diff --git a/saqc/funcs/break_detection.py b/saqc/funcs/break_detection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac410a9ff707d92e11aa0de03db5b4b918ef46a8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saqc/funcs/break_detection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,200 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
+from .functions import (
+    register)
+from ..lib.tools import (
+    retrieveTrustworthyOriginal,
+    getPandasVarNames,
+    getPandasData,
+    offset2periods,
+    checkQCParameters)
+def flagBreaks_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
+                             rel_change_rate_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
+                             first_der_window_size='12h', scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
+                             scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
+    """ This Function is an generalization of the Spectrum based break flagging mechanism as presented in:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    The function flags breaks (jumps/drops) in input measurement series by evaluating its derivatives.
+    A measurement y_t is flagged a, break, if:
+    (1) y_t is changing relatively to its preceeding value by at least (100*rel_change_rate_min) percent
+    (2) y_(t-1) is difffering from its preceeding value, by a margin of at least "abs_change_min"
+    (3) Absolute first derivative |(y_t)'| has to be at least "first_der_factor" times as big as the arithmetic middle
+        over all the first derivative values within a 2 times "first_der_window_size" hours window, centered at t.
+    (4) The ratio of the second derivatives at t and t+1 has to be "aproximately" 1.
+        ([1-scnd__der_ration_margin_1, 1+scnd_ratio_margin_1])
+    (5) The ratio of the second derivatives at t+1 and t+2 has to be larger than scnd_der_ratio_margin_2
+    NOTE 1: As no reliable statement about the plausibility of the meassurements before and after the jump is possible,
+    only the jump itself is flagged. For flagging constant values following upon a jump, use a flagConstants test.
+    NOTE 2: All derivatives in the reference publication are obtained by applying a Savitzky-Golay filter to the data
+    before differentiating. However, i was not able to reproduce satisfaction of all the conditions for synthetically
+    constructed breaks.
+    Especially condition [4] and [5]! This is because smoothing distributes the harshness of the break over the
+    smoothing window. Since just taking the differences as derivatives did work well for my empirical data set,
+    the parameter "diff_method" defaults to "raw". That means, that derivatives will be obtained by just using the
+    differences series.
+    You are free of course, to change this parameter to "savgol" and play around with the associated filter options.
+    (see parameter description below)
+       :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
+                                           Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
+                                           time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
+       :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
+       :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+       :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
+       :param diff_method:                 String. Method for obtaining dataseries' derivatives.
+                                           'raw': Just take series step differences (default)
+                                           'savgol': Smooth data with a Savitzky Golay Filter before differentiating.
+       :param filter_window_size:          Offset string. Size of the filter window, used to calculate the derivatives.
+                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
+       :param smooth_poly_order:           Integer. Polynomial order, used for smoothing with savitzk golay filter.
+                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
+       :param rel_change_rate_min          Float in [0,1]. See (1) of function descritpion above to learn more
+       :param abs_change_min               Float > 0. See (2) of function descritpion above to learn more.
+       :param first_der_factor             Float > 0. See (3) of function descritpion above to learn more.
+       :param first_der_window_size        Offset_String. See (3) of function description to learn more.
+       :param scnd_der_ratio_margin_1      Float in [0,1]. See (4) of function descritpion above to learn more.
+       :param scnd_der_ratio_margin_2      Float in [0,1]. See (5) of function descritpion above to learn more.
+    """
+    # retrieve data series input at its original sampling rate
+    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
+                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
+                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
+                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
+                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
+                                      'field': {'value': field,
+                                                'type': [str],
+                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in
+                                                          getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, flags),
+                                                        flagger)
+    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'diff_method': {'value': diff_method,
+                                                      'member': ['raw', 'savgol']},
+                                      'filter_window_size': {'value': filter_window_size,
+                                                             'type': [str],
+                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'first_der_window_size': {'value': first_der_window_size,
+                                                                'type': [str],
+                                                                'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'smooth_poly_order': {'value': smooth_poly_order,
+                                                            'type': [int],
+                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'rel_change_rate_min': {'value': rel_change_rate_min,
+                                                              'type': [int, float],
+                                                              'range': [0, 1]},
+                                      'scnd_der_ratio_margin_1': {'value': scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
+                                                                  'type': [int, float],
+                                                                  'range': [0, 1]},
+                                      'scnd_der_ratio_margin_2': {'value': scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
+                                                                  'type': [int, float],
+                                                                  'range': [0, 1]},
+                                      'abs_change_min': {'value': abs_change_min,
+                                                         'type': [int, float],
+                                                         'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'first_der_factor': {'value': first_der_factor,
+                                                           'type': [int, float],
+                                                           'range': [0, np.inf]}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
+        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
+                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
+        return data, flags
+    # relative - change - break criteria testing:
+    abs_change = np.abs(dataseries.shift(+1) - dataseries)
+    breaks = (abs_change > abs_change_min) & (abs_change / dataseries > rel_change_rate_min)
+    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
+    # First derivative criterion
+    smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil(offset2periods(filter_window_size, data_rate)))
+    if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
+        smoothing_periods += 1
+    for brake in breaks.index:
+        # slice out slice-to-be-filtered (with some safety extension of 3 hours)
+        slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size) - pd.Timedelta('3h')
+        slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size) + pd.Timedelta('3h')
+        data_slice = dataseries[slice_start:slice_end]
+        # obtain first derivative:
+        if diff_method == 'savgol':
+            first_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
+                                          window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                          polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
+                                          deriv=1),
+                                          index=data_slice.index)
+        if diff_method == 'raw':
+            first_deri_series = data_slice.diff()
+        # condition constructing and testing:
+        test_slice = first_deri_series[brake - pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size):
+                                       brake + pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size)]
+        test_sum = abs((test_slice.sum()*first_der_factor) / test_slice.size)
+        if abs(first_deri_series[brake]) > test_sum:
+            # second derivative criterion:
+            slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta('3h')
+            slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta('3h')
+            data_slice = data_slice[slice_start:slice_end]
+            # obtain second derivative:
+            if diff_method == 'savgol':
+                second_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
+                                               window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                               polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
+                                               deriv=2),
+                                               index=data_slice.index)
+            if diff_method == 'raw':
+                second_deri_series = data_slice.diff().diff()
+            # criterion evaluation:
+            first_second = (1 - scnd_der_ratio_margin_1) < \
+                            abs((second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-2)[brake])) < \
+                            1 + scnd_der_ratio_margin_1
+            second_second = abs(second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-2)[brake]) > \
+                            scnd_der_ratio_margin_2
+            if (~ first_second) | (~ second_second):
+                breaks[brake] = False
+        else:
+            breaks[brake] = False
+    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
+    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
+        flags.loc[breaks.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[breaks.index], **kwargs)
+    else:
+        flags.loc[breaks.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[breaks.index, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py b/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..51e43ffb6c9b1ba2f55830f52491259008780a7b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saqc/funcs/constants_detection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,132 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from .functions import (
+    register)
+from ..lib.tools import (
+    valueRange,
+    slidingWindowIndices,
+    retrieveTrustworthyOriginal,
+    getPandasVarNames,
+    getPandasData,
+    offset2periods,
+    checkQCParameters)
+def flagConstant(data, flags, field, flagger, eps,
+                 length, thmin=None, **kwargs):
+    datacol = data[field]
+    flagcol = flags[field]
+    length = ((pd.to_timedelta(length) - data.index.freq)
+              .to_timedelta64()
+              .astype(np.int64))
+    values = (datacol
+              .mask((datacol < thmin) | datacol.isnull())
+              .values
+              .astype(np.int64))
+    dates = datacol.index.values.astype(np.int64)
+    mask = np.isfinite(values)
+    for start_idx, end_idx in slidingWindowIndices(datacol.index, length):
+        mask_chunk = mask[start_idx:end_idx]
+        values_chunk = values[start_idx:end_idx][mask_chunk]
+        dates_chunk = dates[start_idx:end_idx][mask_chunk]
+        # we might have removed dates from the start/end of the
+        # chunk resulting in a period shorter than 'length'
+        # print (start_idx, end_idx)
+        if valueRange(dates_chunk) < length:
+            continue
+        if valueRange(values_chunk) < eps:
+            flagcol[start_idx:end_idx] = flagger.setFlags(flagcol[start_idx:end_idx], **kwargs)
+    data[field] = datacol
+    flags[field] = flagcol
+    return data, flags
+def flagConstants_VarianceBased(data, flags, field, flagger, plateau_window_min='12h', plateau_var_limit=0.0005,
+                                **kwargs):
+    """Function flags plateaus/series of constant values. Any interval of values y(t),..y(t+n) is flagged, if:
+    (1) n > "plateau_interval_min"
+    (2) variance(y(t),...,y(t+n) < plateau_var_limit
+    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
+                                        Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
+                                        time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
+    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
+    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
+    :param plateau_window_min:          Offset String. Only intervals of minimum size "plateau_window_min" have the
+                                        chance to get flagged as constant intervals
+    :param plateau_var_limit:           Float. The upper barrier, the variance of an interval mus not exceed, if the
+                                        interval wants to be flagged a plateau.
