import ast import os import click import pkgutil import shutil import re from collections import OrderedDict import pickle new_line_re = "(\r\n|[\r\n])" def rm_section(dcstring, section, _return_section=False): """ Detects a section in a docstring and (default) removes it, or (_return_section=True) returns it """ section_re = f"{new_line_re}(?P<s_name>[^\n\r]{{2,}}){new_line_re}(?P<s_dash>-{{2,}}){new_line_re}" triggers = re.finditer(section_re, dcstring) matches = [ (trigger.groupdict()["s_name"], trigger.span()) for trigger in triggers if len(trigger.groupdict()["s_name"]) == len(trigger.groupdict()["s_dash"]) ] + [(None, (len(dcstring), None))] sections = [m[0] for m in matches] starts = ends = 0 if section in sections: i = sections.index(section) starts = matches[i][1][0] ends = matches[i + 1][1][0] if _return_section: return dcstring[starts:ends] else: return dcstring[:starts] + dcstring[ends:] def rm_parameter(dcstring, parameter): """ remove a parameters documentation from a function docstring """ paramatches = _get_paramatches(dcstring) start = end = 0 for p in paramatches: if parameter == p.groupdict()["paraname"]: start =[0], dcstring).span()[0] try: end = dcstring.find(next(paramatches)[0]) except StopIteration: end = len(re.sub(new_line_re + "$", "", dcstring)) return dcstring[0:start] + dcstring[end:] def get_parameter(dcstr): """ returns the list of parameters and their defaults, documented in a docstrings Parameters section """ paramatches = _get_paramatches(dcstr) return [ (p.groupdict()["paraname"], p.groupdict()["paradefaults"]) for p in paramatches ] def _get_paramatches(dcstr): parastr = rm_section(dcstr, "Parameters", _return_section=True) match_re = f"{new_line_re}(?P<paraname>[\S]+) : [^\n\r]*(default (?P<paradefaults>[^\n\r]*))?" return re.finditer(match_re, parastr) def parse_func_dcstrings(m_paths): func_dict = {} for m in m_paths: with open(m) as f: lines = f.readlines() module_ast = ast.parse("".join(lines)) funcs = [node for node in module_ast.body if isinstance(node, ast.FunctionDef)] for func in funcs: dcstr = ast.get_docstring(func) if[0] == "_" or (dcstr is None): continue dcstr = rm_section(dcstr, "Returns") dcstr = rm_parameter(dcstr, "data") dcstr = rm_parameter(dcstr, "flags") parameters = get_parameter(dcstr) parameters = [f"{p[0]}={p[1]}" if p[1] else p[0] for p in parameters] signature = f"def {}({', '.join(parameters)}):" # get @register module registration if present reg_module = None r = [d for d in func.decorator_list if == "register"] if r: rm = [kw.value.s for kw in r[0].keywords if kw.arg == "module"] if rm: reg_module = rm[0] func_dict[f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(m))[0]}.{}"] = ( signature, dcstr, reg_module, ) return func_dict def parse_module_dcstrings(m_paths): mod_dict = {} for m in m_paths: with open(m) as f: lines = f.readlines() mod_docstr = ast.get_docstring(ast.parse("".join(lines))) mod_dict[f"{os.path.splitext(os.path.basename(m))[0]}"] = mod_docstr or "" return mod_dict def make_doc_module(targetpath, func_dict, doc_mod_structure): for doc_mod in [ d for d in doc_mod_structure.keys() if not"_dcstring$", d) ]: with open(os.path.join(targetpath, f"{doc_mod}.py"), "w+") as f: mod_string = ['"""\n' + doc_mod_structure[doc_mod + "_dcstring"] + '\n"""'] mod_funcs = doc_mod_structure[doc_mod] for func in mod_funcs: mod_string.append(func_dict[func][0]) mod_string.append(' """') # indent the docstring: indented_doc_string = "\n".join( [f" {l}" for l in func_dict[func][1].splitlines()] ) mod_string.append(indented_doc_string) mod_string.append(' """') mod_string.append(" pass") mod_string.append("") mod_string.append("") f.write("\n".join(mod_string)) with open(os.path.join(targetpath, "module_dict.pkl"), "wb+") as file: pickle.dump(doc_mod_structure, file) return 0 @click.command() @click.option( "-p", "--pckpath", type=str, required=True, default="saqc/funcs", help="Relative path to the package to be documented (relative to sphinx root).", ) @click.option( "-t", "--targetpath", type=str, required=True, default="docs/intro_modules", help="Output folder path (relative to sphinx root). Will be overridden if already existent.", ) @click.option( "-sr", "--sphinxroot", type=str, required=True, default="..", help="Relative path to the sphinx root.", ) @click.option( "-mo", "--mode", type=str, required=True, default="Functions", help="either 'Functions' or 'module_doc' or 'registered_doc' (All but 'Functions' is deprecated and will be remove " "soon).", ) def main(pckpath, targetpath, sphinxroot, mode): root_path = os.path.abspath(sphinxroot) pkg_path = os.path.join(root_path, pckpath) targetpath = os.path.join(root_path, targetpath) modules = [] # collect modules for _, modname, _ in pkgutil.walk_packages(path=[pkg_path], onerror=lambda x: None): modules.append(modname) # clear target dir if os.path.isdir(targetpath): shutil.rmtree(targetpath) os.makedirs(targetpath, exist_ok=True) # parse all the functions module_paths = [os.path.join(pkg_path, f"{m}.py") for m in modules] mod_dict = parse_module_dcstrings(module_paths) func_dict = parse_func_dcstrings(module_paths) if mode == "Functions": doc_mod_structure = {"saqc": [f for f in func_dict.keys()], "saqc_dcstring": ""} make_doc_module(targetpath, func_dict, doc_mod_structure) # DEPRECATED DOC MODE if mode == "registered_doc": doc_struct = {} for dm in func_dict.keys(): module = func_dict[dm][2] if module: if module in doc_struct.keys(): doc_struct[module].append(dm) else: doc_struct[module] = [dm] doc_struct[module + "_dcstring"] = mod_dict[module] make_doc_module(targetpath, func_dict, doc_struct) # DEPRECATED DOC MODE if mode == "module_doc": doc_struct = {m: [] for m in modules} for dm in func_dict.keys(): module ="([^ .]*)\.[^ ]*$", dm).group(1) doc_struct[module].append(dm) make_doc_module(targetpath, func_dict, doc_struct) if __name__ == "__main__": main()