V5 add run interfaces
Backport of the run interfaces from !94 (merged)
Refactor mhm_eval: copy everything into subroutines
remove PGI pre-processor directives
new module:
use mo_mhm_interface_run, only : & mhm_interface_run_prepare, & mhm_interface_run_get_ndomains, & mhm_interface_run_prepare_domain, & mhm_interface_run_finished, & mhm_interface_run_do_time_step, & mhm_interface_run_write_output, & mhm_interface_run_update_optisim, & mhm_interface_run_finalize_domain, & mhm_interface_run_finalize
use subroutines for every step in the eval routine:
! prepare the mhm run call mhm_interface_run_prepare(parameterset, opti_domain_indices, present(runoff)) ! get number of domains to loop over call mhm_interface_run_get_ndomains(nDomains) ! loop over Domains DomainLoop: do ii = 1, nDomains ! prepare current domain call mhm_interface_run_prepare_domain(ii, etOptiSim, twsOptiSim, neutronsOptiSim, smOptiSim) ! run time-loop at least once time_loop_finished = .false. ! Loop over time TimeLoop: do while(.not. time_loop_finished) ! do one time-step on current domain call mhm_interface_run_do_time_step() ! write output call mhm_interface_run_write_output() ! update optisim data call mhm_interface_run_update_optisim(etOptiSim, twsOptiSim, neutronsOptiSim, smOptiSim) ! check whether to run the time-loop further call mhm_interface_run_finished(time_loop_finished) end do TimeLoop !<< TIME STEPS LOOP ! finalize domain call mhm_interface_run_finalize_domain() end do DomainLoop !<< Domain LOOP ! SET RUNOFF OUTPUT VARIABLE; reset init-flag for MPR call mhm_interface_run_finalize(runoff)