diff --git a/saqc/funcs/spikes_detection.py b/saqc/funcs/spikes_detection.py
index fbfb4289be2ae51c46ced5e6017526961da18ed4..65ddbd58cbebe3010af966b3a3bf9a9346bd969d 100644
--- a/saqc/funcs/spikes_detection.py
+++ b/saqc/funcs/spikes_detection.py
@@ -16,7 +16,8 @@ from saqc.lib.tools import (
-    toSequence
+    toSequence,
+    customRolling
 from outliers import smirnov_grubbs
@@ -870,7 +871,7 @@ def spikes_flagMad(data, field, flagger, window, z=3.5, **kwargs):
-def spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh=7, tolerance=0, window="15min", **kwargs):
+def spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh, tolerance, window, numba_kickin=200000, **kwargs):
     A basic outlier test that is designed to work for harmonized and not harmonized data.
@@ -902,6 +903,11 @@ def spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh=7, tolerance=0, window="15min"
         Maximum difference between pre-spike and post-spike values. See condition (2)
     window : str, default '15min'
         Maximum length of "spiky" value courses. See condition (3)
+    numba_kickin : int, default 200000
+        When there are detected more than `numba_kickin` incidents of potential spikes,
+        the pandas.rolling - part of computation gets "jitted" with numba.
+        Default value hast proven to be around the break even point between "jit-boost" and "jit-costs".
@@ -922,54 +928,45 @@ def spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh=7, tolerance=0, window="15min"
     dataseries = data[field].dropna()
     # get all the entries preceding a significant jump
-    pre_jumps = dataseries.diff(periods=-1).abs() > thresh
-    pre_jumps = pre_jumps[pre_jumps]
-    if pre_jumps.empty:
+    post_jumps = dataseries.diff().abs() > thresh
+    post_jumps = post_jumps[post_jumps]
+    if post_jumps.empty:
         return data, flagger
     # get all the entries preceeding a significant jump and its successors within "length" range
-    to_roll = pre_jumps.reindex(dataseries.index, method="ffill", tolerance=window, fill_value=False).dropna()
+    to_roll = post_jumps.reindex(dataseries.index, method="bfill", tolerance=window, fill_value=False).dropna()
     # define spike testing function to roll with:
-    def spike_tester(chunk, pre_jumps_index, thresh, tol):
-        if not chunk.index[-1] in pre_jumps_index:
+    def spike_tester(chunk, thresh=thresh, tol=tolerance):
+        # signum change!!!
+        chunk_stair = (np.abs(chunk - chunk[-1]) < thresh)[::-1].cumsum()
+        initial = np.searchsorted(chunk_stair, 2)
+        if initial == len(chunk):
             return 0
+        if np.abs(chunk[- initial - 1] - chunk[-1]) < tol:
+            return initial - 1
-            # signum change!!!
-            chunk_stair = (abs(chunk - chunk[-1]) < thresh)[::-1].cumsum()
-            first_return = chunk_stair[(chunk_stair == 2)]
-            if first_return.sum() == 0:
-                return 0
-            if abs(chunk[first_return.index[0]] - chunk[-1]) < tol:
-                return (chunk_stair == 1).sum() - 1
-            else:
-                return 0
+            return 0
-    # since .rolling does neither support windows, defined by left starting points, nor rolling over monotonically
-    # decreasing indices, we have to trick the method by inverting the timeseries and transforming the resulting index
-    # to pseudo-increase.
     to_roll = dataseries[to_roll]
-    original_index = to_roll.index
-    to_roll = to_roll[::-1]
-    pre_jump_reversed_index = to_roll.index[0] - pre_jumps.index
-    to_roll.index = to_roll.index[0] - to_roll.index
-    # now lets roll:
-    to_roll = (
-        to_roll.rolling(window, closed="both")
-        .apply(spike_tester, args=(pre_jump_reversed_index, thresh, tolerance), raw=False)
-        .astype(int)
-    )
-    # reconstruct original index and sequence
-    to_roll = to_roll[::-1]
-    to_roll.index = original_index
-    to_write = to_roll[to_roll != 0]
-    to_flag = pd.Index([])
-    # here comes a loop...):
-    for row in to_write.iteritems():
-        loc = to_roll.index.get_loc(row[0])
-        to_flag = to_flag.append(to_roll.iloc[loc + 1 : loc + row[1] + 1].index)
-    to_flag = to_flag.drop_duplicates(keep="first")
+    roll_mask = pd.Series(False, index=to_roll.index)
+    roll_mask[post_jumps.index] = True
+    engine=None
+    if roll_mask.sum() > numba_kickin:
+        engine = 'numba'
+    result = customRolling(to_roll, window, spike_tester, roll_mask, closed='both', engine=engine)
+    group_col = np.nancumsum(result)
+    group_frame = pd.DataFrame({'group_col': group_col[:-1],
+                                'diff_col': np.diff(group_col).astype(int)},
+                               index=result.index[:-1])
+    groups = group_frame.groupby('group_col')
+    def g_func(x):
+        r = np.array([False] * x.shape[0])
+        r[-x[-1]:] = True
+        return r
+    to_flag = groups['diff_col'].transform(g_func)
     flagger = flagger.setFlags(field, to_flag, **kwargs)
     return data, flagger
diff --git a/saqc/lib/tools.py b/saqc/lib/tools.py
index d8383172f5db724609445f0ad2b07ea55fae0a9d..8d21d8dcd95b2ebce770f2c329cdacb9211b5fa8 100644
--- a/saqc/lib/tools.py
+++ b/saqc/lib/tools.py
@@ -9,6 +9,8 @@ import numba as nb
 import pandas as pd
 import logging
 import dios
+from pandas.api.indexers import BaseIndexer
