Finalise ODD protocol
To finalise the ODD, the following tasks must be completed:
Add pseudo code listing for "basic principles" part of "design concepts" section illustrating the use of model state transitions (i.e. probability rate and stoachstic rounding to determine a number of individuals to subtract from one and add to another). -
Update "stochasticity" part of "design concepts" section. Remove unneccessary technical explanations. -
Explain technical terms EURO-CORDEX, bias-adjusted, homogenised in "input data" part of "Details" section. -
Mention conversion from Kelvin to Celsius in "input data" part of "Details" section. -
Add info about ECS design to section "Basic principles" -
Add missing references -
Improve table formatting -
Add titlepage -
Check the whole text for spelling and improvements of readability. -
Improve overall apperance
Edited by Henning Nolzen