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Implemented QC functions

Main documentation of the implemented functions, their purpose and parameters and their description.




range(min, max)
parameter data type default value description
min float Upper bound for valid values. (
max float lower bound for valid values. (

The function flags all the values, that exceed the closed interval

min, max


sesonalRange(min, max, startmonth=1, endmonth=12, startday=1, endday=31)
parameter data type default value description
min float Upper bound for valid values. (
max float lower bound for valid values. (
startmonth integer 1 interval start month
endmonth integer 12 interval end month
startday integer 1 interval start day
endday integer 31 interval end day

The function does the same as range (flags all data, that exceed the interval

min, max
), but only, if the timestamp of the data-point lies in a time interval defined by day and month only. The year is not used by the interval calculation. The left interval boundary is defined by startmonth and startday, the right by endmonth and endday. Both boundaries are inclusive. If the left side occurs later in the year than the right side, the interval is extended over the change of year (e.g. an interval of [01/12, 01/03], will flag values in december, january and february).

Note: Only works for datetime indexed data


isolated(isolation_range, max_isolated_group_size=1, continuation_range='1min', 
parameter data type default value description
isolation_range string Offset string. The range, within there are no valid values allowed for a valuegroup to get flagged isolated. See condition (1) and (2).
max_isolated_group_size integer 1 The upper bound for the size of a value group to be considered an isolated group. See condition (3).
continuation_range string "1min" Offset string. The upper bound for the temporal extension of a value group to be considered an isolated group. See condition (4). Only relevant if max_isolated_group_size > 1.
drop_flags list or Nonetype None A list of flags, that are to be regarded as signifying invalid values. See condition (1) and (2).

The function flags isolated values / value groups. Isolated values are values / value groups, that, in a range of isolation_range, are surrounded either by invalid values only, or by no values.

The function defaults to flag isolated single values only. But the parameters allow for detections of more complex isolation definitions, including groups of isolated values.

A continuous group of values

x_{k}, x_{k+1},...,x_{k+n}
of the timeseries of meassurements
, is considered to be "isolated", if:

  1. There are no values, preceeding
    within isolation_range or all the preceeding values within this range are flagged with a flag listed in drop_list.
  2. There are no values, succeeding
    , within isolation_range, or all the succeeding values within this range are flagged with a flag listed in drop_list.
  3. n \leq
  4. |y_{k} - y_{n+k}| <
    continuation_range, with
    , denoting the series of timestamps associated with


parameter data type default value description
nodata any NAN Value indicating missing values in the passed data.

The function flags those values in the the passed data series, that are associated with "missing" data. The missing data indicator (default: NAN), can be altered to any other value by passing this value to the parameter nodata.



Remove all previously set flags.


parameter data type default value description
flag float/GOOD/BAD/UNFLAGGED GOOD flag to force

Force flags to the given flag value.

Spike Detection


spikes_basic(thresh, tolerance, window_size)
parameter data type default value description
thresh float Minimum jump margin for spikes. See condition (1).
tolerance float Range of area, containing all "valid return values". See condition (2).
window_size string An offset string, denoting the maximum length of "spikish" value courses. See condition (3).

A basic outlier test, that is designed to work for harmonized, as well as raw (not-harmonized) data.

The values

x_{n}, x_{n+1}, .... , x_{n+k}
of a passed timeseries
, are considered spikes, if:

  1. |x_{n-1} - x_{n + s}| >
    s \in \{0,1,2,...,k\}

  2. |x_{n-1} - x_{n+k+1}| <

  3. |y_{n-1} - y_{n+k+1}| <
    window_size, with
    , denoting the series of timestamps associated with

By this definition, spikes are values, that, after a jump of margin thresh(1), are keeping that new value level they jumped to, for a timespan smaller than window_size (3), and do then return to the initial value level - within a tolerance margin of tolerance (2).

Note, that this characterization of a "spike", not only includes one-value outliers, but also plateau-ish value courses.


Flag outlier by simple median absolute deviation test.

spikes_simpleMad(winsz="1h", z=3.5)
parameter data type default value description
winsz offset-string or int "1h" size of the sliding window, where the modified Z-score is applied on
z float 3.5 z-parameter the modified Z-score

The modified Z-score [1] is used to detect outlier. All values are flagged as outlier, if in any slice of the sliding window, a value fulfills:

0.6745 * |x - M| > mad * z > 0


x, M, mad, z
: window data, window median, window median absolute deviation, z. The window is moved by one frequency step.

Note: This function should only be applied on normalized data.

