# =========================================================== # preparation # =========================================================== variables: GIT_SUBMODULE_STRATEGY: recursive default: image: python:3.8 before_script: - pip install --upgrade pip - pip install pytest - pip install -r requirements.txt # =========================================================== # normal jobs (non scheduled) # =========================================================== # test saqc with python 3.7 python37: stage: test image: python:3.7 script: - pytest tests/core tests/funcs tests/integration dios/test -Werror - python -m saqc --config ressources/data/config.csv --data ressources/data/data.csv --outfile /tmp/test.csv # test saqc with python 3.8 python38: stage: test script: - pytest tests/core tests/funcs tests/integration dios/test -Werror - python -m saqc --config ressources/data/config.csv --data ressources/data/data.csv --outfile /tmp/test.csv # test saqc with python 3.9 python39: stage: test image: python:3.9 script: - pytest tests/core tests/funcs tests/integration dios/test -Werror - python -m saqc --config ressources/data/config.csv --data ressources/data/data.csv --outfile /tmp/test.csv # check if everthing is properly formatted black: stage: test script: - pip install black - black --check . # make (visual) coverage in gitlab merge request diff's coverage: stage: test allow_failure: true script: - pip install pytest-cov coverage - pytest --cov=saqc tests/core tests/funcs -Werror after_script: - coverage xml # regex to find the coverage percentage in the job output coverage: '/^TOTAL.+?(\d+\%)$/' artifacts: when: always reports: cobertura: coverage.xml # make html docu with sphinx pages: stage: deploy only: - develop except: - schedules script: - cd sphinxdoc/ - pip install -r requirements_sphinx.txt - make doc - cp -r _build/html ../public artifacts: paths: - public # =========================================================== # scheduled jobs # =========================================================== # fuzzy testing saqc fuzzy: stage: test only: - schedules script: - pytest tests/fuzzy -Werror # test lib saqc testLib: stage: test only: - schedules script: - pytest tests/lib -Werror