diff --git a/saqc/core/modules/pattern.py b/saqc/core/modules/pattern.py
index 1d64e8e461655c0af544d209ccd621fe1f05fde0..5f1ffd07aed9a7a8dc31fe619d993a64f5036a69 100644
--- a/saqc/core/modules/pattern.py
+++ b/saqc/core/modules/pattern.py
@@ -14,8 +14,8 @@ class Pattern(ModuleBase):
         field: str,
         ref_field: str,
-        widths: Sequence[int] = (1, 2, 4, 8),
-        waveform: str = "mexh",
+        max_distance: float = 0.0,
+        normalize=True,
         flag: float = BAD,
     ) -> saqc.SaQC:
@@ -25,8 +25,8 @@ class Pattern(ModuleBase):
         field: str,
         ref_field: str,
-        max_distance: float = 0.03,
-        normalize: bool = True,
+        widths: Sequence[int] = (1, 2, 4, 8),
+        waveform: str = "mexh",
         flag: float = BAD,
     ) -> saqc.SaQC:
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/pattern.py b/saqc/funcs/pattern.py
index 01933a730a5adbf25ab7a061b38b17049e5f00ae..be633b9af98ff18c3e8c55ad40361325d671bce2 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/pattern.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/pattern.py
@@ -1,35 +1,35 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-from typing import Sequence, Union, Tuple, Optional
 import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
 import dtw
 import pywt
 from mlxtend.evaluate import permutation_test
-from dios import DictOfSeries
 from saqc.constants import *
-from saqc.core import register, Flags
+from saqc.core.register import register
 from saqc.lib.tools import customRoller
 @register(masking="field", module="pattern")
-def flagPatternByDTW(
-    data: DictOfSeries,
-    field: str,
-    flags: Flags,
-    ref_field: str,
-    widths: Sequence[int] = (1, 2, 4, 8),
-    waveform: str = "mexh",
-    flag: float = BAD,
+def flagPatternByWavelet(
+    data,
+    field,
+    flags,
+    ref_field,
+    widths=(1, 2, 4, 8),
+    waveform="mexh",
+    flag=BAD,
-) -> Tuple[DictOfSeries, Flags]:
     Pattern recognition via wavelets.
     The steps are:
      1. work on chunks returned by a moving window
-     2. each chunk is compared to the given pattern, using the wavelet algorithm as presented in [1]
+     2. each chunk is compared to the given pattern, using the wavelet algorithm as
+        presented in [1]
      3. if the compared chunk is equal to the given pattern it gets flagged
@@ -37,30 +37,31 @@ def flagPatternByDTW(
     data : dios.DictOfSeries
         A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
     field : str
         The fieldname of the data column, you want to correct.
     flags : saqc.Flags
-        Container to store quality flags to data.
+        The flags belongiong to `data`.
     ref_field: str
         The fieldname in `data' which holds the pattern.
     widths: tuple of int
-        Widths for wavelet decomposition. [1] recommends a dyadic scale. Default: (1,2,4,8)
+        Widths for wavelet decomposition. [1] recommends a dyadic scale.
+        Default: (1,2,4,8)
     waveform: str.
         Wavelet to be used for decomposition. Default: 'mexh'. See [2] for a list.
-    flag : float, default BAD
-        flag to set.
-    kwargs
     data : dios.DictOfSeries
         A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
         Data values may have changed relatively to the data input.
-    flags : saqc.Flags
-        The quality flags of data
-        Flags values may have changed relatively to the flags input.
+    flags : saqc.Flags
+        The flags belongiong to `data`.
@@ -72,15 +73,20 @@ def flagPatternByDTW(
     [2] https://pywavelets.readthedocs.io/en/latest/ref/cwt.html#continuous-wavelet-families
+    dat = data[field]
     ref = data[ref_field].to_numpy()
     cwtmat_ref, _ = pywt.cwt(ref, widths, waveform)
     wavepower_ref = np.power(cwtmat_ref, 2)
     len_width = len(widths)
+    sz = len(ref)
+    assert len_width
+    assert sz
     def func(x, y):
         return x.sum() / y.sum()
-    def isPattern(chunk):
+    def pvalue(chunk):
         cwtmat_chunk, _ = pywt.cwt(chunk, widths, waveform)
         wavepower_chunk = np.power(cwtmat_chunk, 2)
@@ -91,63 +97,142 @@ def flagPatternByDTW(
             pval = permutation_test(
                 x, y, method="approximate", num_rounds=200, func=func, seed=0
-            if min(pval, 1 - pval) > 0.01:
-                return True
-        return False
+            pval = min(pval, 1 - pval)
+        return pval  # noqa # existence ensured by assert
-    dat = data[field]
-    sz = len(ref)
-    mask = customRoller(dat, window=sz, min_periods=sz).apply(isPattern, raw=True)
+    rolling = customRoller(dat, window=sz, min_periods=sz, forward=True)
+    pvals = rolling.apply(pvalue, raw=True)
+    markers = pvals > 0.01  # nans -> False
+    # the markers are set on the left edge of the window. thus we must propagate
+    # `sz`-many True's to the right of every marker.