See also: [1]


Detect outlier/spikes by a given method in a sliding window.

spikes_slidingZscore(winsz="1h", dx="1h", count=1, deg=1, z=3.5, method="modZ")
parameter data type default value description
winsz offset-string/integer "1h" size of the sliding window, the method is applied on
dx offset-string/integer "1h" the step size the sliding window is continued after calculation
count integer 1 the minimal count, a possible outlier needs, to be flagged
deg integer 1" the degree of the polynomial fit, to calculate the residual
z float 3.5 z-parameter for the method (see description)
method string "modZ" the method outlier are detected with

Parameter notes:

  • winsz and dx must be of same type, mixing of offset and integer is not supported and will fail.
  • offset-strings only work with datetime indexed data

The algorithm works as follows:

  1. a window of size winsz is cut from the data
  2. normalisation - (the data is fit by a polynomial of the given degree deg, which is subtracted from the data)
  3. the outlier detection method is applied on the residual, and possible outlier are marked
  4. the window (on the data) is moved by dx
  5. start over from 1. until the end of data is reached
  6. all potential outliers, that are detected count-many times, are flagged as outlier

The possible outlier detection methods are zscore and modZ. In the following description, the residual (calculated from a slice by the sliding window) is referred as data.

The zscore (Z-score) [1] mark every value as possible outlier, which fulfill:

|r - m| > s * z


r, m, s, z
: data, data mean, data standard deviation, z.

The modZ (modified Z-score) [1] mark every value as possible outlier, which fulfill:

0.6745 * |r - M| > mad * z > 0


r, M, mad, z
: data, data median, data median absolute deviation, z.

See also: [1]


spikes_spektrumBased(raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2,
                     noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size="12h", noise_statistic="CoVar",
                     smooth_poly_order=2, filter_window_size=None)
parameter data type default value description
raise_factor float 0.15 Minimum margin of value change, a datapoint has to represent, to become a candidate for a spike. See condition (1).
dev_cont_factor float 0.2 See condition (2).
noise_barrier float 1 Upper bound for noisyness of data surrounding potential spikes. See condition (3).
noise_window_range string "12h" Any offset string. Determines the range of the time window of the "surrounding" data of a potential spike. See condition (3).
noise_statistic string "CoVar" Operator to calculate noisyness of data, surrounding potential spikes. Either "Covar" (=Coefficient od Variation) or "rvar" (=relative Variance).
smooth_poly_order integer 2 Order of the polynomial fit, applied with savitsky-Golay-filter.
filter_window_size string None Any offset string

Controlls the range of the smoothing window applied with the Savitsky-Golay filter. If None (default), the window size will be two times the sampling rate. (Thus, covering 3 values.) If unsure, do not change that value.

The function detects and flags spikes in input data series by evaluating the the timeseries' derivatives and applying some conditions to them.

NOTE, that the datast-to-be flagged is supposed to be harmonized to a timeseries with an equadistant frequency grid.

A datapoint

of a dataseries
, is considered a spike, if:

  1. The quotient to its preceeding datapoint exceeds a certain bound:
    • |\frac{x_k}{x_{k-1}}| > 1 +
      raise_factor, or
    • |\frac{x_k}{x_{k-1}}| < 1 -
  2. The quotient of the datas second derivate
    , at the preceeding and subsequent timestamps is close enough to 1:
    • |\frac{x''_{k-1}}{x''_{k+1}} | > 1 -
      dev_cont_factor, and
    • |\frac{x''_{k-1}}{x''_{k+1}} | < 1 +
  3. The dataset,
    , surrounding
    , within noise_window_range range, but excluding
    , is not too noisy. Wheras the noisyness gets measured by noise_statistic:
    • noise_statistic
      (X_k) <

NOTE, that the derivative is calculated after applying a Savitsky-Golay filter to


This function is a generalization of the Spectrum based Spike flagging mechanism as presented in:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.

Constant Detection


constant(eps, length, thmin=None)
parameter data type default value description
thmin None


constants_varianceBased(plateau_window_min="12h", plateau_var_limit=0.0005,
                        var_total_nans=Inf, var_consec_nans=Inf)
parameter data type default value description
plateau_window_min string Options
- any offset string

Minimum barrier for the duration, values have to be continouos to be plateau canditaes. See condition (1).
plateau_var_limit float 0.0005 Barrier, the variance of a group of values must not exceed to be flagged a plateau. See condition (2).
var_total_nans integer Inf Maximum number of nan values allowed, for a calculated variance to be valid. (Default skips the condition.)
var_consec_nans integer Inf Maximum number of consecutive nan values allowed, for a calculated variance to be valid. (Default skips the condition.)

Function flags plateaus/series of constant values. Any set of consecutive values

x_k,..., x_{k+n}
of a timeseries
is flagged, if:

  1. n >
  2. \sigma(x_k,..., x_{k+n})
    < plateau_var_limit

NOTE, that the dataseries-to-be flagged is supposed to be harmonized to an equadistant frequency grid.

NOTE, that when var_total_nans or var_consec_nans are set to a value < Inf , plateaus that can not be calculated the variance of, due to missing values, will never be flagged. (Test not applicable rule.)