+    """
+    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
+                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
+                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
+                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
+                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
+                                      'field': {'value': field,
+                                                'type': [str],
+                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data':
+                                                          lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, field), flagger)
+    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'plateau_window_min': {'value': plateau_window_min,
+                                                             'type': [str],
+                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'plateau_var_limit': {'value': plateau_var_limit,
+                                                            'type': [int, float],
+                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'data_rate':          {'value': data_rate,
+                                                             'tests': {'not nan': lambda x: x is not np.nan}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
+        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
+                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
+        return data, flags
+    min_periods = int(offset2periods(plateau_window_min, data_rate))
+    # identify minimal plateaus:
+    plateaus = dataseries.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x: (x.var() > plateau_var_limit) |
+                                                                             (x.size < min_periods), raw=False)
+    plateaus = (~plateaus.astype(bool))
+    # are there any candidates for beeing flagged plateau-ish
+    if plateaus.sum() == 0:
+        return data, flags
+    # nice reverse trick to cover total interval size
+    plateaus_reverse = pd.Series(np.flip(plateaus.values), index=plateaus.index)
+    reverse_check = plateaus_reverse.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(
+        lambda x: True if True in x.values else False, raw=False).astype(bool)
+    # result:
+    plateaus = pd.Series(np.flip(reverse_check.values), index=plateaus.index)
+    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
+        flags.loc[plateaus.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[plateaus.index, field], **kwargs)
+    else:
+        flags.loc[plateaus.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[plateaus.index], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/functions.py b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
index adf1fc53dfaa7088d67481ad3ba03190f104356b..44ce9aaea2b8a5923450cec91874cbbbff5547c0 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/functions.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/functions.py
@@ -1,25 +1,9 @@
 #! /usr/bin/env python
 # -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
-import logging
 from functools import partial
 import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd
-from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
-from ..lib.tools import (
-    valueRange,
-    slidingWindowIndices,
-    inferFrequency,
-    estimateSamplingRate,
-    retrieveTrustworthyOriginal,
-    getPandasVarNames,
-    getPandasData,
-    offset2periods,
-    offset2seconds,
-    checkQCParameters)
 from ..dsl import evalExpression
 from ..core.config import Params
@@ -71,926 +55,9 @@ def flagGeneric(data, flags, field, flagger, nodata=np.nan, **kwargs):
     return data, flags
-def flagConstant(data, flags, field, flagger, eps,
-                 length, thmin=None, **kwargs):
-    datacol = data[field]
-    flagcol = flags[field]
-    length = ((pd.to_timedelta(length) - data.index.freq)
-              .to_timedelta64()
-              .astype(np.int64))
-    values = (datacol
-              .mask((datacol < thmin) | datacol.isnull())
-              .values
-              .astype(np.int64))
-    dates = datacol.index.values.astype(np.int64)
-    mask = np.isfinite(values)
-    for start_idx, end_idx in slidingWindowIndices(datacol.index, length):
-        mask_chunk = mask[start_idx:end_idx]
-        values_chunk = values[start_idx:end_idx][mask_chunk]
-        dates_chunk = dates[start_idx:end_idx][mask_chunk]
-        # we might have removed dates from the start/end of the
-        # chunk resulting in a period shorter than 'length'
-        # print (start_idx, end_idx)
-        if valueRange(dates_chunk) < length:
-            continue
-        if valueRange(values_chunk) < eps:
-            flagcol[start_idx:end_idx] = flagger.setFlags(flagcol[start_idx:end_idx], **kwargs)
-    data[field] = datacol
-    flags[field] = flagcol
-    return data, flags
 def flagRange(data, flags, field, flagger, min, max, **kwargs):
     datacol = data[field].values
     mask = (datacol < min) | (datacol >= max)
     flags.loc[mask, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[mask, field], **kwargs)
     return data, flags
-def flagMad(data, flags, field, flagger, length, z, freq=None, **kwargs):
-    d = data[field].copy()
-    freq = inferFrequency(d) if freq is None else freq
-    if freq is None:
-        raise ValueError("freqency cannot inferred, provide `freq` as a param to mad().")
-    winsz = int(pd.to_timedelta(length) / freq)
-    median = d.rolling(window=winsz, center=True, closed='both').median()
-    diff = abs(d - median)
-    mad = diff.rolling(window=winsz, center=True, closed='both').median()
-    mask = (mad > 0) & (0.6745 * diff > z * mad)
-    flags.loc[mask, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[mask, field], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagConstants_VarianceBased(data, flags, field, flagger, plateau_window_min='12h',
-                                         plateau_var_limit=0.0005, **kwargs):
-    """Function flags plateaus/series of constant values. Any interval of values y(t),..y(t+n) is flagged, if:
-    (1) n > "plateau_interval_min"
-    (2) variance(y(t),...,y(t+n) < plateau_var_limit
-    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
-                                        Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
-                                        time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
-    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
-    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-    :param plateau_window_min:          Offset String. Only intervals of minimum size "plateau_window_min" have the
-                                        chance to get flagged as constant intervals
-    :param plateau_var_limit:           Float. The upper barrier, the variance of an interval mus not exceed, if the
-                                        interval wants to be flagged a plateau.
-    """
-    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
-                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
-                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
-                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
-                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
-                                      'field': {'value': field,
-                                                'type': [str]},
-                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), flags, flagger)
-    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'plateau_window_min': {'value': plateau_window_min,
-                                                             'type': [str],
-                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'plateau_var_limit': {'value': plateau_var_limit,
-                                                            'type': [int, float],
-                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'data_rate':          {'value': data_rate,
-                                                             'tests': {'not nan': lambda x: x is not np.nan}}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
-        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
-                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
-        return data, flags
-    min_periods = int(offset2periods(plateau_window_min, data_rate))
-    # identify minimal plateaus:
-    plateaus = dataseries.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x: (x.var() > plateau_var_limit) |
-                                                                             (x.size < min_periods), raw=False)
-    plateaus = (~plateaus.astype(bool))
-    # are there any candidates for beeing flagged plateau-ish
-    if plateaus.sum() == 0:
-        return data, flags
-    # nice reverse trick to cover total interval size
-    plateaus_reverse = pd.Series(np.flip(plateaus.values), index=plateaus.index)
-    reverse_check = plateaus_reverse.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(
-        lambda x: True if True in x.values else False, raw=False).astype(bool)
-    # result:
-    plateaus = pd.Series(np.flip(reverse_check.values), index=plateaus.index)
-    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
-        flags.loc[plateaus.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[plateaus.index, field], **kwargs)
-    else:
-        flags.loc[plateaus.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[plateaus.index], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagSpikes_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
-                             raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2, noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size='12h',
-                             noise_statistic='CoVar', smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
-    """This Function is an generalization of the Spectrum based Spike flagging mechanism as presented in:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    Function detects and flags spikes in input data series by evaluating its derivatives and applying some
-    conditions to it. A datapoint is considered a spike, if:
-    (1) the quotient to its preceeding datapoint exceeds a certain bound
-    (controlled by param "raise_factor")
-    (2) the quotient of the datas second derivate at the preceeding and subsequent timestamps is close enough to 1.
-    (controlled by param "dev_cont_factor")
-    (3) the surrounding data is not too noisy. (Coefficient of Variation[+/- noise_window] < 1)
-    (controlled by param "noise_barrier")
-    Some things you should be conscious about when applying this test:
-       NOTE1: You should run less complex tests, especially range-tests, or absolute spike tests previously to this one,
-       since the spike check for any potential, unflagged spike, is relatively costly
-       (1 x smoothing + 2 x deviating + 2 x condition application).
-       NOTE2: Due to inconsistency in the paper that provided the concept of this test [paper:], its not really clear
-       weather to use the coefficient of variance or the relative variance for noise testing.
-       Since the relative variance was explicitly denoted in the formulas, the function defaults to relative variance,
-       but can be switched to coefficient of variance, by assignment to parameter "noise statistic".
-       NOTE3: All derivatives in the reference publication are obtained by applying a Savitzky-Golay filter to the data
-       before differentiating. For the break detection algorithm in this publication,
-       some of the conditions didnt work well with smoothed derivatives.
-       This is because smoothing distributes the harshness of breaks and jumps over the
-       smoothing window and makes it "smoother".
-       Since just taking the differences as derivatives did work well for my empirical data set,
-       the parameter "diff_method" defaults to "raw". That means, that derivatives will be obtained by just using the
-       differences series.
-       You are free of course, to change this parameter to "savgol" and play around with the associated filter options.
-       (see parameter description below)
-       :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
-                                           Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
-                                           time raster with seconds precision.
-       :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
-       :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-       :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-       :param diff_method:                 String. Method for obtaining dataseries' derivatives.
-                                           'raw': Just take series step differences (default)
-                                           'savgol': Smooth data with a Savitzky Golay Filter before differentiating.
-       :param filter_window_size:          Offset string. Size of the filter window, used to calculate the derivatives.
-                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
-       :param smooth_poly_order:           Integer. Polynomial order, used for smoothing with savitzk golay filter.
