From ea9bac69858fa6ae1e0377bb55bc30ac4711e2b7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Peter Luenenschloss <>
Date: Thu, 11 Jul 2019 16:48:28 +0200
Subject: [PATCH] flagSoilMoistureByBreakDetection implemented

 saqc/funcs/ | 59 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---
 1 file changed, 55 insertions(+), 4 deletions(-)

diff --git a/saqc/funcs/ b/saqc/funcs/
index 3557dfbba..aa1cb9388 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/
+++ b/saqc/funcs/
@@ -210,7 +210,7 @@ def flagSoilMoistureByPrecipitationEvents(data, flags, field, flagger, prec_refe
               'The reference variable {} is either not part of the passed data frame, or the value is not registered to'
               ' the flags frame. To register it to the flags frame and thus, make it available for reference within '
               'tests, you need to run at least one single target test on it. The test will be skipped.'
-              .format(soil_temp_reference))
+              .format(prec_reference))
         return data, flags
     # retrieve input sampling rate (needed to translate ref and data rates into each other):
@@ -313,7 +313,7 @@ def flagSoilMoistureBySpikeDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_
        :param noise_barrier:               A float, determining the bound, the data noisy-ness around a potential spike
                                            should not exceed, in order to guarantee a justifyed judgement:
-                                           There for the coefficient of variation (COVA) of all values in a certain window
+                                           Therefor the coefficient of variation (COVA) of all values in a certain window
                                            around the datapoint (controlled by param noise_window,
                                            but excluding the point itself, is evaluated and tested
                                            for: COVA < noise_barrier.
@@ -329,9 +329,11 @@ def flagSoilMoistureBySpikeDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_
         dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data, flags, flagger)
         dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data[field], flags[field], flagger)
     # abort processing if original series has no valid entries!
     if data_rate is np.nan:
         return data, flags
     # normalize data if nessecary
     if ~normalized_data:
@@ -347,8 +349,10 @@ def flagSoilMoistureBySpikeDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_
     smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil((filter_window_seconds / data_rate.n)))
     lower_dev_bound = 1 - dev_cont_factor
     upper_dev_bound = 1 + dev_cont_factor
     if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
         smoothing_periods += 1
     for spike in spikes.index:
         start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
         end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
@@ -358,13 +362,16 @@ def flagSoilMoistureBySpikeDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_
         length = scnd_derivate.size
         test_ratio_1 = np.abs(scnd_derivate[int((length-1) / 2)] / scnd_derivate[int((length+1) / 2)])
         if lower_dev_bound < test_ratio_1 < upper_dev_bound:
             start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
             end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
             test_slice = dataseries[start_slice:end_slice].drop(spike)
             test_ratio_2 = np.abs(test_slice.var() / test_slice.mean())
             if test_ratio_2 > noise_barrier:
                 spikes[spike] = False
             spikes[spike] = False
@@ -373,7 +380,7 @@ def flagSoilMoistureBySpikeDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_
     return data, flags
-def flagSoilMoistureByBreakDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, **kwargs):
+def flagSoilMoistureByBreakDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_size='3h', **kwargs):
@@ -395,4 +402,48 @@ def flagSoilMoistureByBreakDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, **kwargs):
     if data_rate is np.nan:
         return data, flags
-    dataseries_shifted = dataseries.shift(+1)
+    # relative - change - break criteria testing:
+    abs_change = np.abs(dataseries.shift(+1) - dataseries)
+    breaks = (abs_change > 0.01) & (abs_change / dataseries > 0.1)
+    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
+    # First derivative criterion
+    filter_window_seconds = pd.Timedelta.total_seconds(pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size))
+    smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil((filter_window_seconds / data_rate.n)))
+    if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
+        smoothing_periods += 1
+    for brake in breaks.index:
+        # slice out slice-to-be-filtered (with some safety extension of 3 hours)
+        slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta('12h') -pd.Timedelta('3h')
+        slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta('12h') + pd.Timedelta('3h')
+        data_slice = dataseries[slice_start:slice_end]
+        first_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
+                                                         window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                                         polyorder=2,
+                                                         deriv=1),
+                                      index=data_slice.index)
+        # condition constructing and testing:
+        test_sum = abs((first_deri_series[brake - pd.Timedelta('12h'):brake + pd.Timedelta('12h')].sum()*10)
+                       / first_deri_series.size)
+        if abs(first_deri_series[brake]) > test_sum:
+            # second derivative criterion:
+            slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta('3h')
+            slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta('3h')
+            data_slice = data_slice[slice_start:slice_end]
+            second_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
+                                                             window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                                             polyorder=2,
+                                                             deriv=2),
+                                          index=data_slice.index)
+            # criterion evaluation:
+            first_second = 0.95 < abs((second_deri_series[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake])) < 1.05
+            second_second = second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-2)[brake] > 10
+            if (~ first_second) | (~ second_second):
+                breaks[brake] = False
+        else:
+            breaks[brake] = False
+    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
+    flags.loc[breaks.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[breaks.index, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags