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  • numpy
  • pandas
  • numba
  • pyyaml

Test Syntax


A test specification contains:

  • A test name, either on of the pre-defined tests or 'generic'
  • Optionally a set of parametes. These should be given in json-object or yaml/python-dictionary style (i.e. {key: value})
  • test name and parameter object/dictionary need to be seperated by comma

Test Parameters

  • flag_period:
    • if a value is flagged, so is the given time period following the timestamp of that value

    • Number followed by a frequency specification, e.g. '5min', '6D'. A comprehensive list of the supported frequies can be found in the table 'Offset Aliases' in the Pandas Docs. The (probably) most common options are also listed below:

      frequency string description
      'D' one day
      'H' one hour
      'T' or 'min' one minute
      'S' one second
  • flag_values:
    • Number
    • if a value is flagged, so are the next n previously unflagged values

User Defined Tests


  • standard Python syntax
  • all variables within the configuration file can be used

Supported Operators

  • all arithmetic operators
  • all comparison operators
  • bitwise operators: and, or, xor, complement (&, |, ^, ~)

Supported functions

function name description
abs absolute values of a variable
max maximum value of a variable
min minimum value of a variable
mean mean value of a variable
sum sum of a variable
std standard deviation of a variable
len the number of values of variable
ismissing check for missing values (nan and a possibly user defined value)