-                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
-       :param raise_factor:                A float, determinating the bound, the quotient of two consecutive values
-                                           has to exceed, to be regarded as potentially spike. A value of 0.x will
-                                           trigger the spike test for value y_t, if:
-                                           (y_t)/(y_t-1) > 1 + x or:
-                                           (y_t)/(y_t-1) < 1 - x.
-       :param dev_cont_factor:             A float, determining the interval, the quotient of the datas second derivate
-                                           around a potential spike has to be part of, to trigger spike flagging for
-                                           this value. A datapoint y_t will pass this spike condition if,
-                                           for dev_cont_factor = 0.x, and the second derivative y'' of y, the condition:
-                                           1 - x < abs((y''_t-1)/(y''_t+1)) < 1 + x
-                                           holds
-       :param noise_barrier:               A float, determining the bound, the data noisy-ness around a potential spike
-                                           must not exceed, in order to guarantee a justifyed judgement:
-                                           Therefor the coefficient selected by parameter noise_statistic (COVA),
-                                           of all values within t +/- param "noise_window",
-                                           but excluding the point y_t itself, is evaluated and tested
-                                           for: COVA < noise_barrier.
-       :param noise_window_size:           Offset string, determining the size of the window, the coefficient of variation
-                                           is calculated of, to determine data noisy-ness around a potential spike.
-                                           The potential spike y_t will be centered in a window of expansion:
-                                           [y_t - noise_window_size, y_t + noise_window_size].
-       :param noise_statistic:             STRING. Determines, wheather to use
-                                           "relative variance" or "coefficient of variation" to check against the noise
-                                           barrier.
-                                           'CoVar' -> "Coefficient of variation"
-                                           'rVar'  -> "relative Variance"
-    """
-    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
-                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
-                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
-                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
-                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
-                                      'field': {'value': field,
-                                                'type': [str],
-                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, field), flagger)
-    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'diff_method': {'value': diff_method,
-                                                      'member': ['raw', 'savgol']},
-                                      'noise_statistic': {'value': noise_statistic,
-                                                          'member': ['CoVar', 'rVar']},
-                                      'filter_window_size': {'value': filter_window_size,
-                                                             'type': [str],
-                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'noise_window_size': {'value': noise_window_size,
-                                                            'type': [str],
-                                                            'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'smooth_poly_order': {'value': smooth_poly_order,
-                                                            'type': [int],
-                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'raise_factor': {'value': raise_factor,
-                                                       'type': [int, float],
-                                                       'range': [0, 1]},
-                                      'noise_barrier': {'value': noise_barrier,
-                                                        'type': [int, float],
-                                                        'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'dev_cont_factor': {'value': dev_cont_factor,
-                                                          'type': [int, float],
-                                                          'range': [0, 1]}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    # retrieve data series input at its original sampling rate
-    # (Note: case distinction for pure series input to avoid error resulting from trying to access pd.Series[field]
-    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
-        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
-                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
-        return data, flags
-    # retrieve noise statistic
-    if noise_statistic == 'CoVar':
-        noise_func = pd.Series.var
-    if noise_statistic == 'rVar':
-        noise_func = pd.Series.std
-    quotient_series = dataseries/dataseries.shift(+1)
-    spikes = (quotient_series > (1 + raise_factor)) | (quotient_series < (1 - raise_factor))
-    spikes = spikes[spikes == True]
-    # loop through spikes: (loop may sound ugly - but since the number of spikes is supposed to not exceed the
-    # thousands for year data - a loop going through all the spikes instances is much faster than
-    # a rolling window, rolling all through a stacked year dataframe )
-    # calculate some values, repeatedly needed in the course of the loop:
-    filter_window_seconds = offset2seconds(filter_window_size)
-    smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil((filter_window_seconds / data_rate.n)))
-    lower_dev_bound = 1 - dev_cont_factor
-    upper_dev_bound = 1 + dev_cont_factor
-    if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-        smoothing_periods += 1
-    for spike in spikes.index:
-        start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        if diff_method == 'savgol':
-            scnd_derivate = savgol_filter(dataseries[start_slice:end_slice],
-                                          window_length=smoothing_periods,
-                                          polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
-                                          deriv=2)
-        if diff_method == 'raw':
-            scnd_derivative = dataseries[start_slice:end_slice].diff().diff()
-        length = scnd_derivate.size
-        test_ratio_1 = np.abs(scnd_derivate[int((length-1) / 2)] / scnd_derivate[int((length+1) / 2)])
-        if lower_dev_bound < test_ratio_1 < upper_dev_bound:
-            # apply noise condition:
-            start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
-            end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
-            test_slice = dataseries[start_slice:end_slice].drop(spike)
-            test_ratio_2 = np.abs(noise_func(test_slice) / test_slice.mean())
-            # not a spike, we want to flag, if condition not satisfied:
-            if test_ratio_2 > noise_barrier:
-                spikes[spike] = False
-        # not a spike, we want to flag, if condition not satisfied
-        else:
-            spikes[spike] = False
-    spikes = spikes[spikes == True]
-    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
-        flags.loc[spikes.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[spikes.index, field], **kwargs)
-    else:
-        flags.loc[spikes.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[spikes.index], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagBreaks_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
-                             rel_change_rate_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
-                             first_der_window_size='12h', scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
-                             scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
-    """ This Function is an generalization of the Spectrum based break flagging mechanism as presented in:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    The function flags breaks (jumps/drops) in input measurement series by evaluating its derivatives.
-    A measurement y_t is flagged a, break, if:
-    (1) y_t is changing relatively to its preceeding value by at least (100*rel_change_rate_min) percent
-    (2) y_(t-1) is difffering from its preceeding value, by a margin of at least "abs_change_min"
-    (3) Absolute first derivative |(y_t)'| has to be at least "first_der_factor" times as big as the arithmetic middle
-        over all the first derivative values within a 2 times "first_der_window_size" hours window, centered at t.
-    (4) The ratio of the second derivatives at t and t+1 has to be "aproximately" 1.
-        ([1-scnd__der_ration_margin_1, 1+scnd_ratio_margin_1])
-    (5) The ratio of the second derivatives at t+1 and t+2 has to be larger than scnd_der_ratio_margin_2
-    NOTE 1: As no reliable statement about the plausibility of the meassurements before and after the jump is possible,
-    only the jump itself is flagged. For flagging constant values following upon a jump, use a flagConstants test.
-    NOTE 2: All derivatives in the reference publication are obtained by applying a Savitzky-Golay filter to the data
-    before differentiating. However, i was not able to reproduce satisfaction of all the conditions for synthetically
-    constructed breaks.
-    Especially condition [4] and [5]! This is because smoothing distributes the harshness of the break over the
-    smoothing window. Since just taking the differences as derivatives did work well for my empirical data set,
-    the parameter "diff_method" defaults to "raw". That means, that derivatives will be obtained by just using the
-    differences series.
-    You are free of course, to change this parameter to "savgol" and play around with the associated filter options.
-    (see parameter description below)
-       :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
-                                           Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
-                                           time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
-       :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
-       :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-       :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-       :param diff_method:                 String. Method for obtaining dataseries' derivatives.
-                                           'raw': Just take series step differences (default)
-                                           'savgol': Smooth data with a Savitzky Golay Filter before differentiating.
-       :param filter_window_size:          Offset string. Size of the filter window, used to calculate the derivatives.
-                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
-       :param smooth_poly_order:           Integer. Polynomial order, used for smoothing with savitzk golay filter.
-                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
-       :param rel_change_rate_min          Float in [0,1]. See (1) of function descritpion above to learn more
-       :param abs_change_min               Float > 0. See (2) of function descritpion above to learn more.
-       :param first_der_factor             Float > 0. See (3) of function descritpion above to learn more.
-       :param first_der_window_size        Offset_String. See (3) of function description to learn more.
-       :param scnd_der_ratio_margin_1      Float in [0,1]. See (4) of function descritpion above to learn more.
-       :param scnd_der_ratio_margin_2      Float in [0,1]. See (5) of function descritpion above to learn more.
