Functions Regrouping
I want to Regroup / get in order functions module - because we nearly have reached the points where drawer labels and drawer content have diverged to a confusingly degree - this is also a step on the way to make saqc accessible/understandable for going to be users.
I would suggest the following new division:
(For existing modules, i only listed functions newly going there, by marking them with "+".
Tools (technical tools)
- drop
- rename
- mask
- fork
- clearFlags
- FlagForce
- flagDummy
- flagGood
- flagManual
- flagGeneric
- flagMissing
- flagIsolated
modelling (replace values by residues or clusterlabels)
- polyFit
- rollingMean
- ChangePointCluster
- driftcluster ()
processing (aka "proc" - calculate new values for existing indices)
- interpolateMissing
- transform
- procGeneric
- ExpDriftCorrecture
- offsetCorrecture
regularization (mappings that transmit between regular and raw timeseries indices)
- interpolateGrid
- resample
- shift
- projectFlags (deharmo basically)
harmonization (pure wrapper, connecting tools and regularization functions)
- shift2grid
- linear2grid
- aggregate2grid
spikesDetection -> outlier_detection (flag pikes or outliers)
- flagRange
- flagSeasonalRange
patternRecognition -> pattern_detection
- flagPattern
- flag_RegimeAnomaly
multivariate_flagging (calculate flags from comparison of different timeseries)
- flagCrossScoring
- flagDriftFrameNorm
- flagDriftFromReference
- flagDriftFromScale
- stray
Besides some clarification of what is the difference and purpose of processing/modelling/harmonization functions, the suggestion mainly features a split of the infamous functions
module - there now is the tools
module, wich, as you might notice, still contains a lot of quite different functions. One could think of further seperating it into flagging_tools
and something like config_tools
- dont know.
It would be nice if everyone could have a look into and give a brief statement of approval/dismission, since the organizational randomnes of the functions makes me increasingly nervous.