diff --git a/requirements.txt b/requirements.txt
index adf1d2efa9fa81a635b7fe920b4024a62c283263..81ed970110b012bbd43c6fa3b5937f575ebec526 100644
--- a/requirements.txt
+++ b/requirements.txt
@@ -1,34 +1,34 @@
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/functions.py b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
index efa39136fe8acbc94174506b7c171453b8c3870a..4ae400486f611aed5548ffd89ccd40da9798d066 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/functions.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
@@ -18,12 +18,10 @@ from dios import DictOfSeries
 from typing import Any
-def _dslIsFlagged(flagger, var, flag=None, comparator=None):
+def _dslIsFlagged(flagger, var, flag=None, comparator=">="):
     helper function for `flagGeneric`
-    if comparator is None:
-        return flagger.isFlagged(var.name, flag=flag)
     return flagger.isFlagged(var.name, flag=flag, comparator=comparator)
@@ -441,13 +439,25 @@ range_dict.keys()
 def flagCrossScoring(data, field, flagger, fields, thresh, cross_stat=np.median, **kwargs):
-    val_frame = data.loc[data.index_of("shared")].to_df()
-    try:
-        stat = getattr(val_frame, cross_stat.__name__)(axis=1)
-    except AttributeError:
-        stat = val_frame.aggregate(cross_stat, axis=1)
-    diff_scores = val_frame.subtract(stat, axis=0).abs()
-    diff_scores = diff_scores > thresh
+    df = data[fields].loc[data[fields].index_of('shared')].to_df()
+    if isinstance(cross_stat, str):
+        if cross_stat == 'modZscore':
+            MAD_series = df.subtract(df.median(axis=1), axis=0).abs().median(axis=1)
+            diff_scores = ((0.6745 * (df.subtract(df.median(axis=1), axis=0))).divide(MAD_series, axis=0)).abs()
+        elif cross_stat == 'Zscore':
+            diff_scores = (df.subtract(df.mean(axis=1), axis=0)).divide(df.std(axis=1), axis=0).abs()
+        else:
+            raise ValueError(cross_stat)
+    else:
+        try:
+            stat = getattr(df, cross_stat.__name__)(axis=1)
+        except AttributeError:
+            stat = df.aggregate(cross_stat, axis=1)
+        diff_scores = df.subtract(stat, axis=0).abs()
+    mask = diff_scores > thresh
     for var in fields:
-        flagger = flagger.setFlags(var, diff_scores[var].values, **kwargs)
+        flagger = flagger.setFlags(var, mask[var], **kwargs)
     return data, flagger
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/harm_functions.py b/saqc/funcs/harm_functions.py
index e56cfd06e80651fc3f502e86dc0c9bc63f4b2f50..37f745c2a92011ea9be02f86dc82d5326fbeffec 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/harm_functions.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/harm_functions.py
@@ -19,7 +19,6 @@ from saqc.funcs.proc_functions import (
 logger = logging.getLogger("SaQC")
 def harm_shift2Grid(data, field, flagger, freq, method="nshift", drop_flags=None, **kwargs):
diff --git a/saqc/lib/plotting.py b/saqc/lib/plotting.py
index 3c8c83c0d0b10d850f445385ec0ff02f6ea24926..859653899f935be0786063d156ca1c9aed3e8f3b 100644
--- a/saqc/lib/plotting.py
+++ b/saqc/lib/plotting.py
@@ -18,9 +18,7 @@ def __importHelper():
     # needed for datetime conversion
-    if _interactive:
-        mpl.use("TkAgg")
-    else:
+    if not _interactive:
         # Import plot libs without interactivity, if not needed.
         # This ensures that we can produce an plot.png even if
         # tkinter is not installed. E.g. if one want to run this
diff --git a/saqc/lib/ts_operators.py b/saqc/lib/ts_operators.py
index 437e3255f5252a7e4c460272ad454d1c3845d924..30ce15899d4d5c21999f1e686f2ec2bf83598bbb 100644
--- a/saqc/lib/ts_operators.py
+++ b/saqc/lib/ts_operators.py
@@ -6,6 +6,8 @@ The module gathers all kinds of timeseries tranformations.