Break Detection


breaks_spektrumBased(rel_change_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
                     first_der_window_size="12h", scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
                     scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2,
                     diff_method="raw", filter_window_size="3h")
parameter data type default value description
rel_change_rate_min float 0.1 Lower bound for the relative difference, a value has to have to its preceeding value, to be a candidate for being break-flagged. See condition (2).
abs_change_min float 0.01 Lower bound for the absolute difference, a value has to have to its preceeding value, to be a candidate for being break-flagged. See condition (1).
first_der_factor float 10 Factor of the second derivates "arithmetic middle bound". See condition (3).
first_der_window_size string "12h" Options:
- any offset String

Determining the size of the window, covering all the values included in the the arithmetic middle calculation of condition (3).
scnd_der_ratio_margin_1 float 0.05 Range of the area, covering all the values of the second derivatives quotient, that are regarded "sufficiently close to 1" for signifying a break. See condition (5).
scnd_der_ratio_margin_2 float 10.0 Lower bound for the break succeeding second derivatives quotients. See condition (5).
smooth_poly_order integer 2 When calculating derivatives from smoothed timeseries (diff_method="savgol"), this value gives the order of the fitting polynomial calculated in the smoothing process.
diff_method string "savgol" Options:
- "savgol"
- "raw"

Select "raw", to skip smoothing before differenciation.
filter_window_size Nonetype or string None Options:
- None
- any offset string

Controlls the range of the smoothing window applied with the Savitsky-Golay filter. If None is passed (default), the window size will be two times the sampling rate. (Thus, covering 3 values.) If you are not very well knowing what you are doing - do not change that value. Broader window sizes caused unexpected results during testing phase.

The function flags breaks (jumps/drops) in input measurement series by evaluating its derivatives.

NOTE, that the dataseries-to-be flagged is supposed to be harmonized to an equadistant frequencie grid.

NOTE, that the derivatives are calculated after applying a savitsky-golay filter to


A value

of a data series
, is flagged a break, if:

  1. x_k
    represents a sufficient absolute jump in the course of data values:
    • |x_k - x_{k-1}| > abs_change_min
  2. x_k represents a sufficient relative jump in the course of data values:
    • |\frac{x_k - x_{k-1}}{x_k}| > rel_change_min
  3. Let X_k be the set of all values that lie within a first_der_window_range range around x_k. Then, for its arithmetic mean \bar{X_k}, following equation has to hold:
    • |x'_k| > first_der_factor \times \bar{X_k}
  4. The second derivations quatients are "sufficiently equalling 1":
    • 1 - scnd_der_ratio_margin_1 < |\frac{x''_{k-1}}{x_{k''}}| < 1 + scnd_der_ratio_margin_1
  5. The the succeeding second derivatives values quotient has to be sufficiently high:
    • |\frac{x''_{k}}{x''_{k+1}}| > scnd_der_ratio_margin_2

This Function is a generalization of the Spectrum based Spike flagging mechanism as presented in:

Dorigo,W. et al.: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.

Time Series Harmonization


harmonize_shift2Grid(freq, shift_method='nearest_shift', drop_flags=None)
parameter data type default value description
freq string Offset string. Detemining the frequency grid, the data shall be shifted to.
shift_method string nearest_shift Method, used for shifting of data and flags. See a list of methods below.
drop_flags list or Nonetype None Flags to be excluded from harmonization. See description of step 3 below.

The function "harmonizes" the data-to-be-flagged, to match an equidistant frequency grid by shifting the datapoints. This is achieved by shifting all data points to timestamp values, that are multiples of freq.

In detail, the process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data, identified by np.nan get flagged and will be excluded from the shifting process. NOTE, that implicitly this step includes a call to missing onto the data-to-be-flagged.
  2. Additionally, if a list is passed to drop_flags, all the values in data, that are flagged with a flag, listed in drop_list, will be excluded from shifting - meaning, that they will not affect the further shifting prozess.
  3. Depending on the keyword passed to shift_method, the data gets shifted, together with its flags, to a timestamp that is a multiple of freq. NOTE, that this step projects the data to an equidistant frequencie grid ranging from the initial to the last timestamp of the data passen and by this, will very likely change the size of the dataseries to-be-flagged. New sampling in the equidistant freq grid, covering no data in the original dataseries, or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data (Thus get assigned NaN value). The original data will be dropped (but can be regained by function deharmonize).

shift_method keywords::

  • "fshift": every grid point gets assigned its ultimately preceeding flag/datapoint if there is one available in the preceeding sampling interval. If not, BAD/np.nan - flag gets assigned.
  • "bshift": every grid point gets assigned its first succeeding flag/datapoint if there is one available in the succeeding sampling interval. If not, BAD/np.nan - flag gets assigned.
  • "nearest_shift": every grid point gets assigned the closest flag/datapoint in its range. ( range = +/- freq/2 ).


harmonize_aggregate2Grid(freq, agg_func, agg_method='nearest_agg', flag_agg_func="max", drop_flags=None)
parameter data type default value description
freq string Offset string. Determining the sampling rate of the frequency grid, the data shall be aggregated to.
agg_func string String, signifying a function used for data aggregation. See a table of keywords here.
agg_method string nearest_agg Method, determining the range of data and flags aggregation. See a list of methods below.
flag_agg_func string "max" String, signifying a function used for flags aggregation. See a table of keywords here.
drop_flags list or Nonetype None Flags to be excluded from harmonization. See description of step 2 below.