-    """
-    # retrieve data series input at its original sampling rate
-    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
-                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
-                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
-                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
-                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
-                                      'field': {'value': field,
-                                                'type': [str],
-                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, flags), flagger)
-    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'diff_method': {'value': diff_method,
-                                                      'member': ['raw', 'savgol']},
-                                      'filter_window_size': {'value': filter_window_size,
-                                                             'type': [str],
-                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'first_der_window_size': {'value': first_der_window_size,
-                                                                'type': [str],
-                                                                'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'smooth_poly_order': {'value': smooth_poly_order,
-                                                            'type': [int],
-                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'rel_change_rate_min': {'value': rel_change_rate_min,
-                                                              'type': [int, float],
-                                                              'range': [0, 1]},
-                                      'scnd_der_ratio_margin_1': {'value': scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
-                                                                  'type': [int, float],
-                                                                  'range': [0, 1]},
-                                      'scnd_der_ratio_margin_2': {'value': scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
-                                                                  'type': [int, float],
-                                                                  'range': [0, 1]},
-                                      'abs_change_min': {'value': abs_change_min,
-                                                         'type': [int, float],
-                                                         'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'first_der_factor': {'value': first_der_factor,
-                                                           'type': [int, float],
-                                                           'range': [0, np.inf]}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
-        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
-                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
-        return data, flags
-    # relative - change - break criteria testing:
-    abs_change = np.abs(dataseries.shift(+1) - dataseries)
-    breaks = (abs_change > abs_change_min) & (abs_change / dataseries > rel_change_rate_min)
-    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
-    # First derivative criterion
-    smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil(offset2periods(filter_window_size, data_rate)))
-    if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-        smoothing_periods += 1
-    for brake in breaks.index:
-        # slice out slice-to-be-filtered (with some safety extension of 3 hours)
-        slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size) -pd.Timedelta('3h')
-        slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size) + pd.Timedelta('3h')
-        data_slice = dataseries[slice_start:slice_end]
-        # obtain first derivative:
-        if diff_method == 'savgol':
-            first_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
-                                          window_length=smoothing_periods,
-                                          polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
-                                          deriv=1),
-                                          index=data_slice.index)
-        if diff_method == 'raw':
-            first_deri_series = data_slice.diff()
-        # condition constructing and testing:
-        test_slice = first_deri_series[brake - pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size):
-                                       brake + pd.Timedelta(first_der_window_size)]
-        test_sum = abs((test_slice.sum()*first_der_factor) / test_slice.size)
-        if abs(first_deri_series[brake]) > test_sum:
-            # second derivative criterion:
-            slice_start = brake - pd.Timedelta('3h')
-            slice_end = brake + pd.Timedelta('3h')
-            data_slice = data_slice[slice_start:slice_end]
-            # obtain second derivative:
-            if diff_method == 'savgol':
-                second_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
-                                               window_length=smoothing_periods,
-                                               polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
-                                               deriv=2),
-                                               index=data_slice.index)
-            if diff_method == 'raw':
-                second_deri_series = data_slice.diff().diff()
-            # criterion evaluation:
-            first_second = (1 - scnd_der_ratio_margin_1) \
-                           < abs((second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-2)[brake])) \
-                           < 1 + scnd_der_ratio_margin_1
-            second_second = abs(second_deri_series.shift(-1)[brake] / second_deri_series.shift(-2)[brake]) \
-                            > scnd_der_ratio_margin_2
-            if (~ first_second) | (~ second_second):
-                breaks[brake] = False
-        else:
-            breaks[brake] = False
-    breaks = breaks[breaks == True]
-    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
-        flags.loc[breaks.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[breaks.index], **kwargs)
-    else:
-        flags.loc[breaks.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[breaks.index, field], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagSoilMoistureSpikes(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_size='3h',
-                             raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2, noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size='12h',
-                             noise_statistic='CoVar', **kwargs):
-    """
-    The Function provides just a call to flagSpikes_SpektrumBased, with parameter defaults, that refer to:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    """
-    return flagSpikes_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_size=filter_window_size,
-                                    raise_factor=raise_factor, dev_cont_factor=dev_cont_factor,
-                                    noise_barrier=noise_barrier, noise_window_size=noise_window_size,
-                                    noise_statistic=noise_statistic, **kwargs)
-def flagSoilMoistureBreaks(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
-                           rel_change_rate_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
-                           first_der_window_size='12h', scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
-                           scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
-    """
-    The Function provides just a call to flagBreaks_SpektrumBased, with parameter defaults that refer to:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    """
-    return flagBreaks_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method=diff_method,
-                                    filter_window_size=filter_window_size,
-                                    rel_change_rate_min=rel_change_rate_min, abs_change_min=abs_change_min,
-                                    first_der_factor=first_der_factor, first_der_window_size=first_der_window_size,
-                                    scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
-                                    scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=scnd_der_ratio_margin_2,
-                                    smooth_poly_order=smooth_poly_order, **kwargs)
-def flagSoilMoistureBySoilFrost(data, flags, field, flagger, soil_temp_reference, tolerated_deviation='1h',
-                                frost_level=0, **kwargs):
-    """This Function is an implementation of the soil temperature based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication.
-    Function flags Soil moisture measurements by evaluating the soil-frost-level in the moment of measurement.
-    Soil temperatures below "frost_level" are regarded as denoting frozen soil state.
-    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged, as well as the reference
-                                        series. Data must be indexed by a datetime series.
-    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries of "data"
-    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object.
-                                        like thingies that refer to the data(including datestrings).
-    :param tolerated_deviation:         Offset String. Denoting the maximal temporal deviation,
-                                        the soil frost states timestamp is allowed to have, relative to the
-                                        data point to-be-flagged.
-    :param soil_temp_reference:         A STRING, denoting the fields name in data,
-                                        that holds the data series of soil temperature values,
-                                        the to-be-flagged values shall be checked against.
-    :param frost_level:                 Value level, the flagger shall check against, when evaluating soil frost level.
-    """
-    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
-                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
-                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
-                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
-                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
-                                      'field': {'value': field,
-                                                'type': [str],
-                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'soil_temp_reference': {'value': soil_temp_reference,
-                                                              'type': [str],
-                                                              'tests': {'scheduled in data':
-                                                                            lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data),
-                                                                        'scheduled in flags':
-                                                                            lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}},
-                                      'tolerated_deviation': {'value': tolerated_deviation,
-                                                              'type': [str],
-                                                              'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'frost_level': {'value': frost_level,
-                                                      'type': [int, float],
-                                                      'range': [-np.inf, np.inf]}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    # SaQC policy: Only data that has been flagged by at least one test is allowed to be referred to:
-    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
-        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
-                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
-        return data, flags
-    # retrieve reference series
-    refseries = data[soil_temp_reference]
-    ref_flags = flags[soil_temp_reference]
-    ref_use = flagger.isFlagged(ref_flags, flag=flagger.flags.min()) | \
-              flagger.isFlagged(ref_flags, flag=flagger.flags.unflagged())
-    # drop flagged values:
-    refseries = refseries[ref_use.values]
-    # drop nan values from reference series, since those are values you dont want to refer to.
-    refseries = refseries.dropna()
-    # wrap around df.index.get_loc method, to catch key error in case of empty tolerance window:
-    def check_nearest_for_frost(ref_date, ref_series, tolerance, check_level):
-        try:
-            # if there is no reference value within tolerance margin, following line will raise key error and
-            # trigger the exception
-            ref_pos = ref_series.index.get_loc(ref_date, method='nearest', tolerance=tolerance)
-        except KeyError:
-            # since test is not applicable: make no change to flag state
-            return False
-        # if reference value index is available, return comparison result (to determine flag)
-        return ref_series[ref_pos] <= check_level
-    # make temporal frame holding date index, since df.apply cant access index
-    temp_frame = pd.Series(data.index)
-    # get flagging mask ("True" denotes "bad"="test succesfull")
-    mask = temp_frame.apply(check_nearest_for_frost, args=(refseries,
-                                                           tolerated_deviation, frost_level))
-    # apply calculated flags
-    flags.loc[mask.values, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[mask.values, field], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagSoilMoistureByPrecipitationEvents(data, flags, field, flagger, prec_reference, sensor_meas_depth=0,
-                                          sensor_accuracy=0, soil_porosity=0, std_factor=2, std_factor_range='24h',
-                                          raise_reference=None, **kwargs):
-    """This Function is an implementation of the precipitation based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:
-    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
-    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
-    All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication. (excluding porosity,sensor accuracy and
-    sensor depth)
-    Function flags Soil moisture measurements by flagging moisture rises that do not follow up a sufficient
-    precipitation event. If measurement depth, sensor accuracy of the soil moisture sensor and the porosity of the
-    surrounding soil is passed to the function, an inferior level of precipitation, that has to preceed a significant
-    moisture raise within 24 hours, can be estimated. If those values are not delivered, this inferior bound is set
-    to zero. In that case, any non zero precipitation count will justify any soil moisture raise.
-    A data point y_t is flagged an invalid soil moisture raise, if:
-    (1) y_t > y_(t-raise_reference)
-    (2) y_t - y_(t-"std_factor_range") > "std_factor" * std(y_(t-"std_factor_range"),...,y_t)
-    (3) sum(prec(t-24h),...,prec(t)) > sensor_meas_depth * sensor_accuracy * soil_porosity
-    NOTE1: np.nan entries in the input precipitation series will be regarded as susipicious and the test will be
-    omited for every 24h interval including a np.nan entrie in the original precipitation sampling rate.
-    Only entry "0" will be regarded as denoting "No Rainfall".
-    NOTE2: The function wont test any values that are flagged suspicious anyway - this may change in a future version.
-    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged, as well as the reference
-                                        series. Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
-                                        time raster with seconds precision.
-    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
-    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-    :param prec_reference:              Fieldname of the precipitation meassurements column in data.
-    :param sensor_meas_depth:           Measurement depth of the soil moisture sensor, [m].
-    :param sensor_accuracy:             Accuracy of the soil moisture sensor, [-].
-    :param soil_porosity:               Porosity of moisture sensors surrounding soil, [-].
-    :param std_factor:                  The value determines by which rule it is decided, weather a raise in soil
-                                        moisture is significant enough to trigger the flag test or not:
-                                        Significants is assumed, if the raise is  greater then "std_factor" multiplied
-                                        with the last 24 hours standart deviation.