+    rolling = customRoller(markers, window=sz, min_periods=sz)
+    mask = rolling.sum().fillna(0).astype(bool)
     flags[mask, field] = flag
     return data, flags
+def calculateDistanceByDTW(
+    data: pd.Series, reference: pd.Series, forward=True, normalize=True
+    """
+    Calculate the DTW-distance of data to pattern in a rolling calculation.
+    The data is compared to pattern in a rolling window.
+    The size of the rolling window is determined by the timespan defined
+    by the first and last timestamp of the reference data's datetime index.
+    For details see the linked functions in the `See Also` section.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data : pd.Series
+        Data series. Must have datetime-like index, and must be regularly sampled.
+    reference : : pd.Series
+        Reference series. Must have datetime-like index, must not contain NaNs
+        and must not be empty.
+    forward: bool, default True
+        If `True`, the distance value is set on the left edge of the data chunk. This
+        means, with a perfect match, `0.0` marks the beginning of the pattern in
+        the data. If `False`, `0.0` would mark the end of the pattern.
+    normalize : bool, default True
+        If `False`, return unmodified distances.
+        If `True`, normalize distances by the number of observations in the reference.
+        This helps to make it easier to find a good cutoff threshold for further
+        processing. The distances then refer to the mean distance per datapoint,
+        expressed in the datas units.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    distance : pd.Series
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The data must be regularly sampled, otherwise a ValueError is raised.
+    NaNs in the data will be dropped before dtw distance calculation.
+    See Also
+    --------
+    flagPatternByDTW : flag data by DTW
+    """
+    if reference.hasnans or reference.empty:
+        raise ValueError("reference must not have nan's and must not be empty.")
+    # TODO: rm `+ pd.Timedelta('1ns')` as soon as #GL214 is fixed,
+    #   add closed=both to customRoller instead
+    winsz = reference.index.max() - reference.index.min() + pd.Timedelta("1ns")
+    reference = reference.to_numpy()
+    def isPattern(chunk):
+        return dtw.accelerated_dtw(chunk, reference, "euclidean")[0]
+    # generate distances, excluding NaNs
+    rolling = customRoller(data.dropna(), window=winsz, forward=forward, expand=False)
+    distances: pd.Series = rolling.apply(isPattern, raw=True)
+    if normalize:
+        distances /= len(reference)
+    return distances.reindex(index=data.index)  # reinsert NaNs
 @register(masking="field", module="pattern")
-def flagPatternByWavelet(
-    data: DictOfSeries,
-    field: str,
-    flags: Flags,
-    ref_field: str,
-    max_distance: float = 0.03,
-    normalize: bool = True,
-    flag: float = BAD,
-    **kwargs
-) -> Tuple[DictOfSeries, Flags]:
+def flagPatternByDTW(
+    data, field, flags, ref_field, max_distance=0.0, normalize=True, flag=BAD, **kwargs
     """Pattern Recognition via Dynamic Time Warping.
     The steps are:
-     1. work on chunks returned by a moving window
-     2. each chunk is compared to the given pattern, using the dynamic time warping algorithm as presented in [1]
-     3. if the compared chunk is equal to the given pattern it gets flagged
+     1. work on a moving window
+     2. for each data chunk extracted from each window, a distance to the given pattern
+        is calculated, by the dynamic time warping algorithm [1]
+     3. if the distance is below the threshold, all the data in the window gets flagged
     data : dios.DictOfSeries
         A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
     field : str
-        The fieldname of the data column, you want to correct.
+        The name of the data column
     flags : saqc.Flags
-        Container to store quality flags to data.
-    ref_field: str
-        The fieldname in `data` which holds the pattern.
-    max_distance: float
-        Maximum dtw-distance between partition and pattern, so that partition is recognized as pattern. Default: 0.03
-    normalize: boolean.
-        Normalizing dtw-distance (see [1]). Default: True
-    flag : float, default BAD
-        flag to set.
+        The flags belonging to `data`.
+    ref_field : str
+        The name in `data` which holds the pattern. The pattern must not have NaNs,
+        have a datetime index and must not be empty.
+    max_distance : float, default 0.0
+        Maximum dtw-distance between chunk and pattern, if the distance is lower than
+        ``max_distance`` the data gets flagged. With default, ``0.0``, only exact
+        matches are flagged.