The function aggregates the data-to-be-flagged, to match an equidistant frequency grid. The data aggregagation is carried out, according to the aggregation method agg_method, the aggregated value is calculated with agg_func and gets assigned to a timestamp value, that is a multiples of freq.

In detail, the process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data, identified by np.nan, get flagged and will be excluded from the aggregation process. NOTE, that implicitly this step includes a call to missing onto the data-to-be-flagged.
  2. Additionally, if a list is passed to drop_flags, all the values in data, that are flagged with a flag, listed in drop_list, will be excluded from aggregation - meaning, that they will not affect the further aggregation prozess.
  3. Depending on the keyword passed to agg_method, values get aggregated by agg_func and the result, assigned to a timestamp value - again - depending on your selection of agg_method. NOTE, that this step will very likely change the size of the dataseries to-be-flagged. New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data (Thus get assigned NaN value). The original data will be dropped (but can be regained by function deharmonize).
  4. Depending on the keyword passed to agg_flag_func, the original flags get aggregated and assigned onto the new, harmonized data, generated in step (3). New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data and thus get assigned the worst flag level available.

agg_method keywords:

  • "fagg": all flags/values in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the last grid point.
  • "bagg": all flags/values in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the next grid point.
  • "nearest_agg": all flags/values in the range (+/- freq/2) of a grid point get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method and assigned to it.


harmonize_linear2Grid(freq, flag_assignment_method='nearest_agg', flag_agg_func="max", drop_flags=None)
parameter data type default value description
freq string Offset string. Determining the sampling rate of the frequency grid, the data shall be interpolated at.
flag_assignment_method string "nearest_agg" Method keyword, signifying method used for flags aggregation. See step 4 and table below
flag_agg_func func "max" String, signifying a function used for flags aggregation. See a table of keywords here.
drop_flags list or Nonetype None Flags to be excluded from harmonization. See description of step 2 below.

Linear interpolation of an inserted equidistant frequency grid of sampling rate freq.

  1. All missing values in the data, identified by np.nan, get flagged and will be excluded from the aggregation process. NOTE, that implicitly this step includes a call to missing onto the data-to-be-flagged.
  2. Additionally, if a list is passed to drop_flags, all the values in data, that are flagged with a flag, listed in drop_list, will be excluded from interpolation - meaning, that they will not affect the further aggregation prozess.
  3. Data interpolation gets carried out: since the function is a harmonization function, the interpolation will not fill gaps in your timeseries, but only calculate an interpolation value for grid points, that are surrounded by valid values within freq range. If there is either no valid value to the right, or to the left of a new grid point, that new grid point gets assigned np.nan (missing.)
  4. Depending on the keyword passed to flag_assignment_method, the original flags get shifted, or aggregated with flag_agg_func onto the new, harmonized data index, generated in step (3). New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data and thus get assigned the worst flag level available.

flag_assignment_method - Keywords

  1. Shifts:
    • "fshift": every grid point gets assigned its ultimately preceeding flag if there is one available in the preceeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "bshift": every grid point gets assigned its first succeeding flag if there is one available in the succeeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "nearest_shift": every grid point gets assigned the flag in its range. ( range = +/- freq/2 ).
    • Extra flag fields like "comment", just get shifted along with the flag. Only inserted flags for empty intervals will get signified by the set flag routine of the current flagger. Set set_shift_comment to True, to apply setFlags signification to all flags.
  2. Aggregations:
    • "fagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func , and the result gets assigned to the last grid point.
    • "bagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func , and the result gets assigned to the next grid point.
    • "nearest_agg": all flags in the range (+/- freq/2) of a grid point get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func and assigned to it.


harmonize_interpolate2Grid(freq, interpolation_method, interpolation_order=1, flag_assignment_method='nearest_agg', 
                           flag_agg_func="max", drop_flags=None)
parameter data type default value description
freq string Offset string. Determining the sampling rate of the frequency grid, the data shall be interpolated at.
interpolation_method string Method keyword, signifying method used for grid interpolation. See step 3 and table below
interpolation_order integer 1 If needed - order of the interpolation, carried out.
flag_assignment_method string "nearest_agg" Method keyword, signifying method used for flags aggregation. See step 4 and table below
flag_agg_func string "max" String, signifying a function, used for flags aggregation. Must be applicable on the ordered categorical flag type of the current flagger. See a table of keywords here.
drop_flags list or Nonetype None Flags to be excluded from harmonization. See description of step 2 below.

Interpolation of an inserted equidistant frequency grid of sampling rate freq.

