diff --git a/saqc/funcs/functions.py b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
index 91050977a7a231aea840dbd680e6990ab768b949..1bac19c57ca43dc6f00c91952ebb4e3070bcde5a 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/functions.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
@@ -6,9 +6,14 @@ from inspect import signature
 import numpy as np
 import pandas as pd
+import scipy
 import dtw
 import pywt
+import itertools
+import collections
 from mlxtend.evaluate import permutation_test
+from scipy.cluster.hierarchy import linkage, fcluster
 from saqc.lib.tools import groupConsecutives, sesonalMask
@@ -853,3 +858,126 @@ def flagCrossScoring(data, field, flagger, fields, thresh, cross_stat='modZscore
         flagger = flagger.setFlags(var, mask[var], **kwargs)
     return data, flagger
+def flagDriftFromNorm(data, field, flagger, fields, segment_freq, norm_spread, norm_frac=0.5,
+                      metric=lambda x, y: scipy.spatial.distance.pdist(np.array([x, y]),
+                                                                                    metric='cityblock')/len(x),
+                      linkage_method='single', **kwargs):
+    """
+    The function flags value courses that significantly deviate from a group of normal value courses.
+    "Normality" is determined in terms of a maximum spreading distance, that members of a normal group must not exceed.
+    In addition, only a group is considered "normal" if it contains more then `norm_frac` percent of the
+    variables in "fields".
+    See the Notes section for a more detailed presentation of the algorithm
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    data : dios.DictOfSeries
+        A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
+    field : str
+        A dummy parameter.
+    flagger : saqc.flagger
+        A flagger object, holding flags and additional informations related to `data`.
+    fields : str
+        List of fieldnames in data, determining wich variables are to be included into the flagging process.
+    segment_freq : str
+        An offset string, determining the size of the seperate datachunks that the algorihm is to be piecewise
+        applied on.
+    norm_spread : float
+        A parameter limiting the maximum "spread" of the timeseries, allowed in the "normal" group. See Notes section
+        for more details.
+    norm_frac : float, default 0.5
+        Has to be in [0,1]. Determines the minimum percentage of variables, the "normal" group has to comprise to be the
+        normal group actually. The higher that value, the more stable the algorithm will be with respect to false
+        positives. Also, nobody knows what happens, if this value is below 0.5.
+    metric : Callable[(numpyp.array, numpy-array), float]
+        A distance function. It should be a function of 2 1-dimensional arrays and return a float scalar value.
+        This value is interpreted as the distance of the two input arrays. The default is the averaged manhatten metric.
+        See the Notes section to get an idea of why this could be a good choice.
+    linkage_method : {"single", "complete", "average", "weghted", "centroid", "median", "ward"}, default "single"
+        The linkage method used for hierarchical (agglomerative) clustering of the timeseries.
+        See the Notes section for more details.
+        The keyword gets passed on to scipy.hierarchy.linkage. See its documentation to learn more about the different
+        keywords (References [1]).
+        See wikipedia for an introduction to hierarchical clustering (References [2]).
+    kwargs
+    Returns
+    -------
+    data : dios.DictOfSeries
+        A dictionary of pandas.Series, holding all the data.
+    flagger : saqc.flagger
+        The flagger object, holding flags and additional Informations related to `data`.
+        Flags values may have changed relatively to the input flagger.
+    Notes
+    -----
+    following steps are performed for every data "segment" of length `segment_freq` in order to find the
+    "abnormal" data:
+    1. Calculate the distances d(x_i,x_j) for all x_i in parameter `fields` and "d" denoting the distance function
+        passed to the parameter `metric`.
+    2. Calculate a dendogram with a hierarchical linkage algorithm, specified by the parameter `linkage_method`
+    3. Flatten the dendogram at the level, the agglomeration costs exceed the value given by the parameter `norm_spread`
+    4. check if there is a cluster containing more than `norm_frac` percentage of the variables in fields.
+        if yes: flag all the variables that are not in that cluster (inside the segment)
+        if no: flag nothing
+    The main parameter giving control over the algorithms behavior is the `norm_spread` parameter, that determines
+    the maximum spread of a normal group by limiting the costs, a cluster agglomeration must not exceed in every
+    linkage step.
+    For singleton clusters, that costs just equal half the distance, the timeseries in the clusters, have to
+    each other. So, no timeseries can be clustered together, that are more then
+    2*`norm_spread` distanted from each other.
+    When timeseries get clustered together, this new clusters distance to all the other timeseries/clusters is
+    calculated according to the linkage method specified by `linkage_method`. By default, it is the minimum distance,
+    the members of the clusters have to each other.
+    Having that in mind, it is advisable to choose a distance function, that can be well interpreted in the units
+    dimension of the measurement and where the interpretation is invariant over the length of the timeseries.
