# Soil Moisture
A collection of soil moisture specific quality check routines.
## Index
- [soilMoisture_spikes](#soilmoisture_spikes)
- [soilMoisture_breaks](#soilmoisture_breaks)
- [soilMoisture_byFrost](#soilmoisture_byfrost)
- [soilMoisture_byPrecipitation](#soilmoisture_byprecipitation)
## soilMoisture_spikes
soilMoisture_spikes(raise_factor=0.15, deriv_factor=0.2,
noise_func="CoVar", noise_window="12h", noise_thresh=1,
| parameter | default value |
| raise_factor | `0.15` |
| deriv_factor | `0.2` |
| noise_thresh | `1` |
| noise_window | `"12h"` |
| noise_func | `"CoVar"` |
| smooth_window | `"3h"` |
The Function is a wrapper around `flagSpikes_spektrumBased`
with a set of default parameters referring to [1]. For a complete description of
the algorithm and the available parameters please refer to the documentation of
[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture
Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013.
Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
## soilMoisture_breaks
soilMoisture_breaks(thresh_rel=0.1, thresh_abs=0.01,
first_der_factor=10, first_der_window="12h",
scnd_der_ratio_range=0.05, scnd_der_ratio_thresh=10,
smooth=False, smooth_window="3h", smooth_poly_deg=2)
| parameter | default value |
| thresh_rel | `0.1` |
| thresh_abs | `0.01` |
| first_der_factor | `10` |
| first_der_window | `"12h"` |
| scnd_der_ratio_range | `0.05` |
| scnd_der_ratio_thresh | `10.0` |
| smooth | `False` |
| smooth_window | `"3h"` |
| smooth_poly_deg | `2` |
The Function is a wrapper around `breaks_spektrumBased`
with a set of default parameters referring to [1]. For a complete description of
the algorithm and the available parameters please refer to the documentation of
[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture
Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013.
Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.
soilMoisture_constant(window="12h", thresh=0.0005,
deriv_max=0.0025, deriv_min=0,
max_missing=None, max_consec_missing=None,
smooth_window=None, smooth_poly_deg=2)
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| window | [offset string](docs/ | | Minimum duration during which values need to identical to become plateau candidates. See condition (1) |
| thresh | float | `0.0005` | Maximum variance of a group of values to still consider them constant. See condition (2) |
| precipitation_window | [offset string](docs/ | `"12h"` | See condition (3) and (4) |
| tolerance | float | `0.95` | Tolerance factor, see condition (5) |
| deriv_min | float | `0.0025` | See condition (3) |
| deriv_max | float | `0` | See condition (4) |
| max_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| max_consec_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of consecutive missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| smooth_window | [offset string](docs/ | `None` | Size of the smoothing window of the Savitsky-Golay filter. The default value `None` results in a window of two times the sampling rate (i.e. three values) |
| smooth_poly_deg | integer | `2` | Degree of the polynomial used for smoothing with the Savitsky-Golay filter |
This function flags plateaus/series of constant values in soil moisture data.
The function represents a stricter version of
The additional constraints (3)-(5), are designed to match the special cases of constant
values in soil moisture measurements and basically for preceding precipitation events
(conditions (3) and (4)) and certain plateau level (condition (5)).
Any set of consecutive values
$`x_k,..., x_{k+n}`$, of a time series $`x`$ is flagged, if:
1. $`n > `$`window`
2. $`\sigma(x_k, x_{k+1},..., x_{k+n}) < `$`thresh`
3. $`\max(x'_{k-n-s}, x'_{k-n-s+1},..., x'_{k-n+s}) \geq`$ `deriv_min`, with $`s`$ denoting periods per `precipitation_window`
4. $`\min(x'_{k-n-s}, x'_{k-n-s+1},..., x'_{k-n+s}) \leq`$ `deriv_max`, with $`s`$ denoting periods per `precipitation_window`
5. $`\mu(x_k, x_{k+1},..., x_{k+n}) \le \max(x) \cdot`$ `tolerance`
- The time series is expected to be harmonized to an
[equidistant frequency grid](docs/funcs/
This Function is based on [1] and all default parameter values are taken from this publication.
[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data
from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J.
## soilMoisture_byFrost
soilMoisture_byFrost(soil_temp_variable, window="1h", frost_thresh=0)
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| soil_temp_variable | string | | Name of the soil temperature variable in the dataset |
| window | [offset string](docs/ | `"1h"` | Window around a value checked for frost events |
| frost_thresh | float | `0` | Soil temperature below `frost_thresh` are considered as frost |
This function flags soil moisture values if the soil temperature
(given in `soil_temp_variable`) drops below `frost_thresh`
This Function is an implementation of the soil temperature based flagging
presented in [1] and all default parameter values are taken from this
[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data
from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J.
## soilMoisture_byPrecipitation
soilMoisture_byPrecipitation(prec_variable, sensor_depth=0,
sensor_accuracy=0, soil_porosity=0,
std_factor=2, std_window="24h"
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| prec_variable | string | | Name of the precipitation variable in the dataset |
| raise_window | [offset string](docs/ | `None` | Duration during which a rise has to occur |
| sensor_depth | float | `0` | Depth of the soil moisture sensor in meter |
| sensor_accuracy | float | `0` | Soil moisture sensor accuracy in $`\frac{m^3}{m^{-3}}`$ |
| soil_porosity | float | `0` | Porosity of the soil surrounding the soil moisture sensor |
| std_factor | integer | `2` | See condition (2) |
| std_window | [offset string](docs/ | `"1h"` | See condition (2) |
| ignore_missing | bool | `False` | Whether to check values even if there is invalid data within `std_window` |
This function flags rises in soil moisture data if there are no sufficiently large
precipitation events in the preceding 24 hours.
A data point $`x_k`$ of a time series $`x`$ with sampling rate $`f`$
is flagged, if:
1. $`x_k`$ represents a rise in soil moisture, i.e. for
$`s = `$ (`raise_window` / $`f`$):
2. The rise is sufficiently large and exceeds a threshold based on the
standard deviation $`\sigma`$ of the values in the preceding `std_window`,
i.e. the following condition is fulfilled for $`h = `$ `std_window` / $`f`$:
$`x_k - x_{k-s} >`$ `std_factor` $`\cdot \sigma(x_{t-h},...,x_{k})`$
3. The total amount of precipitation within the last 24 hours does not exceed
a certain threshold, i.e. with $`j = `$ "24h" / $`f`$ the following
condition is fulfilled:
$` y_{k-j} + y_{k-j+1} + ... + y_{k} \le `$ `sensor_depth` $`\cdot`$ `sensor_accuracy` $`\cdot`$ `soil_porosity`
This Function is an implementation of the precipitation based flagging
presented in [1] and all default parameter values are taken from this
[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data
from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J.