- most things work - all remaining things are solveable - a lot of cleanup ahead
core.py 5.93 KiB
#! /usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
- integrate plotting into the api
- `data` and `flagger` as arguments to `getResult`
import logging
from copy import deepcopy
from operator import attrgetter
from typing import List, Tuple
import pandas as pd
import dios
import numpy as np
from saqc.lib.plotting import plotHook, plotAllHook
from saqc.lib.tools import isQuoted
from saqc.core.register import FUNC_MAP, SaQCFunc
from saqc.core.reader import readConfig
from saqc.flagger import BaseFlagger, CategoricalFlagger, SimpleFlagger, DmpFlagger
logger = logging.getLogger("SaQC")
def _handleErrors(exc, func, policy):
msg = f"failed with:\n{type(exc).__name__}: {exc}"
if func.lineno is not None and func.expr is not None:
msg = f"config, line {func.lineno}: '{func.expr}' " + msg
msg = f"function '{func.func}' with parameters '{func.kwargs}' " + msg
if policy == "ignore":
elif policy == "warn":
def _prepInput(flagger, data, flags):
dios_like = (dios.DictOfSeries, pd.DataFrame)
if not isinstance(data, dios_like):
raise TypeError("data must be of type dios.DictOfSeries or pd.DataFrame")
if isinstance(data, pd.DataFrame):
if isinstance(data.index, pd.MultiIndex) or isinstance(data.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
raise TypeError("data should not use MultiIndex")
data = dios.to_dios(data)
if not isinstance(flagger, BaseFlagger):
flaggerlist = [CategoricalFlagger, SimpleFlagger, DmpFlagger]
raise TypeError(f"flagger must be of type {flaggerlist} or any inherit class from {BaseFlagger}")
if flags is not None:
if not isinstance(flags, dios_like):
raise TypeError("flags must be of type dios.DictOfSeries or pd.DataFrame")
if isinstance(flags, pd.DataFrame):
if isinstance(flags.index, pd.MultiIndex) or isinstance(flags.columns, pd.MultiIndex):
raise TypeError("flags' should not use MultiIndex")
flags = dios.to_dios(flags)
# NOTE: do not test all columns as they not necessarily need to be the same
cols = flags.columns & data.columns
if not (flags[cols].lengths == data[cols].lengths).all():
raise ValueError("the length of flags and data need to be equal")
return data, flags
def _setup(log_level):
# the import is needed to trigger the registration
# of the built-in (test-)functions
import saqc.funcs
# warnings
pd.set_option("mode.chained_assignment", "warn")
# logging
handler = logging.StreamHandler()
formatter = logging.Formatter("[%(asctime)s][%(name)s][%(levelname)s]: %(message)s")
class SaQC:
def __init__(self, flagger, data, flags=None, nodata=np.nan, log_level="INFO", error_policy="raise"):
data, flags = _prepInput(flagger, data, flags)
self._flagger = flagger.initFlags(data)
if flags is not None:
self._flagger = self._flagger.merge(flagger.initFlags(flags=flags))
self._data = data
self._nodata = nodata
self._error_policy = error_policy
# NOTE: will be filled by calls to `_wrap`
self._to_call: List[Tuple[str, SaQCFunc]] = []
def readConfig(self, fname):
config = readConfig(fname)
out = deepcopy(self)
for func, field, kwargs, plot, lineno, expr in config:
if isQuoted(field):
kwargs["regex"] = True
field = field[1:-1]
kwargs["field"] = field
out = out._wrap(func, plot, lineno, expr)(**kwargs)
return out
def getResult(self):
data, flagger = self._data, self._flagger
for field, func in self._to_call:
data_result, flagger_result = func(data=data, flagger=flagger, field=field)
except Exception as e:
_handleErrors(e, func, self._error_policy)
if func.plot:
data_old=data, data_new=data_result,
flagger_old=flagger, flagger_new=flagger_result,
sources=[], targets=[func.field], plot_name=func.name,
data = data_result
flagger = flagger_result
if any([func.plot for _, func in self._to_call]):
plotAllHook(data, flagger)
return data, flagger
def _wrap(self, func, plot=False, lineno=None, expr=None):
def inner(field: str, *args, regex: bool=False, **kwargs):
fields = [field] if not regex else self._data.columns[self._data.columns.str.match(field)]
if func.__name__ in ("flagGeneric", "procGeneric"):
# We need to pass `nodata` to the generic functions
# (to implement stuff like `ismissing`). As we
# should not interfere with proper nodata attributes
# of other test functions (e.g. `flagMissing`) we
# special case the injection
kwargs["nodata"] = kwargs.get("nodata", self._nodata)
out = deepcopy(self)
for field in fields:
f = SaQCFunc(func, plot=plot, lineno=lineno, expression=expr, *args, **kwargs)
out._to_call.append((field, f))
return out
return inner
def __getattr__(self, key):
All failing attribute accesses are redirected to
__getattr__. We use this mechanism to make the
`RegisterFunc`s appear as `SaQC`-methods with
actually implementing them.
if key not in FUNC_MAP:
raise AttributeError(f"no such attribute: '{key}'")
return self._wrap(FUNC_MAP[key])