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Follow-Up Translations

Merged David Schäfer requested to merge translations into develop
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#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
from __future__ import annotations
from saqc.core.lib import SaQCFunction, ColumnSelector
from typing import Dict, Optional, Union, Any, Tuple, Callable
import numpy as np
import pandas as pd
from dios import DictOfSeries
from saqc.core.flags import (
from saqc.lib.types import ExternalFlag, MaterializedGraph, DiosLikeT
ForwardMap = Dict[ExternalFlag, float]
BackwardMap = Dict[float, ExternalFlag]
class Translator:
This class provides the basic translation mechanism and should serve as
a base class for every other translation scheme.
The general translation is realized through dictionary lookups, altough
we might need to extend this logic to also allow calls to translation
functions in the future. Currently at least one `dict` defining the
'forward' translation from 'user flags' -> 'internal flags' needs to be
Optionally a second `dict` can be passed to map 'internal flags' -> 'user flags',
if the latter is not given, this 'backwards' translation will inferred as
the inverse of the 'forward' translation.
The translation mechanism imposes a few restrictions:
- The scheme must be well definied, i.e. we need a backward translation for
every forward translation (each value in `self._forward` needs a key in
- We need translations for the special flags `saqc.constants.UNFLAGGED` and
`saqc.constants.BAD`. That implies, that every valid translation scheme
provides at least one user flag that maps to `BAD` and one that maps to
# (internal) threshold flag above which values will be masked
TO_MASK: Union[float, bool] = True
# additional arguments and default values the translation scheme accepts
ARGUMENTS: Dict[str, Any] = {}
def __init__(self, forward: ForwardMap, backward: BackwardMap):
forward : dict
A mapping defining the forward translation of scalar flag values
backward : dict
A mapping defining the backward translation of scalar flag values
`backward` needs to provide a mapping for the two special flags
`saqc.constants.UNFLAGGED`, `saqc.constants.BAD`
if UNFLAGGED not in backward or BAD not in backward:
raise ValueError(
f"need translations for the special flags `UNFLAGGED` ({UNFLAGGED}) and `BAD` ({BAD})"
self._forward = forward
self._backward = backward
def _translate(
flags: Union[Flags, pd.DataFrame, pd.Series],
trans_map: Union[ForwardMap, BackwardMap],
) -> DictOfSeries:
Translate a given flag data structure to another according to the
mapping given in `trans_map`
flags : Flags, pd.DataFrame
The flags to translate
pd.DataFrame, Flags
if isinstance(flags, pd.Series):
flags = flags.to_frame()
out = DictOfSeries()
expected = pd.Index(trans_map.values())
for field in flags.columns:
out[field] = flags[field].replace(trans_map)
diff = pd.Index(out[field]).difference(expected)
if not diff.empty:
raise ValueError(
f"flags were not translated: {diff.drop_duplicates().to_list()}"
return out
def __call__(self, flag: ExternalFlag) -> float:
Translate a scalar 'external flag' to an 'internal flag'
flag : float, int, str
The external flag to translate
if flag not in self._forward:
if flag not in self._backward:
raise ValueError(f"invalid flag: {flag}")
return (
) # type: # ignore -> if flag is in `self._backward` it is of type float
return self._forward[flag]
def _generateInitFunction(
flag_name: str, history: pd.Series
) -> Callable[[DictOfSeries, str, Flags, Any], Tuple[DictOfSeries, Flags]]:
# Close over `flags_column` and `history_column`
# to immitate the original function application,
# that we cannot replicate directly because of
# lacking information.
# I am not entirely sure, if closing over
# `flag_column` is really necessary or if we
# even should close over `flags`
def mapFlags(data: DictOfSeries, field: str, flags: Flags, **kwargs):
flags[history.index, flag_name] = history
return data, flags
return mapFlags
def buildGraph(flags: Flags) -> MaterializedGraph:
build a call graph from the external flags
Build an `MaterializedGraph`, that can be used
in replays of the original `SaQC` run yielding the
same result for the same input data set.
As we usually don't have enough information (i.e. SaQC
function name and all used parameters) we generate dummy
functions here. These dummy functions unconditionally set
the `field` to the provided flags.
flags : flags to generate a call graph for
out = []
for flag_name in flags.columns:
# skip the default column
for _, hist_column in tuple(flags.history[flag_name].hist.items())[1:]:
flag_name, hist_column
return out
def forward(self, flags: pd.DataFrame) -> Tuple[Flags, MaterializedGraph]:
Translate from 'external flags' to 'internal flags'
flags : pd.DataFrame
The external flags to translate
Flags object
tflags = Flags(self._translate(flags, self._forward))
return tflags, self.buildGraph(tflags)
def backward(self, flags: Flags, call_graph: MaterializedGraph) -> pd.DataFrame:
Translate from 'internal flags' to 'external flags'
flags : pd.DataFrame
The external flags to translate
call_stack : List
The saqc functions called to generate the given `flags` (i.e. `SaQC._computed`)
`call_stack` is not evaluated here, it's presence only ensures, that subclasses
have access to it.
return self._translate(flags, self._backward).to_df()
class FloatTranslator(Translator):
Acts as the default Translator, provides a changeable subset of the
internal float flags
_MAP = {
-np.inf: -np.inf,
**{k: k for k in np.arange(0, 256, dtype=float)},
def __init__(self):
super().__init__(self._MAP, self._MAP)