+    That is, why, the "averaged manhatten metric" is set as the metric default, since it corresponds to the
+    averaged value distance, two timeseries have (as opposed by euclidean, for example).
+    References
+    ----------
+    Documentation of the underlying hierarchical clustering algorithm:
+        [1] https://docs.scipy.org/doc/scipy/reference/generated/scipy.cluster.hierarchy.linkage.html
+    Introduction to Hierarchical clustering:
+        [2] https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Hierarchical_clustering
+    """
+    data_to_flag = data[fields].to_df()
+    data_to_flag.dropna(inplace=True)
+    var_num = len(fields)
+    dist_mat = np.zeros((var_num, var_num))
+    segments = data_to_flag.groupby(pd.Grouper(freq=segment_freq))
+    for segment in segments:
+        combs = list(itertools.combinations(range(0, var_num), 2))
+        if segment[1].shape[0] <= 1:
+            continue
+        for i, j in combs:
+            dist = metric(segment[1].iloc[:, i].values, segment[1].iloc[:, j].values)
+            dist_mat[i, j] = dist
+        condensed = np.abs(dist_mat[tuple(zip(*combs))])
+        Z = linkage(condensed, method=linkage_method)
+        cluster = fcluster(Z, norm_spread, criterion='distance')
+        counts = collections.Counter(cluster)
+        norm_cluster = -1
+        for item in counts.items():
+            if item[1] > norm_frac*var_num:
+                norm_cluster = item[0]
+                break
+        if norm_cluster == -1 or counts[norm_cluster] == var_num:
+            continue
+        drifters = [i for i, x in enumerate(cluster) if x != norm_cluster]
+        for var in drifters:
+            flagger = flagger.setFlags(fields[var], loc=segment[1].index, **kwargs)
+    return data, flagger
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/test/funcs/conftest.py b/test/funcs/conftest.py
index af99fd0df10b0169f72f574af355e23c811aaa21..32017f6b002e30cd3c3bd50ab74854d026b56d4e 100644
--- a/test/funcs/conftest.py
+++ b/test/funcs/conftest.py
@@ -30,6 +30,7 @@ def course_1(char_dict):
         initial_index=pd.Timestamp(2000, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0),
+        name='data'
         t_index = pd.date_range(initial_index, freq=freq, periods=periods)
@@ -41,7 +42,7 @@ def course_1(char_dict):
         char_dict["drop"] = s.index[int(np.floor(len(t_index) / 2) + 1) :]
         char_dict["peak"] = s.index[int(np.floor(len(t_index) / 2)) - 1 : int(np.floor(len(t_index) / 2)) + 1]
-        data = DictOfSeries(data=s, columns=["data"])
+        data = DictOfSeries(data=s, columns=[name])
         return data, char_dict
     return fix_funk
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_functions.py b/test/funcs/test_functions.py
index 711504822f0128a4d01bf41396594a83b21406af..777a60425f64d7e3414fc4605404d8fcb0de4ce2 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_functions.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_functions.py
@@ -219,3 +219,14 @@ def test_flagManual(data, flagger):
         chunk = isflagged.loc[i]
         assert (chunk == expected_value).all()
         last = curr
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("flagger", TESTFLAGGER)
+@pytest.mark.parametrize("dat", [pytest.lazy_fixture("course_1")])
+def test_flagDriftFromNormal(dat, flagger):
+    data = dat(periods=200, peak_level=5, name='d1')[0]
+    data['d2'] = dat(periods=200, peak_level=10, name='d2')[0]['d2']
+    data['d3'] = dat(periods=200, peak_level=100, name='d3')[0]['d3']
+    flagger = flagger.initFlags(data)
+    data, flagger = flagDriftFromNorm(data, 'dummy', flagger, ['d1', 'd2', 'd3'], segment_freq="200min",
+                                      norm_spread=5)
+    assert flagger.isFlagged()['d3'].all()
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_harm_funcs.py b/test/funcs/test_harm_funcs.py
index 2717e3e3b9d2e100017f708fe6e0cbdd8576cfd9..d8825f9689c4c7108b53e9dc22772d203449ab04 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_harm_funcs.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_harm_funcs.py
@@ -48,16 +48,13 @@ def test_harmSingleVarIntermediateFlagging(data, flagger, reshaper):
     pre_data = data.copy()
     pre_flags = flagger.getFlags()
     freq = "15min"
     assert len(data.columns) == 1
     field = data.columns[0]
     data, flagger = harm_linear2Grid(data, "data", flagger, freq)
     # flag something bad
     flagger = flagger.setFlags("data", loc=data[field].index[3:4])
     data, flagger = harm_deharmonize(data, "data", flagger, method="inverse_" + reshaper)
     d = data[field]
     if reshaper == "nagg":
         assert flagger.isFlagged(loc=d.index[3:7]).squeeze().all()
         assert (~flagger.isFlagged(loc=d.index[0:3]).squeeze()).all()