-    :param std_factor_range:            Offset String. Denotes the range over witch the standart deviation is obtained,
-                                        to test condition [2]. (Should be a multiple of the sampling rate)
-    :param raise_reference:             Offset String. Denotes the distance to the datapoint, relatively to witch
-                                        it is decided if the current datapoint is a raise or not. Equation [1].
-                                        It defaults to None. When None is passed, raise_reference is just the sample
-                                        rate of the data. Any raise reference must be a multiple of the (intended)
-                                        sample rate and below std_factor_range.
-    """
-    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
-                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
-                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
-                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
-                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
-                                      'field': {'value': field,
-                                                'type': [str],
-                                                'tests': {
-                                                    'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    dataseries, moist_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, field), flagger)
-    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'prec_reference_reference': {'value': prec_reference,
-                                                                   'type': [str],
-                                                                   'tests': {'scheduled in data':
-                                                                             lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data),
-                                                                             'scheduled in flags':
-                                                                             lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}},
-                                      'std_factor_range': {'value': std_factor_range,
-                                                           'type': [str],
-                                                           'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                                  x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
-                                      'raise_reference': {'value': std_factor_range,
-                                                          'type': [str],
-                                                          'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
-                                                               x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0,
-                                                                     'Consistent with Sample Rate':
-                                                                         lambda x: (pd.Timedelta(moist_rate) %
-                                                                                    pd.Timedelta(x).total_seconds)
-                                                                                  == 0}},
-                                      'sensor_meas_depth': {'value': sensor_meas_depth,
-                                                            'type': [int, float],
-                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'sensor_accuracy': {'value': sensor_accuracy,
-                                                          'type': [int, float],
-                                                          'range': [0, np.inf]},
-                                      'soil_porosity': {'value': soil_porosity,
-                                                        'type': [int, float],
-                                                        'range': [0, 1]},
-                                      'std_factor': {'value': std_factor,
-                                                     'type': [int, float],
-                                                     'range': [0, np.inf]}
-                                      },
-                                     kwargs['func_name'])
-    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
-        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
-                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
-        return data, flags
-    # retrieve input sampling rate (needed to translate ref and data rates into each other):
-    input_rate = estimateSamplingRate(data.index)
-    refseries, ref_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data[prec_reference], flags[prec_reference], flagger)
-    # abort processing if any of the measurement series has no valid entries!
-    if moist_rate is np.nan:
-        return data, flags
-    if ref_rate is np.nan:
-        return data, flags
-    # get 24 h prec. monitor (this makes last-24h-rainfall-evaluation independent from preceeding entries)
-    prec_count = refseries.rolling(window='1D').apply(lambda x: x.sum(skipna=False), raw=False)
-    # upsample with zeros to input data sampling rate (we want to project the daysums onto the dataseries grid to
-    # prepare for use of rolling:):
-    prec_count = prec_count.resample(input_rate).pad()
-    # now we can: project precipitation onto dataseries sampling (and stack result to be able to apply df.rolling())
-    eval_frame = pd.merge(dataseries, prec_count, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True).stack(dropna=False).reset_index()
-    # following reshaping operations make all columns available to a function applied on rolling windows (rolling will
-    # only eat one column of a dataframe at a time and doesnt like multi indexes as well)
-    ef = eval_frame[0]
-    ef.index = eval_frame['level_0']
-    if raise_reference is None:
-        raise_reference = 1
-    else:
-        raise_reference = int(offset2periods(raise_reference, moist_rate))
-    # make raise and std. dev tester function (returns False for values that
-    # should be flagged bad and True respectively. (must be this way, since np.nan gets casted to True)))
-    def prec_test(x, std_fac=std_factor, raise_ref=raise_reference):
-        x_moist = x[0::2]
-        x_rain = x[1::2]
-        if x_moist[-1] > x_moist[(-1-raise_ref)]:
-            if (x_moist[-1] - x_moist[0]) > std_fac*x_moist.std():
-                return ~(x_rain[-1] <= (sensor_meas_depth*soil_porosity*sensor_accuracy))
-            else:
-                return True
-        else:
-            return True
-    # rolling.apply should only get active every second entrie of the stacked frame,
-    # so periods per window have to be calculated,
-    # (this gives sufficiant conditian since window size controlls daterange:)
-    periods = int(2*offset2periods(std_factor_range, moist_rate))
-    invalid_raises = ~ef.rolling(window='1D', closed='both', min_periods=periods)\
-        .apply(prec_test, raw=False).astype(bool)
-    # undo stacking (only every second entrie actually is holding an information:
-    invalid_raises = invalid_raises[1::2]
-    # retrieve indices referring to values-to-be-flagged-bad
-    invalid_indices = invalid_raises.index[invalid_raises]
-    # set Flags
-    flags.loc[invalid_indices, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalid_indices, field], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
-def flagSoilMoistureByConstantsDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, plateau_window_min='12h',
-                                         plateau_var_limit=0.0005, rainfall_window='12h', filter_window_size='3h',
-                                         i_start_infimum=0.0025, i_end_supremum=0, data_max_tolerance=0.95, **kwargs):
-    """Function is not ready to use yet: we are waiting for response from the author of [Paper] in order of getting
-    able to exclude some sources of confusion.
-    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
-                                        Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
-                                        time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
-    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
-    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
-    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
-    """
-    if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
-        dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data, flags, flagger)
-    else:
-        dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data[field], flags[field], flagger)
-        # abort processing if original series has no valid entries!
-    if data_rate is np.nan:
-        return data, flags
-    # get data max
-    data_max = dataseries.max()
-    min_periods = int(offset2periods(plateau_window_min, data_rate))
-    # identify minimal plateaus:
-    plateaus = dataseries.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x: (x.var() > plateau_var_limit) | (x.size < min_periods), raw=False)
-    plateaus = (~plateaus.astype(bool))
-    # are there any candidates for beeing flagged plateau-ish
-    if plateaus.sum() == 0:
-        return data, flags
-    plateaus_reverse = pd.Series(np.flip(plateaus.values), index=plateaus.index)
-    reverse_check = plateaus_reverse.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x:
-                                                                              True if True in x.values else False,
-                                                                              raw=False).astype(bool)
-    plateaus = pd.Series(np.flip(reverse_check.values), index=plateaus.index)
-    # reverse the reversed ts and transform to dataframe, filter for consecutive timestamp values:
-    plateaus = pd.DataFrame({'date': dataseries.index, 'mask': np.flip(plateaus.values)}, index=dataseries.index)
-    plateaus = plateaus[plateaus['mask'] == True].drop('mask',axis=1)
-    seperator_stair = plateaus['date'].diff() != pd.Timedelta(data_rate)
-    plateaus['interval_nr'] = seperator_stair.cumsum()
-    plateaus = plateaus['interval_nr']
-    invalids = pd.Series([])
-    # loop through the intervals to be checked:
-    for interval_2_check in range(1, plateaus.max()+1):
-        # how big is the interval?
