Norman Ziegner authoredaa0be864
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Readme.md 2.19 KiB
DictOfSeries is a pandas.Series of pandas.Series objects which aims to behave as similar as possible to pandas.DataFrame.
- series/ser: instance of pandas.Series
- dios: instance of dios.DictOfSeries
- df: instance of pandas.DataFrame
- dios-like: a dios or a df
- alignable object: a dios, df or a series
- every column has its own index
- uses much less memory than a misaligned pandas.DataFrame
- behaves quite like a pandas.DataFrame
- additional align locator (
todo: PyPi
import dios
# Have fun :)
The main docu is on ReadTheDocs at:
but some docs are also available local:
get it
>>> from dios import DictOfSeries
>>> DictOfSeries()
Empty DictOfSeries
Columns: []
>>> DictOfSeries(columns=['x', 'y'])
Empty DictOfSeries
Columns: ['x', 'y']
>>> DictOfSeries(columns=['x', 'y'], index=[3,4,5])
x | y |
====== | ====== |
3 NaN | 3 NaN |
4 NaN | 4 NaN |
5 NaN | 5 NaN |
with data
>>> DictOfSeries([range(4), range(2), range(3)])
0 | 1 | 2 |
==== | ==== | ==== |
0 0 | 0 0 | 0 0 |
1 1 | 1 1 | 1 1 |
2 2 | | 2 2 |
3 3 | | |
>>> DictOfSeries(np.random.random([2,4]))
0 | 1 |
=========== | =========== |
0 0.112020 | 0 0.509881 |
1 0.108070 | 1 0.285779 |
2 0.851453 | 2 0.805933 |
3 0.138352 | 3 0.812339 |
>>> DictOfSeries(np.random.random([2,4]), columns=['a','b'], index=[11,12,13,14])
a | b |
============ | ============ |
11 0.394304 | 11 0.356206 |
12 0.943689 | 12 0.735356 |
13 0.791820 | 13 0.066947 |
14 0.759802 | 14 0.496321 |
>>> DictOfSeries(dict(today=['spam']*3, tomorrow=['spam']*2))
today | tomorrow |
======= | ========== |
0 spam | 0 spam |
1 spam | 1 spam |
2 spam | |