From bac2aaeccbaa709b8f6a337fd38aa55ec5c7a913 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Bert Palm <>
Date: Thu, 3 Dec 2020 16:35:05 +0100
Subject: [PATCH] adjusted saqc calls to customRoller

 saqc/funcs/ |  2 +-
 saqc/funcs/           | 12 +++++-------
 saqc/lib/               |  6 +++---
 3 files changed, 9 insertions(+), 11 deletions(-)

diff --git a/saqc/funcs/ b/saqc/funcs/
index c8382ab5c..d40205690 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/
+++ b/saqc/funcs/
@@ -50,7 +50,7 @@ def constants_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh, window, **kwargs):
     # min_periods=2 ensures that at least two non-nan values are present
     # in each window and also min() == max() == d[i] is not possible.
-    kws = dict(window=window, min_periods=2)
+    kws = dict(window=window, min_periods=2, expand=False)
     # find all consecutive constant values in one direction...
     r = customRoller(d, **kws)
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/ b/saqc/funcs/
index 704a8b52b..59f169c52 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/
+++ b/saqc/funcs/
@@ -512,13 +512,11 @@ def modelling_changePointCluster(data, field, flagger, stat_func, thresh_func, b
     if reduce_window is None:
         reduce_window = f"{int(pd.Timedelta(bwd_window).total_seconds() + pd.Timedelta(fwd_window).total_seconds())}s"
-    # native pandas.rolling also fails
-    data_ser.rolling(window=bwd_window, min_periods=min_periods_bwd, closed=closed)
-    roller = customRoller(data_ser, window=bwd_window, min_periods=min_periods_bwd, closed=closed)
-    bwd_start, bwd_end = roller.window.get_window_bounds()
+    roller = customRoller(data_ser, window=bwd_window)
+    bwd_start, bwd_end = roller.window.get_window_bounds(len(data_ser), min_periods=min_periods_bwd, closed=closed)
-    roller = customRoller(data_ser, window=fwd_window, min_periods=min_periods_fwd, closed=closed, forward=True)
-    fwd_start, fwd_end = roller.window.get_window_bounds()
+    roller = customRoller(data_ser, window=fwd_window, forward=True)
+    fwd_start, fwd_end = roller.window.get_window_bounds(len(data_ser), min_periods=min_periods_fwd, closed=closed)
     min_mask = ~((fwd_end - fwd_start <= min_periods_fwd) | (bwd_end - bwd_start <= min_periods_bwd))
     fwd_end = fwd_end[min_mask]
@@ -560,7 +558,7 @@ def modelling_changePointCluster(data, field, flagger, stat_func, thresh_func, b
     detected = pd.Series(True, index=det_index)
     if reduce_window is not False:
         l = detected.shape[0]
-        roller = customRoller(detected, window=reduce_window, min_periods=1, closed='both', center=True)
+        roller = customRoller(detected, window=reduce_window)
         start, end = roller.window.get_window_bounds(num_values=l, min_periods=1, closed='both', center=True)
         detected = _reduceCPCluster(stat_arr[result_arr], thresh_arr[result_arr], start, end, reduce_func, l)
diff --git a/saqc/lib/ b/saqc/lib/
index 49e7f4316..323cf1789 100644
--- a/saqc/lib/
+++ b/saqc/lib/
@@ -324,9 +324,9 @@ def customRoller(obj, window, min_periods=None,  # aka minimum non-nan values
     If for some reason the start and end numeric indices of the window are needed, one can call
-    `start, end = customRoller(obj, ...).window.get_window_bounds()`, which return two arrays,
-    holding the start and end indices. Any passed (allowed) parameter to `get_window_bounds()` is
-    ignored and the arguments that was passed to `customRoller()` beforehand will be used instead.
+    `start, end = customRoller(obj, window).window.get_window_bounds(num_values, min_periods)`,
+    which return two np.arrays, that are holding the start and end indices. Fill at least all
+    parameter which are shown in the example.
     See Also