-        interval_delimeter = plateaus[plateaus==interval_2_check].index[-1] - \
-                             plateaus[plateaus==interval_2_check].index[0]
-        # slices of the area for the rainfallsearch
-        check_start = plateaus[plateaus==interval_2_check].index[0] - interval_delimeter - pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
-        check_end = plateaus[plateaus==interval_2_check].index[-1] - interval_delimeter + pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
-        # slices to be smoothed and derivated
-        smooth_start = check_start - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        smooth_end = check_end + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
-        data_slice = dataseries[smooth_start:smooth_end]
-        # calculate first derivative of testing slice:
-        smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil(offset2periods(filter_window_size, data_rate)))
-        if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-            smoothing_periods += 1
-        # check if the data slice to be checked is sufficiently big for smoothing options:
-        if data_slice.size < smoothing_periods:
-            smoothing_periods = data_slice.size
-            if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
-                smoothing_periods -= 1
-        # calculate the derivative
-        first_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
-                                      window_length=smoothing_periods,
-                                      polyorder=2,
-                                      deriv=1),
-                                      index=data_slice.index)
-        # get test slice
-        first_deri_series = first_deri_series[check_start:check_end]
-        if first_deri_series.empty:
-            continue
-        # check some explicit and implicit conditions:
-        rainfall_periods = int(offset2periods(rainfall_window, data_rate)*2)
-        if rainfall_periods % 2 == 0:
-            rainfall_periods += 1
-        maximums = first_deri_series.rolling(window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed='left').max()
-        minimums = first_deri_series.rolling(window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed='left').min()
-        maximums=maximums[maximums > i_start_infimum]
-        minimums=minimums[minimums < i_end_supremum]
-        if maximums.empty | minimums.empty:
-            continue
-        i_start_index = maximums.index[0]
-        i_end_index = minimums.index[-1]
-        if i_start_index > i_end_index:
-            continue
-        potential_invalid = data_slice[i_start_index:i_end_index]
-        # test if the plateau is a high level plateau:
-        if potential_invalid.mean() > data_max*data_max_tolerance:
-            invalids = pd.concat([invalids, potential_invalid])
-    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
-        flags.loc[invalids.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalids.index], **kwargs)
-    else:
-        flags.loc[invalids.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalids.index, field], **kwargs)
-    return data, flags
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py b/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..e6814772b23a9db09d788d72f28bbdd9db4c5603
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saqc/funcs/soil_moisture_tests.py
@@ -0,0 +1,441 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
+from .break_detection import flagBreaks_SpektrumBased
+from .spike_detection import flagSpikes_SpektrumBased
+from .functions import (
+    register)
+from ..lib.tools import (
+    estimateSamplingRate,
+    retrieveTrustworthyOriginal,
+    getPandasVarNames,
+    getPandasData,
+    offset2periods,
+    checkQCParameters)
+def flagSoilMoistureSpikes(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_size='3h',
+                           raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2, noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size='12h',
+                           noise_statistic='CoVar', **kwargs):
+    """
+    The Function provides just a call to flagSpikes_SpektrumBased, with parameter defaults, that refer to:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    """
+    return flagSpikes_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, filter_window_size=filter_window_size,
+                                    raise_factor=raise_factor, dev_cont_factor=dev_cont_factor,
+                                    noise_barrier=noise_barrier, noise_window_size=noise_window_size,
+                                    noise_statistic=noise_statistic, **kwargs)
+def flagSoilMoistureBreaks(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
+                           rel_change_rate_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
+                           first_der_window_size='12h', scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
+                           scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
+    """
+    The Function provides just a call to flagBreaks_SpektrumBased, with parameter defaults that refer to:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    """
+    return flagBreaks_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method=diff_method,
+                                    filter_window_size=filter_window_size,
+                                    rel_change_rate_min=rel_change_rate_min, abs_change_min=abs_change_min,
+                                    first_der_factor=first_der_factor, first_der_window_size=first_der_window_size,
+                                    scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=scnd_der_ratio_margin_1,
+                                    scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=scnd_der_ratio_margin_2,
+                                    smooth_poly_order=smooth_poly_order, **kwargs)
+def flagSoilMoistureBySoilFrost(data, flags, field, flagger, soil_temp_reference, tolerated_deviation='1h',
+                                frost_level=0, **kwargs):
+    """This Function is an implementation of the soil temperature based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication.
+    Function flags Soil moisture measurements by evaluating the soil-frost-level in the moment of measurement.
+    Soil temperatures below "frost_level" are regarded as denoting frozen soil state.
+    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged, as well as the reference
+                                        series. Data must be indexed by a datetime series.
+    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries of "data"
+    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object.
+                                        like thingies that refer to the data(including datestrings).
+    :param tolerated_deviation:         Offset String. Denoting the maximal temporal deviation,
+                                        the soil frost states timestamp is allowed to have, relative to the
+                                        data point to-be-flagged.
+    :param soil_temp_reference:         A STRING, denoting the fields name in data,
+                                        that holds the data series of soil temperature values,
+                                        the to-be-flagged values shall be checked against.
+    :param frost_level:                 Value level, the flagger shall check against, when evaluating soil frost level.
+    """
+    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
+                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
+                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
+                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
+                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
+                                      'field': {'value': field,
+                                                'type': [str],
+                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data':
+                                                          lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'soil_temp_reference': {'value': soil_temp_reference,
+                                                              'type': [str],
+                                                              'tests': {'scheduled in data':
+                                                                            lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data),
+                                                                        'scheduled in flags':
+                                                                            lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}},
+                                      'tolerated_deviation': {'value': tolerated_deviation,
+                                                              'type': [str],
+                                                              'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'frost_level': {'value': frost_level,
+                                                      'type': [int, float],
+                                                      'range': [-np.inf, np.inf]}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    # SaQC policy: Only data that has been flagged by at least one test is allowed to be referred to:
+    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
+        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
+                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
+        return data, flags
+    # retrieve reference series
+    refseries = data[soil_temp_reference]
+    ref_flags = flags[soil_temp_reference]
+    ref_use = flagger.isFlagged(ref_flags, flag=flagger.flags.min()) | \
+              flagger.isFlagged(ref_flags, flag=flagger.flags.unflagged())
+    # drop flagged values:
+    refseries = refseries[ref_use.values]
+    # drop nan values from reference series, since those are values you dont want to refer to.
+    refseries = refseries.dropna()
+    # wrap around df.index.get_loc method, to catch key error in case of empty tolerance window:
+    def check_nearest_for_frost(ref_date, ref_series, tolerance, check_level):
+        try:
+            # if there is no reference value within tolerance margin, following line will raise key error and
+            # trigger the exception
+            ref_pos = ref_series.index.get_loc(ref_date, method='nearest', tolerance=tolerance)
+        except KeyError:
+            # since test is not applicable: make no change to flag state
+            return False
+        # if reference value index is available, return comparison result (to determine flag)
+        return ref_series[ref_pos] <= check_level
+    # make temporal frame holding date index, since df.apply cant access index
+    temp_frame = pd.Series(data.index)
+    # get flagging mask ("True" denotes "bad"="test succesfull")
+    mask = temp_frame.apply(check_nearest_for_frost, args=(refseries,
+                                                           tolerated_deviation, frost_level))
+    # apply calculated flags
+    flags.loc[mask.values, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[mask.values, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
+def flagSoilMoistureByPrecipitationEvents(data, flags, field, flagger, prec_reference, sensor_meas_depth=0,
+                                          sensor_accuracy=0, soil_porosity=0, std_factor=2, std_factor_range='24h',
+                                          raise_reference=None, **kwargs):
+    """This Function is an implementation of the precipitation based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication. (excluding porosity,sensor accuracy and
+    sensor depth)
+    Function flags Soil moisture measurements by flagging moisture rises that do not follow up a sufficient
+    precipitation event. If measurement depth, sensor accuracy of the soil moisture sensor and the porosity of the
+    surrounding soil is passed to the function, an inferior level of precipitation, that has to preceed a significant
+    moisture raise within 24 hours, can be estimated. If those values are not delivered, this inferior bound is set
+    to zero. In that case, any non zero precipitation count will justify any soil moisture raise.
+    A data point y_t is flagged an invalid soil moisture raise, if:
+    (1) y_t > y_(t-raise_reference)
+    (2) y_t - y_(t-"std_factor_range") > "std_factor" * std(y_(t-"std_factor_range"),...,y_t)
+    (3) sum(prec(t-24h),...,prec(t)) > sensor_meas_depth * sensor_accuracy * soil_porosity
+    NOTE1: np.nan entries in the input precipitation series will be regarded as susipicious and the test will be
+    omited for every 24h interval including a np.nan entrie in the original precipitation sampling rate.
+    Only entry "0" will be regarded as denoting "No Rainfall".
+    NOTE2: The function wont test any values that are flagged suspicious anyway - this may change in a future version.
+    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged, as well as the reference
+                                        series. Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
+                                        time raster with seconds precision.
+    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
+    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
+    :param prec_reference:              Fieldname of the precipitation meassurements column in data.
+    :param sensor_meas_depth:           Measurement depth of the soil moisture sensor, [m].
+    :param sensor_accuracy:             Accuracy of the soil moisture sensor, [-].
+    :param soil_porosity:               Porosity of moisture sensors surrounding soil, [-].
+    :param std_factor:                  The value determines by which rule it is decided, weather a raise in soil
+                                        moisture is significant enough to trigger the flag test or not:
+                                        Significants is assumed, if the raise is  greater then "std_factor" multiplied
+                                        with the last 24 hours standart deviation.
+    :param std_factor_range:            Offset String. Denotes the range over witch the standart deviation is obtained,
+                                        to test condition [2]. (Should be a multiple of the sampling rate)
+    :param raise_reference:             Offset String. Denotes the distance to the datapoint, relatively to witch
+                                        it is decided if the current datapoint is a raise or not. Equation [1].
+                                        It defaults to None. When None is passed, raise_reference is just the sample
+                                        rate of the data. Any raise reference must be a multiple of the (intended)
+                                        sample rate and below std_factor_range.
+    """
+    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
+                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
+                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
+                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
+                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
+                                      'field': {'value': field,
+                                                'type': [str],
+                                                'tests': {
+                                                    'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    dataseries, moist_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, field),
+                                                         flagger)
+    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'prec_reference_reference': {'value': prec_reference,
+                                                                   'type': [str],
+                                                                   'tests': {'scheduled in data':
+                                                                             lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data),
+                                                                             'scheduled in flags':
+                                                                             lambda x: x in getPandasVarNames(data)}},
+                                      'std_factor_range': {'value': std_factor_range,
+                                                           'type': [str],
+                                                           'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                  x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'raise_reference': {'value': std_factor_range,
+                                                          'type': [str],
+                                                          'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                               x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0,
+                                                                     'Consistent with Sample Rate':
+                                                                     lambda x: (pd.Timedelta(moist_rate) %
+                                                                                pd.Timedelta(x).total_seconds) == 0}},
+                                      'sensor_meas_depth': {'value': sensor_meas_depth,
+                                                            'type': [int, float],
+                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'sensor_accuracy': {'value': sensor_accuracy,
+                                                          'type': [int, float],
+                                                          'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'soil_porosity': {'value': soil_porosity,
+                                                        'type': [int, float],
+                                                        'range': [0, 1]},
+                                      'std_factor': {'value': std_factor,
+                                                     'type': [int, float],
+                                                     'range': [0, np.inf]}
+                                      },
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
+        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
+                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
+        return data, flags
+    # retrieve input sampling rate (needed to translate ref and data rates into each other):
+    input_rate = estimateSamplingRate(data.index)
+    refseries, ref_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data[prec_reference], flags[prec_reference], flagger)
+    # abort processing if any of the measurement series has no valid entries!
