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User Defined Test

User defined tests allow to specify simple quality checks directly within the configuration.


  • Test name: generic
  • The parameter 'func' followed by an expression needs to be given
  • Example: generic, {func: (thisvar > 0) & ismissing(othervar)}


  • only the operators and functions listed below are available
  • all checks need to be conditional expression and have to return an array of boolean values, all other expressions are rejected. This limitation is enforced to somewhat narrow the scope of the system and therefore the potential to mess things up and might as well be removed in the future.


  • standard Python syntax
  • all variables within the configuration file can be used

Supported Operators

  • all arithmetic operators
  • all comparison operators
  • bitwise operators: and, or, xor, complement (&, |, ^, ~)

Supported functions

function name description
abs absolute values of a variable
max maximum value of a variable
min minimum value of a variable
mean mean value of a variable
sum sum of a variable
std standard deviation of a variable
len the number of values of variable
ismissing check for missing values (nan and a possibly user defined value)

Referencing Semantics

If another variable is reference within an generic test, the flags from that variable are propagated to the checked variable.

For example: Let var1 and var2 be two variables of a given dataset and func: var1 > mean(var1) the condition wheter to flag var2. The result of the check can be described as isflagged(var1) & istrue(func()).