+from pandas._libs.window.indexers import calculate_variable_window_bounds
 # from saqc.flagger import BaseFlagger
@@ -357,3 +359,94 @@ def mutateIndex(index, old_name, new_name):
     index = index.insert(pos, new_name)
     return index
+class FreqIndexer(BaseIndexer):
+    def get_window_bounds(self, num_values, min_periods, center, closed):
+        start, end = calculate_variable_window_bounds(num_values, self.window_size, min_periods, center, closed,
+                                            self.index_array)
+        end[~self.win_points] = 0
+        start[~self.win_points] = 0
+        return start, end
+class PeriodsIndexer(BaseIndexer):
+    def get_window_bounds(self, num_values, min_periods, center, closed):
+        start_s = np.zeros(self.window_size, dtype="int64")
+        start_e = (
+                np.arange(self.window_size, num_values, dtype="int64")
+                - self.window_size
+                + 1
+        )
+        start = np.concatenate([start_s, start_e])[:num_values]
+        end_s = np.arange(self.window_size, dtype="int64") + 1
+        end_e = start_e + self.window_size
+        end = np.concatenate([end_s, end_e])[:num_values]
+        start[~self.win_points] = 0
+        end[~self.win_points] = 0
+        return start, end
+def customRolling(to_roll, winsz, func, roll_mask, min_periods=1, center=False, closed=None, raw=True, engine=None):
+    """
+    A wrapper around pandas.rolling.apply(), that allows for skipping func application on
+    arbitrary selections of windows.
+    Parameters
+    ----------
+    to_roll : pandas.Series
+        Timeseries to be "rolled over".
+    winsz : {int, str}
+        Gets passed on to the window-size parameter of pandas.Rolling.
+    func : Callable
+        Function to be rolled with.
+    roll_mask : numpy.array[bool]
+        A mask, indicating the rolling windows, `func` shall be applied on.
+        Has to be of same length as `to_roll`.
+        roll_mask[i] = False indicates, that the window with right end point to_roll.index[i] shall
+        be skipped.
+    min_periods : int, default 1
+        Gets passed on to the min_periods parameter of pandas.Rolling.
+        (Note, that rolling with freq string defined window size and `min_periods`=None,
+        results in nothing being computed due to some inconsistencies in the interplay of pandas.rolling and its
+        indexer.)
+    center : bool, default False
+        Gets passed on to the center parameter of pandas.Rolling.
+    closed : {None, 'left', 'right', 'both'}, default None
+        Gets passed on to the closed parameter of pandas.Rolling.
+    raw : bool, default True
+        Gets passed on to the raw parameter of pandas.Rolling.apply.
+    engine : {None, 'numba'}, default None
+        Gets passed on to the engine parameter of pandas.Rolling.apply.
+    Returns
+    -------
+    result : pandas.Series
+        The result of the rolling application.
+    """
+    i_roll = to_roll.copy()
+    i_roll.index = np.arange(to_roll.shape[0])
+    if isinstance(winsz, str):
+        winsz = int(pd.Timedelta(winsz).total_seconds()*10**9)
+        indexer = FreqIndexer(window_size=winsz,
+                              win_points=roll_mask,
+                              index_array=to_roll.index.to_numpy(int),
+                              center=center,
+                              closed=closed)
+    elif isinstance(winsz, int):
+        indexer = PeriodsIndexer(window_size=winsz,
+                              win_points=roll_mask,
+                              center=center,
+                              closed=closed)
+    i_roll = i_roll.rolling(indexer,
+                            min_periods=min_periods,
+                            center=center,
+                            closed=closed).apply(func, raw=raw, engine=engine)
+    return pd.Series(i_roll.values, index=to_roll.index)
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_functions.py b/test/funcs/test_functions.py
index 711504822f0128a4d01bf41396594a83b21406af..17c646f63dde5d82b57f29558de6d30f2e13fb92 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_functions.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_functions.py
@@ -117,7 +117,7 @@ def test_flagIsolated(data, flagger):
     data, flagger_result = flagIsolated(
         data, field, flagger_result, group_window="2D", gap_window="2.1D", continuation_range="1.1D",
-    )
+    )/home/luenensc
     assert flagger_result.isFlagged(field)[[3, 5, 13, 14]].all()
diff --git a/test/funcs/test_spikes_detection.py b/test/funcs/test_spikes_detection.py
index 7487cc4a4c45338f82cb396f67820e4fe4ab4a6d..cfdeb79b0a6a5f612f3b2c5a88cdd1e8fdaa61c6 100644
--- a/test/funcs/test_spikes_detection.py
+++ b/test/funcs/test_spikes_detection.py
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ def test_flagSpikesBasic(spiky_data, flagger):
     data = spiky_data[0]
     field, *_ = data.columns
     flagger = flagger.initFlags(data)
-    data, flagger_result = spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh=60, tolerance=10, window_size="20min")
+    data, flagger_result = spikes_flagBasic(data, field, flagger, thresh=60, tolerance=10, window="20min")
     flag_result = flagger_result.getFlags(field)
     test_sum = (flag_result[spiky_data[1]] == flagger.BAD).sum()
     assert test_sum == len(spiky_data[1])