+    # get valuse referring to dataseries:
+    new_plateaus.resample(pd.Timedelta(moist_rate)).asfreq()
+    # cut out test_slices for min/max derivatives condition check:
+    # offset 2 periods:
+    rainfall_window_range = int(np.ceil(pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window_range) / moist_rate))
+    plateau_window_min = int(np.ceil(pd.Timedelta(plateau_window_min) / moist_rate))
+    period_diff = rainfall_window_range - plateau_window_min
+    # we cast plateua series to int - because replace has problems with replacing bools by "method".
+    new_plateaus = new_plateaus.astype(int)
+    # get plateau groups:
+    group_counter = new_plateaus.cumsum()
+    group_counter = group_counter[group_counter.diff() == 0]
+    group_counter.name = 'group_counter'
+    plateau_groups = pd.merge(group_counter, dataseries, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner')
+    # test mean-condition on plateau groups:
+    test_barrier = data_max_tolerance*dataseries.max()
+    plateau_group_drops = plateau_groups.groupby('group_counter').filter(lambda x: x[field].mean() <= test_barrier)
+    # discard values that didnt pass the test from plateau candidate series:
+    new_plateaus[plateau_group_drops.index] = 1
+    # we extend the plateaus to cover condition testing sets
+    # 1: extend backwards (with a technical "one" added):
+    cond1_sets = new_plateaus.replace(1, method='bfill', limit=(rainfall_window_range + plateau_window_min))
+    # 2. extend forwards:
+    if period_diff > 0:
+        cond1_sets = cond1_sets.replace(1, method='ffill', limit=period_diff)
+    # get first derivative
+    first_derivative = dataseries.diff()
+    # cumsum trick to seperate continous plateau groups from each other
+    group_counter = cond1_sets.cumsum()
+    group_counter = group_counter[group_counter.diff() == 0]
+    group_counter.name = 'group_counter'
+    group_frame = pd.merge(group_counter, first_derivative, left_index=True, right_index=True, how='inner')
+    group_frame = group_frame.groupby('group_counter')
+    condition_passed = group_frame.filter(
+        lambda x: (x[field].max() >= derivative_maximum_lb) & (x[field].min() <= derivative_minimum_ub))
+    flagger = flagger.setFlags(field, loc=condition_passed.index, **kwargs)
-    # reverse the reversed ts and transform to dataframe, filter for consecutive timestamp values:
-    plateaus = pd.DataFrame(
-        {"date": dataseries.index, "mask": np.flip(plateaus.values)},
-        index=dataseries.index,
-    )
-    plateaus = plateaus[plateaus["mask"] == True].drop("mask", axis=1)
-    seperator_stair = plateaus["date"].diff() != pd.Timedelta(data_rate)
-    plateaus["interval_nr"] = seperator_stair.cumsum()
-    plateaus = plateaus["interval_nr"]
-    invalids = pd.Series([])
-    # loop through the intervals to be checked:
-    for interval_2_check in range(1, plateaus.max() + 1):
-        # how big is the interval?
-        interval_delimeter = (
-            plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[-1]
-            - plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[0]
-        )
-        # slices of the area for the rainfallsearch
-        check_start = (
-            plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[0]
-            - interval_delimeter
-            - pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
-        )
-        check_end = (
-            plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[-1]
-            - interval_delimeter
-            + pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
-        )
-        # slices to be smoothed and derivated
-        smooth_start = check_start - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        smooth_end = check_end + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        data_slice = dataseries[smooth_start:smooth_end]
-        # calculate first derivative of testing slice:
-        smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil(offset2periods(filter_window_size, data_rate)))
-        if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-            smoothing_periods += 1
-        # check if the data slice to be checked is sufficiently big for smoothing options:
-        if data_slice.size < smoothing_periods:
-            smoothing_periods = data_slice.size
-            if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-                smoothing_periods -= 1
-        # calculate the derivative
-        first_deri_series = pd.Series(
-            data=savgol_filter(
-                data_slice, window_length=smoothing_periods, polyorder=2, deriv=1
-            ),
-            index=data_slice.index,
-        )
-        # get test slice
-        first_deri_series = first_deri_series[check_start:check_end]
-        if first_deri_series.empty:
-            continue
-        # check some explicit and implicit conditions:
-        rainfall_periods = int(offset2periods(rainfall_window, data_rate) * 2)
-        if rainfall_periods % 2 == 0:
-            rainfall_periods += 1
-        maximums = first_deri_series.rolling(
-            window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed="left"
-        ).max()
-        minimums = first_deri_series.rolling(
-            window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed="left"
-        ).min()
-        maximums = maximums[maximums > i_start_infimum]
-        minimums = minimums[minimums < i_end_supremum]
-        if maximums.empty | minimums.empty:
-            continue
-        i_start_index = maximums.index[0]
-        i_end_index = minimums.index[-1]
-        if i_start_index > i_end_index:
-            continue
-        potential_invalid = data_slice[i_start_index:i_end_index]
-        # test if the plateau is a high level plateau:
-        if potential_invalid.mean() > data_max * data_max_tolerance:
-            invalids = pd.concat([invalids, potential_invalid])
-    flagger = flagger.setFlag(field, invalids.index, **kwargs)
     return data, flagger
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_constants_detection.py b/test/funcs/test_constants_detection.py
index 07eaa4ff9753cd730c639a336573af689eee8506..b9b7d35450b436bdae2904cc85aa0175676e8ea6 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_constants_detection.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_constants_detection.py
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ import pytest
 import numpy as np
 from saqc.funcs.constants_detection import flagConstant_varianceBased
+from saqc.funcs.soil_moisture_tests import flagSoilMoistureByConstantsDetection
 from test.common import TESTFLAGGER, initData
@@ -20,7 +21,7 @@ def data():
 @pytest.mark.parametrize("flagger", TESTFLAGGER)
 def test_flagConstants_varianceBased(data, flagger):
-    data.iloc[5:25] = 0
+    data.iloc[5:25] = 200
     expected = np.arange(5, 25)
     field, *_ = data.columns
     flagger = flagger.initFlags(data)
@@ -30,3 +31,5 @@ def test_flagConstants_varianceBased(data, flagger):
     flag_result = flagger_result.getFlags(field)
     test_sum = (flag_result[expected] == flagger.BAD).sum()
     assert test_sum == len(expected)