  1. All missing values in the data, identified by np.nan, get flagged and will be excluded from the aggregation process. NOTE, that implicitly this step includes a call to missing onto the data-to-be-flagged.
  2. Additionally, if a list is passed to drop_flags, all the values in data, that are flagged with a flag, listed in drop_list, will be excluded from interpolation - meaning, that they will not affect the further aggregation prozess.
  3. Data interpolation with interpolation_method gets carried out: since the function is a harmonization function, the interpolation will not fill gaps in your timeseries, but only calculate an interpolation value for grid points, that are surrounded by valid values within freq range. If there is either no valid value to the right, or to the left of a new grid point, that new grid point gets assigned np.nan (missing.)
  4. Depending on the keyword passed to flag_assignment_method, the original flags get shifted, or aggregated with flag_agg_func onto the new, harmonized data index, generated in step (3). New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data and thus get assigned the worst flag level available.

interpolation_method - Keywords:

  • There are available all the interpolation methods from the pandas.interpolate() method and they can be reffered to with the very same keywords, that you would pass to pd.Series.interpolates's method parameter.
  • Available interpolations: "linear", "time", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic", "spline", "barycentric", "polynomial", "krogh", "piecewise_polynomial", "spline", "pchip", "akima".
  • Be careful with pd.Series.interpolate's "nearest" and "pad": To just fill grid points forward/backward or from the nearest point - and assign grid points, that refer to missing data, a nan value, the use of harmonize_shift2Grid function is recommended, to ensure getting the result expected. (The methods diverge in some special cases and do not properly interpolate grid-only.).

flag_assignment_method - Keywords

  1. Shifts:
    • "fshift": every grid point gets assigned its ultimately preceeding flag if there is one available in the preceeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "bshift": every grid point gets assigned its first succeeding flag if there is one available in the succeeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "nearest_shift": every grid point gets assigned the flag in its range. ( range = +/- freq/2 ).
    • Extra flag fields like "comment", just get shifted along with the flag. Only inserted flags for empty intervals will get signified by the set flag routine of the current flagger. Set set_shift_comment to True, to apply setFlags signification to all flags.
  2. Aggregations:
    • "fagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func , and the result gets assigned to the last grid point.
    • "bagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func , and the result gets assigned to the next grid point.
    • "nearest_agg": all flags in the range (+/- freq/2) of a grid point get aggregated with the function passed to agg_func and assigned to it.


harmonize_downsample(sample_freq, agg_freq, sample_func="mean", agg_func="mean",
                     invalid_flags=None, max_invalid=np.inf)
parameter data type default value description
sample_freq string Offset String. Determining the intended sampling rate of the data-to-be aggregated
agg_freq string Offset String. Determining the frequency to aggregate to.
sample_func string or Nonetype "mean" String, signifying a Function to gather/aggregate data within every sampling interval. If None is passed, data is expected to already match a sampling grid of sample_freq. Additionally to the funcs listed in the agg func table, its possible to pass the keywords first and last, referring to selection of very first and very last of every sampling intervals meassurement.
agg_func string "mean" String, signifying a function used to downsample data from sample_freq to agg_freq. See a table of keywords here.
invalid_flags list or Nonetype None List of flags, to be regarded as signifying invalid values. By default (=None), NaN data and BAD-flagged data is considered invalid. See description below.
max_invalid integer Inf Maximum number of invalid data points allowed for an aggregation interval to not get assigned NaN

The function downsamples the data-to-be flagged from its intended sampling rate, assumed to be sample_freq, to a lower sampling rate of agg_freq, by applying agg_func onto intervals of size agg_freq.

If sample_func is not None, in a preceeding step the data, contained in a sampling interval of sample_freq, gets aggregated with sample_func to a sampling_freq sized grid.

The parameter invalid_flags allows for marking data values, flagged with a flag listed in invalid_flags as invalid. By setting max_invalid to a value < inf, you can determine the aggregation of aggregation intervals containing more than max_invalid invalid values to get assigned NaN value. By default, BAD - flagged, as well as missing/ NaN data is considered invalid.

Although, the function is a wrapper around harmonize - the deharmonization of "real" downsamples (sample_freq < agg_freq) is not recommended, since, the backtracking of flags would result in really unexpected results.(BAD - flagging of all the values contained in an invalid aggregate)

(an option to just regain initial data frame shape with initial flags is to be implemented)


harmonize(freq, inter_method, reshape_method, inter_agg="mean", inter_order=1,
          inter_downcast=False, reshape_agg="max", reshape_missing_flag=None,
          reshape_shift_comment=True, drop_flags=None, 
parameter data type default value description
freq string Offset string. The frequency of the grid, the data-to-be-flagged shall be projected on.
inter_method string A keyword, determining the method, used for projecting the data on the new, equidistant data index. See a list of options below.
reshape_method string A keyword, determining the method, used for projecting the flags on the new, equidistant data index. See a list of options below.
inter_agg string "mean" String, signifying a function, used for aggregation, if an aggregation method is selected as inter_method. See a table of keywords here.
inter_order int 1 The order of interpolation applied, if an interpolation method is passed to inter_method
inter_downcast boolean False True: Use lower interpolation order to interpolate data chunks that are too short to be interpolated with order inter_order.
False: Project values of too-short data chunks onto NaN.
Option only relevant if inter_method can be of certain order.
reshape_agg string "max" String, signifying a function, used for aggregation of flags in the interval determined by reshape_method. By default ("max"), the worst flag gets assigned
reshape_missing_flag string or Nonetype None Either a string, referring to a flags name of the flagger you use, or None. The flag signified by this parameter gets inserted whenever there is no data available for for an harmonization interval. The default, None, leads to insertion of the currents flaggers BAD flag.
reshape_shift_comment boolean True True: Flags that got shifted forward or backward on the new equidistant data index, get resetted additionally. This may, for example, result in eventually present comment fields, to get overwritten with whatever is defaultly been written in this field for the current flagger, if a function sets a flag.
False: No reset of the shifted flag will be made.