+    if moist_rate is np.nan:
+        return data, flags
+    if ref_rate is np.nan:
+        return data, flags
+    # get 24 h prec. monitor (this makes last-24h-rainfall-evaluation independent from preceeding entries)
+    prec_count = refseries.rolling(window='1D').apply(lambda x: x.sum(skipna=False), raw=False)
+    # upsample with zeros to input data sampling rate (we want to project the daysums onto the dataseries grid to
+    # prepare for use of rolling:):
+    prec_count = prec_count.resample(input_rate).pad()
+    # now we can: project precipitation onto dataseries sampling (and stack result to be able to apply df.rolling())
+    eval_frame = pd.merge(dataseries, prec_count, how='left', left_index=True, right_index=True).stack(dropna=False).reset_index()
+    # following reshaping operations make all columns available to a function applied on rolling windows (rolling will
+    # only eat one column of a dataframe at a time and doesnt like multi indexes as well)
+    ef = eval_frame[0]
+    ef.index = eval_frame['level_0']
+    if raise_reference is None:
+        raise_reference = 1
+    else:
+        raise_reference = int(offset2periods(raise_reference, moist_rate))
+    # make raise and std. dev tester function (returns False for values that
+    # should be flagged bad and True respectively. (must be this way, since np.nan gets casted to True)))
+    def prec_test(x, std_fac=std_factor, raise_ref=raise_reference):
+        x_moist = x[0::2]
+        x_rain = x[1::2]
+        if x_moist[-1] > x_moist[(-1-raise_ref)]:
+            if (x_moist[-1] - x_moist[0]) > std_fac*x_moist.std():
+                return ~(x_rain[-1] <= (sensor_meas_depth*soil_porosity*sensor_accuracy))
+            else:
+                return True
+        else:
+            return True
+    # rolling.apply should only get active every second entrie of the stacked frame,
+    # so periods per window have to be calculated,
+    # (this gives sufficiant conditian since window size controlls daterange:)
+    periods = int(2*offset2periods(std_factor_range, moist_rate))
+    invalid_raises = ~ef.rolling(window='1D', closed='both', min_periods=periods)\
+        .apply(prec_test, raw=False).astype(bool)
+    # undo stacking (only every second entrie actually is holding an information:
+    invalid_raises = invalid_raises[1::2]
+    # retrieve indices referring to values-to-be-flagged-bad
+    invalid_indices = invalid_raises.index[invalid_raises]
+    # set Flags
+    flags.loc[invalid_indices, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalid_indices, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
+def flagSoilMoistureByConstantsDetection(data, flags, field, flagger, plateau_window_min='12h',
+                                         plateau_var_limit=0.0005, rainfall_window='12h', filter_window_size='3h',
+                                         i_start_infimum=0.0025, i_end_supremum=0, data_max_tolerance=0.95, **kwargs):
+    """Function is not ready to use yet: we are waiting for response from the author of [Paper] in order of getting
+    able to exclude some sources of confusion.
+    :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
+                                        Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
+                                        time raster with seconds precision (skips allowed).
+    :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
+    :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+    :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
+    """
+    if isinstance(data, pd.Series):
+        dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data, flags, flagger)
+    else:
+        dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(data[field], flags[field], flagger)
+        # abort processing if original series has no valid entries!
+    if data_rate is np.nan:
+        return data, flags
+    # get data max
+    data_max = dataseries.max()
+    min_periods = int(offset2periods(plateau_window_min, data_rate))
+    # identify minimal plateaus:
+    plateaus = dataseries.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x: (x.var() > plateau_var_limit)
+                                                                   | (x.size < min_periods), raw=False)
+    plateaus = (~plateaus.astype(bool))
+    # are there any candidates for beeing flagged plateau-ish
+    if plateaus.sum() == 0:
+        return data, flags
+    plateaus_reverse = pd.Series(np.flip(plateaus.values), index=plateaus.index)
+    reverse_check = plateaus_reverse.rolling(window=plateau_window_min).apply(lambda x:
+                                                                              True if True in x.values else False,
+                                                                              raw=False).astype(bool)
+    plateaus = pd.Series(np.flip(reverse_check.values), index=plateaus.index)
+    # reverse the reversed ts and transform to dataframe, filter for consecutive timestamp values:
+    plateaus = pd.DataFrame({'date': dataseries.index, 'mask': np.flip(plateaus.values)}, index=dataseries.index)
+    plateaus = plateaus[plateaus['mask'] == True].drop('mask', axis=1)
+    seperator_stair = plateaus['date'].diff() != pd.Timedelta(data_rate)
+    plateaus['interval_nr'] = seperator_stair.cumsum()
+    plateaus = plateaus['interval_nr']
+    invalids = pd.Series([])
+    # loop through the intervals to be checked:
+    for interval_2_check in range(1, plateaus.max()+1):
+        # how big is the interval?
+        interval_delimeter = plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[-1] - \
+                             plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[0]
+        # slices of the area for the rainfallsearch
+        check_start = plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[0] - \
+                      interval_delimeter - pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
+        check_end = plateaus[plateaus == interval_2_check].index[-1] - \
+                    interval_delimeter + pd.Timedelta(rainfall_window)
+        # slices to be smoothed and derivated
+        smooth_start = check_start - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
+        smooth_end = check_end + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
+        data_slice = dataseries[smooth_start:smooth_end]
+        # calculate first derivative of testing slice:
+        smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil(offset2periods(filter_window_size, data_rate)))
+        if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
+            smoothing_periods += 1
+        # check if the data slice to be checked is sufficiently big for smoothing options:
+        if data_slice.size < smoothing_periods:
+            smoothing_periods = data_slice.size
+            if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
+                smoothing_periods -= 1
+        # calculate the derivative
+        first_deri_series = pd.Series(data=savgol_filter(data_slice,
+                                      window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                      polyorder=2,
+                                      deriv=1),
+                                      index=data_slice.index)
+        # get test slice
+        first_deri_series = first_deri_series[check_start:check_end]
+        if first_deri_series.empty:
+            continue
+        # check some explicit and implicit conditions:
+        rainfall_periods = int(offset2periods(rainfall_window, data_rate)*2)
+        if rainfall_periods % 2 == 0:
+            rainfall_periods += 1
+        maximums = first_deri_series.rolling(window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed='left').max()
+        minimums = first_deri_series.rolling(window=rainfall_periods, center=True, closed='left').min()
+        maximums = maximums[maximums > i_start_infimum]
+        minimums = minimums[minimums < i_end_supremum]
+        if maximums.empty | minimums.empty:
+            continue
+        i_start_index = maximums.index[0]
+        i_end_index = minimums.index[-1]
+        if i_start_index > i_end_index:
+            continue
+        potential_invalid = data_slice[i_start_index:i_end_index]
+        # test if the plateau is a high level plateau:
+        if potential_invalid.mean() > data_max*data_max_tolerance:
+            invalids = pd.concat([invalids, potential_invalid])
+    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
+        flags.loc[invalids.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalids.index], **kwargs)
+    else:
+        flags.loc[invalids.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[invalids.index, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
diff --git a/saqc/funcs/spike_detection.py b/saqc/funcs/spike_detection.py
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..048231eb00b11bc67082a4cdf0806dc7005b193e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/saqc/funcs/spike_detection.py
@@ -0,0 +1,230 @@
+#! /usr/bin/env python
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+import logging
+import numpy as np
+import pandas as pd
+from scipy.signal import savgol_filter
+from .functions import (
+    register)
+from ..lib.tools import (
+    inferFrequency,
+    retrieveTrustworthyOriginal,
+    getPandasVarNames,
+    getPandasData,
+    offset2seconds,
+    checkQCParameters)
+def flagMad(data, flags, field, flagger, length, z, freq=None, **kwargs):
+    d = data[field].copy()
+    freq = inferFrequency(d) if freq is None else freq
+    if freq is None:
+        raise ValueError("freqency cannot inferred, provide `freq` as a param to mad().")
+    winsz = int(pd.to_timedelta(length) / freq)
+    median = d.rolling(window=winsz, center=True, closed='both').median()
+    diff = abs(d - median)
+    mad = diff.rolling(window=winsz, center=True, closed='both').median()
+    mask = (mad > 0) & (0.6745 * diff > z * mad)
+    flags.loc[mask, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[mask, field], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags
+def flagSpikes_SpektrumBased(data, flags, field, flagger, diff_method='raw', filter_window_size='3h',
+                             raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2, noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size='12h',
+                             noise_statistic='CoVar', smooth_poly_order=2, **kwargs):
+    """This Function is an generalization of the Spectrum based Spike flagging mechanism as presented in:
+    Dorigo,W,.... Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international
+    Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
+    Function detects and flags spikes in input data series by evaluating its derivatives and applying some
+    conditions to it. A datapoint is considered a spike, if:
+    (1) the quotient to its preceeding datapoint exceeds a certain bound
+    (controlled by param "raise_factor")
+    (2) the quotient of the datas second derivate at the preceeding and subsequent timestamps is close enough to 1.
