David Schäfer authoredfdeb7ff7
- Generic Functions
- Generic Flagging Functions
- Why?
- Specification
- Examples
- Simple comparisons
- Task
- Configuration file
- Calculations
- Task
- Configuration file
- Special functions
- Task
- Configuration file
- A real world example
- Task
- Configuration file
- Generic Processing
- Why
- Specification
- Variable References
- Supported constructs
- Operators
- Comparison
- Arithmetics
- Bitwise
- Functions
- Mathematical Functions
- Special Functions
- Constants
Generic Functions
Generic Flagging Functions
Generic flagging functions provide a way to leverage cross-variable quality constraints and to implement simple quality checks directly within the configuration.
The underlying idea is, that in most real world datasets many errors can be explained by the dataset itself. Think of a an active, fan-cooled measurement device: no matter how precise the instrument may work, problems are to be expected when the fan stops working or the power supply drops below a certain threshold. While these dependencies are easy to formalize on a per dataset basis, it is quite challenging to translate them into generic source code.
Generic flagging functions are used in the same manner as their non-generic counterparts. The basic signature looks like that:
flagGeneric(func=<expression>, flag=<flagging_constant>)
where <expression>
is composed of the supported constructs
and <flag_constant>
is one of the predefined
flagging constants (default: BAD
Generic flagging functions are expected to evaluate to a boolean value, i.e. only
constructs returning True
or False
are accepted. All other expressions will
fail during the runtime of SaQC
Simple comparisons
Flag all values of variable x
when variable y
falls below a certain threshold
Configuration file
varname ; test
x ; flagGeneric(func=y < 0)
Flag all values of variable x
that exceed 3 standard deviations of variable y
Configuration file
varname ; test
x ; flagGeneric(func=x > std(y) * 3)
Special functions
Flag variable x
where variable y
is flagged and variable x
has missing values
Configuration file
varname ; test
x ; flagGeneric(func=isflagged(y) & ismissing(z))
A real world example
Let's consider a dataset like the following:
date | meas | fan | volt |
2018-06-01 12:00 | 3.56 | 1 | 12.1 |
2018-06-01 12:10 | 4.7 | 0 | 12.0 |
2018-06-01 12:20 | 0.1 | 1 | 11.5 |
2018-06-01 12:30 | 3.62 | 1 | 12.1 |
... |
Flag variable meas
where variable fan
equals 0 and variable volt
is lower than 12.0
Configuration file
We can directly implement the condition as follows:
varname ; test
meas ; flagGeneric(func=(fan == 0) \| (volt < 12.0))
But we could also quality check our independent variables first and than leverage this information later on:
varname ; test
'.*' ; flagMissing()
fan ; flagGeneric(func=fan == 0)
volt ; flagGeneric(func=volt < 12.0)
meas ; flagGeneric(func=isflagged(fan) \| isflagged(volt))
Generic Processing
Generic processing functions provide a way to evaluate mathmetical operations and functions on the variables of a given dataset.
In many real-world use cases, quality control is embedded into a larger data processing pipeline and it is not unusual to even have certain processing requirements as a part of the quality control itself. Generic processing functions make it easy to enrich a dataset through the evaluation of a given expression.
The basic signature looks like that:
where <expression>
is composed of the supported constructs.
Variable References
All variables of the processed dataset are available within generic functions,
so arbitrary cross references are possible. The variable of interest
is furthermore available with the special reference this
, so the second
example could be rewritten as:
varname ; test
x ; flagGeneric(func=this > std(y) * 3)
When referencing other variables, their flags will be respected during evaluation
of the generic expression. So, in the example above only values of x
and y
, that
are not already flagged with BAD
will be used the avaluation of x > std(y)*3
Supported constructs
The following comparison operators are available:
Operator | Description |
== |
True if the values of the operands are equal |
!= |
True if the values of the operands are not equal |
> |
True if the values of the left operand are greater than the values of the right operand |
< |
True if the values of the left operand are smaller than the values of the right operand |
>= |
True if the values of the left operand are greater or equal than the values of the right operand |
<= |
True if the values of the left operand are smaller or equal than the values of the right operand |
The following arithmetic operators are supported:
Operator | Description |
+ |
addition |
- |
subtraction |
* |
multiplication |
/ |
division |
** |
exponentiation |
% |
modulus |
The bitwise operators also act as logical operators in comparison chains
Operator | Description |
& |
binary and |
| |
binary or |
^ |
binary xor |
~ |
binary complement |
All functions expect a variable reference as the only non-keyword argument (see here)
Mathematical Functions
Name | Description |
abs |
absolute values of a variable |
max |
maximum value of a variable |
min |
minimum value of a variable |
mean |
mean value of a variable |
sum |
sum of a variable |
std |
standard deviation of a variable |
len |
the number of values for variable |
Special Functions
Name | Description |
ismissing |
check for missing values |
isflagged |
check for flags |
Generic functions support the same constants as normal functions, a detailed list is available here.