Only relevant for flagger having more fields then the flags field and a shifting method passed to inter_method
drop_flags list or Nonetype None A list of flags to exclude from harmonization. See step (1) below. If None is passed, only BAD - flagged values get dropped. If a list is passed, the BAD flag gets added to that list by default
data_missing_value any valeu np.nan The value, indicating missing data in the dataseries-to-be-flagged.

The function "harmonizes" the data-to-be-flagged, to match an equidistant frequency grid. In general this includes projection and/or interpolation of the data at timestamp values, that are multiples of freq.

In detail the process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data, identified by data_missing_value get flagged and will be excluded from the harmonization process. NOTE, that implicitly this step includes a call to missing onto the data-to-be-flagged.
  2. Additionally, if a list is passed to drop_flags, all the values in data, that are flagged with a flag, listed in drop_list, will be excluded from harmonization - meaning, that they will not affect the further interpolation/aggregation prozess.
  3. Depending on the keyword passed to inter_method, new data values get calculated for an equidistant timestamp series of frequency freq, ranging from start to end of the data-to-be-flagged. NOTE, that this step will very likely change the size of the dataseries to-be-flagged. New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data (Thus get assigned NaN value and the). The original data will be dropped (but can be regained by function deharmonize).
  4. Depending on the keyword passed to reshape_method, the original flags get projected/aggregated onto the new, harmonized data, generated in step (3). New sampling intervals, covering no data in the original dataseries or only data that got excluded in step (1), will be regarded as representing missing data and thus get assigned the reshape_missing flag.

NOTE, that, if:

  1. you want to calculate flags on the new, harmonic dataseries and project this flags back onto the original timestamps/flags, you have to add a call to deharmonize on this variable in your meta file.

  2. you want to restore the original data shape, as inserted into saqc - you have to add a call to deharmonize on all the variables harmonized in the meta.

Key word overview:

inter_method - keywords

  1. Shifts:

    • "fshift": every grid point gets assigned its ultimately preceeding value - if there is one available in the preceeding sampling interval.
    • "bshift": every grid point gets assigned its first succeeding value - if there is one available in the succeeding sampling interval.
    • "nearest_shift": every grid point gets assigned the nearest value in its range. ( range = +/- freq/2 ).
  2. Aggregations:

    • "fagg": all values in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the last grid point.
    • "bagg": all values in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the next grid point.
    • "nearest_agg": all values in the range (+/- freq/2) of a grid point get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method and assigned to it.
  3. Interpolations:

    • There are available all the interpolation methods from the pandas.interpolate() method and they can be reffered to with the very same keywords, that you would pass to pd.Series.interpolates's method parameter.
    • Available interpolations: "linear", "time", "nearest", "zero", "slinear", "quadratic", "cubic", "spline", "barycentric", "polynomial", "krogh", "piecewise_polynomial", "spline", "pchip", "akima".
    • If a selected interpolation method needs to get passed an order of interpolation, it will get passed the order, passed to inter_order.
    • Note, that ´"linear"´ does not refer to timestamp aware, linear interpolation, but will equally weight every period, no matter how great the covered time gap is. Instead, a timestamp aware, linear interpolation is performed upon ´"time"´ passed as keyword.
    • Be careful with pd.Series.interpolate's "nearest" and "pad": To just fill grid points forward/backward or from the nearest point - and assign grid points, that refer to missing data, a nan value, the use of "fshift", "bshift" and "nearest_shift" is recommended, to ensure getting the result expected. (The methods diverge in some special cases and do not properly interpolate grid-only.).

reshape_method - Keywords

  1. Shifts:
    • "fshift": every grid point gets assigned its ultimately preceeding flag if there is one available in the preceeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "bshift": every grid point gets assigned its first succeeding flag if there is one available in the succeeding sampling interval. If not, BAD - flag gets assigned.
    • "nearest_shift": every grid point gets assigned the flag in its range. ( range = +/- freq/2 ).
    • Extra flag fields like "comment", just get shifted along with the flag. Only inserted flags for empty intervals will get signified by the set flag routine of the current flagger. Set set_shift_comment to True, to apply setFlags signification to all flags.
  2. Aggregations:
    • "fagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the last grid point.
    • "bagg": all flags in a sampling interval get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method , and the result gets assigned to the next grid point.
    • "nearest_agg": all flags in the range (+/- freq/2) of a grid point get aggregated with the function passed to agg_method and assigned to it.


parameter data type default value description
co_flagging boolean False: depending on the harmonization method applied, only overwrite ultimately preceeding, first succeeding or nearest flag to a harmonized flag.
True: Depending on the harmonization method applied, overwrite all the values covered by the succeeding or preceeding sampling intervall, or, all the values in the range of a harmonic flags timestamp.