+    (controlled by param "dev_cont_factor")
+    (3) the surrounding data is not too noisy. (Coefficient of Variation[+/- noise_window] < 1)
+    (controlled by param "noise_barrier")
+    Some things you should be conscious about when applying this test:
+       NOTE1: You should run less complex tests, especially range-tests, or absolute spike tests previously to this one,
+       since the spike check for any potential, unflagged spike, is relatively costly
+       (1 x smoothing + 2 x deviating + 2 x condition application).
+       NOTE2: Due to inconsistency in the paper that provided the concept of this test [paper:], its not really clear
+       weather to use the coefficient of variance or the relative variance for noise testing.
+       Since the relative variance was explicitly denoted in the formulas, the function defaults to relative variance,
+       but can be switched to coefficient of variance, by assignment to parameter "noise statistic".
+       NOTE3: All derivatives in the reference publication are obtained by applying a Savitzky-Golay filter to the data
+       before differentiating. For the break detection algorithm in this publication,
+       some of the conditions didnt work well with smoothed derivatives.
+       This is because smoothing distributes the harshness of breaks and jumps over the
+       smoothing window and makes it "smoother".
+       Since just taking the differences as derivatives did work well for my empirical data set,
+       the parameter "diff_method" defaults to "raw". That means, that derivatives will be obtained by just using the
+       differences series.
+       You are free of course, to change this parameter to "savgol" and play around with the associated filter options.
+       (see parameter description below)
+       :param data:                        The pandas dataframe holding the data-to-be flagged.
+                                           Data must be indexed by a datetime series and be harmonized onto a
+                                           time raster with seconds precision.
+       :param flags:                       A dataframe holding the flags/flag-entries associated with "data".
+       :param field:                       Fieldname of the Soil moisture measurements field in data.
+       :param flagger:                     A flagger - object. (saqc.flagger.X)
+       :param diff_method:                 String. Method for obtaining dataseries' derivatives.
+                                           'raw': Just take series step differences (default)
+                                           'savgol': Smooth data with a Savitzky Golay Filter before differentiating.
+       :param filter_window_size:          Offset string. Size of the filter window, used to calculate the derivatives.
+                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
+       :param smooth_poly_order:           Integer. Polynomial order, used for smoothing with savitzk golay filter.
+                                           (relevant only, if: diff_method='savgol')
+       :param raise_factor:                A float, determinating the bound, the quotient of two consecutive values
+                                           has to exceed, to be regarded as potentially spike. A value of 0.x will
+                                           trigger the spike test for value y_t, if:
+                                           (y_t)/(y_t-1) > 1 + x or:
+                                           (y_t)/(y_t-1) < 1 - x.
+       :param dev_cont_factor:             A float, determining the interval, the quotient of the datas second derivate
+                                           around a potential spike has to be part of, to trigger spike flagging for
+                                           this value. A datapoint y_t will pass this spike condition if,
+                                           for dev_cont_factor = 0.x, and the second derivative y'' of y, the condition:
+                                           1 - x < abs((y''_t-1)/(y''_t+1)) < 1 + x
+                                           holds
+       :param noise_barrier:               A float, determining the bound, the data noisy-ness around a potential spike
+                                           must not exceed, in order to guarantee a justifyed judgement:
+                                           Therefor the coefficient selected by parameter noise_statistic (COVA),
+                                           of all values within t +/- param "noise_window",
+                                           but excluding the point y_t itself, is evaluated and tested
+                                           for: COVA < noise_barrier.
+       :param noise_window_size:           Offset string, determining the size of the window, the coefficient of
+                                           variation is calculated of, to determine data noisy-ness around a potential
+                                           spike.
+                                           The potential spike y_t will be centered in a window of expansion:
+                                           [y_t - noise_window_size, y_t + noise_window_size].
+       :param noise_statistic:             STRING. Determines, wheather to use
+                                           "relative variance" or "coefficient of variation" to check against the noise
+                                           barrier.
+                                           'CoVar' -> "Coefficient of variation"
+                                           'rVar'  -> "relative Variance"
+    """
+    para_check_1 = checkQCParameters({'data': {'value': data,
+                                               'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame],
+                                               'tests': {'harmonized': lambda x: pd.infer_freq(x.index) is not None}},
+                                      'flags': {'value': flags,
+                                                'type': [pd.Series, pd.DataFrame]},
+                                      'field': {'value': field,
+                                                'type': [str],
+                                                'tests': {'scheduled in data': lambda x: x in
+                                                          getPandasVarNames(data)}}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    dataseries, data_rate = retrieveTrustworthyOriginal(getPandasData(data, field), getPandasData(flags, field),
+                                                        flagger)
+    para_check_2 = checkQCParameters({'diff_method': {'value': diff_method,
+                                                      'member': ['raw', 'savgol']},
+                                      'noise_statistic': {'value': noise_statistic,
+                                                          'member': ['CoVar', 'rVar']},
+                                      'filter_window_size': {'value': filter_window_size,
+                                                             'type': [str],
+                                                             'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'noise_window_size': {'value': noise_window_size,
+                                                            'type': [str],
+                                                            'tests': {'Valid Offset String': lambda x: pd.Timedelta(
+                                                                 x).total_seconds() % 1 == 0}},
+                                      'smooth_poly_order': {'value': smooth_poly_order,
+                                                            'type': [int],
+                                                            'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'raise_factor': {'value': raise_factor,
+                                                       'type': [int, float],
+                                                       'range': [0, 1]},
+                                      'noise_barrier': {'value': noise_barrier,
+                                                        'type': [int, float],
+                                                        'range': [0, np.inf]},
+                                      'dev_cont_factor': {'value': dev_cont_factor,
+                                                          'type': [int, float],
+                                                          'range': [0, 1]}},
+                                     kwargs['func_name'])
+    # retrieve data series input at its original sampling rate
+    # (Note: case distinction for pure series input to avoid error resulting from trying to access pd.Series[field]
+    if (para_check_1 < 0) | (para_check_2 < 0):
+        logging.warning('test {} will be skipped because not all input parameters satisfied '
+                        'the requirements'.format(kwargs['func_name']))
+        return data, flags
+    # retrieve noise statistic
+    if noise_statistic == 'CoVar':
+        noise_func = pd.Series.var
+    if noise_statistic == 'rVar':
+        noise_func = pd.Series.std
+    quotient_series = dataseries/dataseries.shift(+1)
+    spikes = (quotient_series > (1 + raise_factor)) | (quotient_series < (1 - raise_factor))
+    spikes = spikes[spikes == True]
+    # loop through spikes: (loop may sound ugly - but since the number of spikes is supposed to not exceed the
+    # thousands for year data - a loop going through all the spikes instances is much faster than
+    # a rolling window, rolling all through a stacked year dataframe )
+    # calculate some values, repeatedly needed in the course of the loop:
+    filter_window_seconds = offset2seconds(filter_window_size)
+    smoothing_periods = int(np.ceil((filter_window_seconds / data_rate.n)))
+    lower_dev_bound = 1 - dev_cont_factor
+    upper_dev_bound = 1 + dev_cont_factor
+    if smoothing_periods % 2 == 0:
+        smoothing_periods += 1
+    for spike in spikes.index:
+        start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
+        end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(filter_window_size)
+        if diff_method == 'savgol':
+            scnd_derivate = savgol_filter(dataseries[start_slice:end_slice],
+                                          window_length=smoothing_periods,
+                                          polyorder=smooth_poly_order,
+                                          deriv=2)
+        if diff_method == 'raw':
+            scnd_derivate = dataseries[start_slice:end_slice].diff().diff()
+        length = scnd_derivate.size
+        test_ratio_1 = np.abs(scnd_derivate[int((length-1) / 2)] / scnd_derivate[int((length+1) / 2)])
+        if lower_dev_bound < test_ratio_1 < upper_dev_bound:
+            # apply noise condition:
+            start_slice = spike - pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
+            end_slice = spike + pd.Timedelta(noise_window_size)
+            test_slice = dataseries[start_slice:end_slice].drop(spike)
+            test_ratio_2 = np.abs(noise_func(test_slice) / test_slice.mean())
+            # not a spike, we want to flag, if condition not satisfied:
+            if test_ratio_2 > noise_barrier:
+                spikes[spike] = False
+        # not a spike, we want to flag, if condition not satisfied
+        else:
+            spikes[spike] = False
+    spikes = spikes[spikes == True]
+    if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
+        flags.loc[spikes.index, field] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[spikes.index, field], **kwargs)
+    else:
+        flags.loc[spikes.index] = flagger.setFlag(flags.loc[spikes.index], **kwargs)
+    return data, flags