 import logging
+import re
 import pandas as pd
 import numpy as np
 import numba as nb
@@ -163,13 +165,12 @@ def validationTrafo(data, max_nan_total, max_nan_consec):
             return data
         elif _maxConsecutiveNan(np.asarray(data), max_nan_consec):
             data[:] = False
-            return data
             data[:] = True
-            return data
         data[:] = True
-        return data
+    return data
 def stdQC(data, max_nan_total=np.inf, max_nan_consec=np.inf):
@@ -248,10 +249,8 @@ def interpolateNANs(data, method, order=2, inter_limit=2, downgrade_interpolatio
                     return x.interpolate(method=wrap_method, order=int(wrap_order))
                 except (NotImplementedError, ValueError):
-                        "Interpolation with method {} is not supported at order {}. "
-                        "Interpolation will be performed at order {}".format(
-                            method, str(wrap_order), str(wrap_order - 1)
-                        )
+                        f"Interpolation with method {method} is not supported at order {wrap_order}. "
+                        f"and will be performed at order {wrap_order-1}"
                     return _interpolWrapper(x, int(wrap_order - 1), wrap_method)
             elif x.size < 3:
@@ -269,8 +268,7 @@ def interpolateNANs(data, method, order=2, inter_limit=2, downgrade_interpolatio
     data = data.reindex(pre_index)
     if return_chunk_bounds:
         return data, chunk_bounds
-    else:
-        return data
+    else: return data
 def aggregate2Freq(
@@ -280,6 +278,12 @@ def aggregate2Freq(
     # Timestamps that have no values projected on them, get "fill_value" assigned. Also,
     # "fill_value" serves as replacement for "invalid" intervals
+    methods = {
+        "nagg": lambda seconds_total: (seconds_total/2, "left", "left"),
+        "bagg": lambda _: (0, "left", "left"),
+        "fagg": lambda _: (0, "right", "right"),
+    }
     # filter data for invalid patterns (since filtering is expensive we pre-check if it is demanded)
     if (max_invalid_total is not np.inf) | (max_invalid_consec is not np.inf):
         if pd.isnull(fill_value):
@@ -292,24 +296,8 @@ def aggregate2Freq(
         data[temp_mask] = fill_value
-    # some timestamp acrobatics to feed pd.resample`s base keyword properly
     seconds_total = pd.Timedelta(freq).total_seconds()
-    freq_string = str(int(seconds_total)) + "s"
-    if method == "nagg":
-        # all values within a grid points range (+/- freq/2, closed to the left) get aggregated with 'agg method'
-        base = seconds_total / 2
-        label = "left"
-        closed = "left"
-    elif method == "bagg":
-        # all values in a sampling interval get aggregated with agg_method and assigned to the last grid point
-        base = 0
-        label = "left"
-        closed = "left"
-    else:
-        # all values in a sampling interval get aggregated with agg_method and assigned to the next grid point
-        base = 0
-        label = "right"
-        closed = "right"
+    base, label, closed = methods[method](seconds_total)
     # In the following, we check for empty intervals outside resample.apply, because:
     # - resample AND groupBy do insert value zero for empty intervals if resampling with any kind of "sum" application -
@@ -317,23 +305,16 @@ def aggregate2Freq(
     # - we are aggregating data and flags with this function and empty intervals usually would get assigned flagger.BAD
     #   flag (where resample inserts np.nan or 0)
-    data_resampler = data.resample(freq_string, base=base, closed=closed, label=label)
+    data_resampler = data.resample(f"{seconds_total:.0f}s", base=base, closed=closed, label=label)
     empty_intervals = data_resampler.count() == 0
     # great performance gain can be achieved, when avoiding .apply and using pd.resampler
     # methods instead. (this covers all the basic func aggregations, such as median, mean, sum, count, ...)
-        # get rid of nan_prefix attached to numpys nanfuncs ("ignore nan is pointless down here -
-        # resample doesnt pass no nans to the func applied)
-        if agg_func.__name__[:3] == "nan":
-            check_name = agg_func.__name__[3:]
-        else:
-            check_name = agg_func.__name__
-        # another nasty special case: if function "count" was passed, we not want empty intervals to be replaced by nan:
-        if check_name == "count":
+        check_name = re.sub("^nan", "", agg_func.__name__)
+        # a nasty special case: if function "count" was passed, we not want empty intervals to be replaced by nan:
+        if check_name == 'count':
             empty_intervals[:] = False
         data = getattr(data_resampler, check_name)()
     except AttributeError:
         data = data_resampler.apply(agg_func)
@@ -352,26 +333,16 @@ def shift2Freq(data, method, freq, fill_value=np.nan):
     # shift timestamps backwards/forwards in order to allign them with an equidistant
     # frequencie grid.
-    # Shifts
-    if method == "fshift":
-        direction = "ffill"
-        tolerance = pd.Timedelta(freq)
-    elif method == "bshift":
-        direction = "bfill"
-        tolerance = pd.Timedelta(freq)
-    elif method == "nshift":
-        direction = "nearest"
-        tolerance = pd.Timedelta(freq) / 2
-    else:
-        # method == nearest2
-        direction = "nearest"
-        tolerance = pd.Timedelta(freq)
+    methods = {
+        "fshift": lambda freq: ("ffill", pd.Timedelta(freq)),
+        "bshift": lambda freq: ("bfill", pd.Timedelta(freq)),
+        "nshift": lambda freq: ("nearest", pd.Timedelta(freq)/2),
+    }
+    direction, tolerance = methods[method](freq)
     target_ind = pd.date_range(
-        start=data.index[0].floor(freq), end=data.index[-1].ceil(freq), freq=freq, name=data.index.name
+        start=data.index[0].floor(freq), end=data.index[-1].ceil(freq),
+        freq=freq,
+        name=data.index.name
     return data.reindex(target_ind, method=direction, tolerance=tolerance, fill_value=fill_value)
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_generic_config_functions.py b/test/funcs/test_generic_config_functions.py
index d4917d29bf966202418f8adaf548fbdb377698f8..4f4f759903f54f11d96a58720500c1a25c037630 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_generic_config_functions.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_generic_config_functions.py
@@ -216,7 +216,7 @@ def test_isflagged(data, flagger):
     tests = [
         (f"isflagged({var1})", flagger.isFlagged(var1)),
-        (f"isflagged({var1}, BAD)", flagger.isFlagged(var1, flag=flagger.BAD)),
+        (f"isflagged({var1}, BAD)", flagger.isFlagged(var1, flag=flagger.BAD, comparator=">=")),
         (f"isflagged({var1}, UNFLAGGED, '==')", flagger.isFlagged(var1, flag=flagger.UNFLAGGED, comparator="==")),
         (f"~isflagged({var2})", ~flagger.isFlagged(var2)),
         (f"~({var2}>999) & (~isflagged({var2}))", ~(data[var2] > 999) & (~flagger.isFlagged(var2))),