After having calculated flags on an equidistant frequency grid, generated by a call to a harmonization function, you may want to project that new flags on to the original data index, or just restore the original data shape. Then a call to deharmonize will do exactly that.

deharmonize will check for harmonization information for the variable it is applied on (automatically generated by any call to a harmonization function of that variable) and than:

  1. Overwrite the harmonized data series with the original dataseries and its timestamps.
  2. Project the calculated flags onto the original index, by inverting the flag projection method used for harmonization, meaning, that:
    • if the flags got shifted or aggregated forward, either the flag associated with the ultimatly preceeding original timestamp, to the harmonized flag (co_flagging=False), or all the flags, coverd by the harmonized flags preceeding sampling intervall (co_flagging=True) get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag. (According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)
    • if the flags got shifted or aggregated backwards, either the flag associated with the first succeeding original timestamp, to the harmonized flag (co_flagging=False), or all the flags, coverd by the harmonized flags succeeding sampling intervall (co_flagging=True) get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag. (According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)
    • if the flags got shifted or aggregated to the nearest harmonic index, either the flag associated with the flag, nearest, to the harmonized flag (co_flagging=False), or all the flags, covered by the harmonized flags range (co_flagging=True) get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag. (According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)


Here is a table of aggregation keywords, to pass to the different aggregation parameters, and the functions they refer to.

keyword function
"sum" Sum of values.
"mean" Mean over the values
"min" Minimum
"max" Maximum
"median" Median of the values

Soil Moisture


soilMoisture_plateaus(plateau_window_min="12h", plateau_var_limit=0.0005,
                      rainfall_window_range="12h", var_total_nans=np.inf, 
                      var_consec_nans=np.inf, derivative_max_lb=0.0025, 
                      derivative_min_ub=0, data_max_tolerance=0.95, 
                      filter_window_size=None, smooth_poly_order=2)
parameter data type default value description
plateau_window_min string "12h" Options
- any offset string

Minimum barrier for the duration, values have to be continouos to be plateau canditaes. See condition (1).
plateau_var_limit float 0.0005 Barrier, the variance of a group of values must not exceed to be flagged a plateau. See condition (2).
rainfall_range string "12h" An Offset string. See condition (3) and (4)
var_total_nans int or 'inf' np.inf Maximum number of nan values allowed, for a calculated variance to be valid. (Default skips the condition.)
var_consec_nans int or 'inf' np.inf Maximum number of consecutive nan values allowed, for a calculated variance to be valid. (Default skips the condition.)
derivative_max_lb float 0.0025 Lower bound for the second derivatives maximum in rainfall_range range. See condition (3)
derivative_min_ub float 0 Upper bound for the second derivatives minimum in rainfall_range range. See condition (4)
data_max_tolerance flaot 0.95 Factor for data max barrier of condition (5).
filter_window_size Nonetype or string None Options:
- None
- any offset string

Controlls the range of the smoothing window applied with the Savitsky-Golay filter. If None is passed (default), the window size will be two times the sampling rate. (Thus, covering 3 values.) If you are not very well knowing what you are doing - do not change that value. Broader window sizes caused unexpected results during testing phase.
smooth_poly_order int 2 Order of the polynomial used for fitting while smoothing.

NOTE, that the dataseries-to-be flagged is supposed to be harmonized to an equadistant frequency grid.

The function represents a stricter version of the constant_varianceBased test from the constants detection library. The added constraints for values to be flagged (3)-(5), are designed to match the special case of constant value courses of soil moisture meassurements and basically check the derivative for being determined by preceeding rainfall events ((3) and (4)), as well as the plateau for being sufficiently high in value (5).

Any set of consecutive values x_k,..., x_{k+n}, of a timeseries x is flagged, if:

  1. n > plateau_window_min
  2. \sigma(x_k, x_{k+1},..., x_{k+n}) < plateau_var_limit
  3. \max(x'_{k-n-s}, x'_{k-n-s+1},..., x'_{k-n+s}) \geq derivative_max_lb, with s denoting periods per rainfall_range
  4. \min(x'_{k-n-s}, x'_{k-n-s+1},..., x'_{k-n+s}) \leq derivative_min_ub, with s denoting periods per rainfall_range
  5. \mu(x_k, x_{k+1},..., x_{k+n}) < \max(x) \timesplateau_var_limit

This Function is an implementation of the soil temperature based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.