+    normalize : bool, default True
+        If `False`, return unmodified distances.
+        If `True`, normalize distances by the number of observations of the reference.
+        This helps to make it easier to find a good cutoff threshold for further
+        processing. The distances then refer to the mean distance per datapoint,
+        expressed in the datas units.
     data : dios.DictOfSeries
         A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
         Data values may have changed relatively to the data input.
     flags : saqc.Flags
-        The quality flags of data
-        Flags values may have changed relatively to the flags input.
+        The flags belonging to `data`.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    The window size of the moving window is set to equal the temporal extension of the
+    reference datas datetime index.
@@ -156,20 +241,24 @@ def flagPatternByWavelet(
     [1] https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/dtw/dtw.pdf
     ref = data[ref_field]
-    ref_var = ref.var()
+    dat = data[field]
-    def func(a, b):
-        return np.linalg.norm(a - b)
+    distances = calculateDistanceByDTW(dat, ref, forward=True, normalize=normalize)
+    # TODO: rm `+ pd.Timedelta('1ns')` as soon as #GL214 is fixed,
+    #   add closed=both to customRoller instead
+    winsz = ref.index.max() - ref.index.min() + pd.Timedelta("1ns")
-    def isPattern(chunk):
-        dist, *_ = dtw.dtw(chunk, ref, func)
-        if normalize:
-            dist /= ref_var
-        return dist < max_distance
+    # prevent nan propagation
+    distances = distances.fillna(max_distance + 1)
-    dat = data[field]
-    sz = len(ref)
-    mask = customRoller(dat, window=sz, min_periods=sz).apply(isPattern, raw=True)
+    # find minima filter by threshold
+    fw = customRoller(distances, window=winsz, forward=True)
+    bw = customRoller(distances, window=winsz)
+    minima = (fw.min() == bw.min()) & (distances <= max_distance)
+    # Propagate True's to size of pattern.
+    rolling = customRoller(minima, window=winsz)
+    mask = rolling.sum() > 0
     flags[mask, field] = flag
     return data, flags
diff --git a/tests/funcs/test_pattern_rec.py b/tests/funcs/test_pattern_rec.py
index d8d67e324e3e8376adb276d40ecbd498697364ab..0af516990eb242580d1b9ad7c733a5772040f04c 100644
--- a/tests/funcs/test_pattern_rec.py
+++ b/tests/funcs/test_pattern_rec.py
@@ -21,35 +21,38 @@ def field(data):
     return data.columns[0]
-@pytest.mark.skip(reason="faulty implementation - will get fixed by GL-MR191")
+@pytest.mark.skip(reason="faulty implementation - wait for #GL216")
 def test_flagPattern_wavelet():
     data = pd.Series(0, index=pd.date_range(start="2000", end="2001", freq="1d"))
-    data.iloc[2:4] = 7
-    pattern = data.iloc[1:6]
+    data.iloc[10:18] = [0, 5, 6, 7, 6, 8, 5, 0]
+    pattern = data.iloc[10:18]
     data = dios.DictOfSeries(dict(data=data, pattern_data=pattern))
     flags = initFlagsLike(data, name="data")
-    data, flags = flagPatternByDTW(
+    data, flags = flagPatternByWavelet(
         data, "data", flags, ref_field="pattern_data", flag=BAD
-    assert all(flags["data"][1:6])
-    assert any(flags["data"][:1])
-    assert any(flags["data"][7:])
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[10:18] == BAD)
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[:9] == UNFLAGGED)
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[18:] == UNFLAGGED)
-@pytest.mark.skip(reason="faulty implementation - will get fixed by GL-MR191")
 def test_flagPattern_dtw():
     data = pd.Series(0, index=pd.date_range(start="2000", end="2001", freq="1d"))
-    data.iloc[2:4] = 7
-    pattern = data.iloc[1:6]
+    data.iloc[10:18] = [0, 5, 6, 7, 6, 8, 5, 0]
+    pattern = data.iloc[10:18]
     data = dios.DictOfSeries(dict(data=data, pattern_data=pattern))
     flags = initFlagsLike(data, name="data")
-    data, flags = flagPatternByWavelet(
+    data, flags = flagPatternByDTW(
         data, "data", flags, ref_field="pattern_data", flag=BAD
-    assert all(flags["data"][1:6])
-    assert any(flags["data"][:1])
-    assert any(flags["data"][7:])
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[10:18] == BAD)
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[:9] == UNFLAGGED)
+    assert all(flags["data"].iloc[18:] == UNFLAGGED)
+    # visualize:
+    # data['data'].plot()
+    # ((flags['data']>0) *5.).plot()