Sebastian Müller authored02eeca26
FORCES library
This is the FORTRAN library for Computational Environmental Systems of the
Department Computational Hydrosystems
Helmholtz Centre for Environmental Research - UFZ
Permoserstr. 15
04318 Leipzig, Germany
It is a lightweight fork of the jams_fortran
library maintained by Matthias Cuntz et al: https://github.com/mcuntz/jams_fortran
The jams_fortran
library was formerly developed at the CHS department at the UFZ and is now released under the MIT license.
Using FORCES with your Fortran program
Let's assume, you want to write a fortran program using forces, like this example test.f90
program test
use mo_message, only : message
implicit none
call message("This is working!")
end program test
You should create a minimal CMakeLists.txt
file next to the test.f90
file like this:
cmake_minimum_required(VERSION 3.14 FATAL_ERROR)
# get CPM (package manager)
file(DOWNLOAD https://github.com/cpm-cmake/CPM.cmake/releases/download/v0.35.0/CPM.cmake ${CPM_DOWNLOAD_LOCATION})
# create project
project(MyProject LANGUAGES Fortran)
# add executable
add_executable(test test.f90)
# add FORCES dependency
# link dependencies
target_link_libraries(test forces)
There, CPM
(the cmake package manager) is downloaded on the fly and used to get FORCES
to be able to link against it.
Afterwards you only need to do the following to configure, compile and execute your program:
cmake -B build
cmake --build build --parallel
And it will happily write:
This is working!
For a more complex project, prepared for unit-tests, documentation and modules, have a look at the Fortran Template.
Dependencies and Requirements
- Fortran compiler: We support gfortran, nagfor and ifort
- Build system: We support make and ninja
- cmake: Software for build automation
- NetCDF-Fortran: NetCDF I/O for Fortran
- (optional) fypp: Fortran pre-processor written in Python
It is recommended to have a clean installation at a custom location for a C compiler, a Fortran compiler, the NetCDF C library and the NetCDF Fortran library with consistent compilers.
We recommend to use a conda environment by using Miniconda to get all dependencies easily:
conda create -y --prefix ./forces_env
conda activate ./forces_env
conda config --add channels conda-forge
conda config --set channel_priority strict
conda install -y cmake make fortran-compiler netcdf-fortran fypp
With this you could now proceed with the example given above.
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