All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication.


soilMoisture_spikes(filter_window_size="3h", raise_factor=0.15, dev_cont_factor=0.2,
                   noise_barrier=1, noise_window_size="12h", noise_statistic="CoVar")
parameter data type default value description
filter_window_size string "3h"
raise_factor float 0.15
dev_cont_factor float 0.2
noise_barrier integer 1
noise_window_size string "12h"
noise_statistic string "CoVar"

The Function is just a wrapper around flagSpikes_spektrumBased, from the spike detection library and performs a call to this function with a parameter set, referring to:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.


soilMoisture_breaks(diff_method="raw", filter_window_size="3h",
                   rel_change_rate_min=0.1, abs_change_min=0.01, first_der_factor=10,
                   first_der_window_size="12h", scnd_der_ratio_margin_1=0.05,
                   scnd_der_ratio_margin_2=10, smooth_poly_order=2)
parameter data type default value description
diff_method string "raw"
filter_window_size string "3h"
rel_change_rate_min float 0.1
abs_change_min float 0.01
first_der_factor integer 10
first_der_window_size string "12h"
scnd_der_ratio_margin_1 float 0.05
scnd_der_ratio_margin_2 float 10.0
smooth_poly_order integer 2

The Function is just a wrapper around flagBreaks_spektrumBased, from the breaks detection library and performs a call to this function with a parameter set, referring to:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.


soilMoisture_byFrost(soil_temp_reference, tolerated_deviation="1h", frost_level=0)
parameter data type default value description
soil_temp_reference string A string, denoting the fields name in data, that holds the data series of soil temperature values, the to-be-flagged values shall be checked against.
tolerated_deviation string "1h" An offset string, denoting the maximal temporal deviation, the soil frost states timestamp is allowed to have, relative to the data point to be flagged.
frost_level integer 0 Value level, the flagger shall check against, when evaluating soil frost level.

The function flags Soil moisture measurements by evaluating the soil-frost-level in the moment of measurement (+/- tolerated deviation). Soil temperatures below "frost_level" are regarded as denoting frozen soil state and result in the checked soil moisture value to get flagged.

This Function is an implementation of the soil temperature based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.

All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication.


soilMoisture_byPrecipitation(prec_reference, sensor_meas_depth=0,
                            sensor_accuracy=0, soil_porosity=0,
                            std_factor=2, std_factor_range="24h"
parameter data type default value description
prec_reference string A string, denoting the fields name in data, that holds the data series of precipitation values, the to-be-flagged values shall be checked against.
sensor_meas_depth integer 0 Depth of the soil moisture sensor in meter.
sensor_accuracy integer 0 Soil moisture sensor accuracy in \frac{m^3}{m^{-3}}
soil_porosity integer 0 Porosoty of the soil, surrounding the soil moisture sensor
std_factor integer 2 See condition (2)
std_factor_range string "24h" See condition (2)
ignore_missing bool False If True, the variance of condition (2), will also be calculated if there is a value missing in the time window. Selcting Flase (default) results in values that succeed a time window containing a missing value never being flagged (test not applicable rule)

Function flags Soil moisture measurements by flagging moisture rises that do not follow up a sufficient precipitation event. If measurement depth, sensor accuracy of the soil moisture sensor and the porosity of the surrounding soil is passed to the function, an inferior level of precipitation, that has to preceed a significant moisture raise within 24 hours, can be estimated. If those values are not delivered, this inferior bound is set to zero. In that case, any non zero precipitation count will justify any soil moisture raise.

Thus, a data point x_k with sampling rate f is flagged an invalid soil moisture raise, if:

  1. The value to be flagged has to signify a rise. This means, for the quotient s = (raise_reference / f):
    • x_k > x_{k-s}
  2. The rise must be sufficient. Meassured in terms of the standart deviation V, of the values in the preceeding std_factor_range - window. This means, with h = std_factor_range / f:
    • x_k - x_{k-s} > std_factor \times V(x_{t-h},...,x_k{k})
  3. Depending on some sensor specifications, there can be calculated a bound >0, the rainfall has to exceed to justify the eventual soil moisture raise. For the series of the precipitation meassurements y, and the quotient j = "24h" / f, this means:
    • y_{k-j} + y_{k-j+1} + ... + y_{k} < sensor_meas_depth \times sensor_accuracy \times soil_porosity

This Function is an implementation of the precipitation based Soil Moisture flagging, as presented in:

Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.

All parameters default to the values, suggested in this publication.

Machine Learning


machinelearning(references, window_values, window_flags, path)
parameter data type default value description
references string or list of strings the fieldnames of the data series that should be used as reference variables
window_values integer Window size that is used to derive the gradients of both the field- and reference-series inside the moving window
window_flags integer Window size that is used to count the surrounding automatic flags that have been set before
path string Path to the respective model object, i.e. its name and the respective value of the grouping variable. e.g. "models/model_0.2.pkl"

This Function uses pre-trained machine-learning model objects for flagging. This requires training a model by use of the training script provided. For flagging, inputs to the model are the data of the variable of interest, data of reference variables and the automatic flags that were assigned by other tests inside SaQC. Therefore, this function should be defined last in the config-file, i.e. it should be the last test that is executed. Internally, context information for each point is gathered in form of moving windows. The size of the moving windows for counting of the surrounding automatic flags and for calculation of gradients in the data is specified by the user during model training. For the model to work, the parameters 'references', 'window_values' and 'window_flags' have to be set to the same values as during training. For a more detailed description of the modeling aproach see the training script.