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Time Series Harmonization

A collection of functions to harmonize time series.



harm_shift2Grid(freq, method='nshift')
parameter data type default value description
freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
method method string "nshift" Method used to shift values and flags

The function "harmonizes" a time series to an equidistant frequency grid by shifting data points to multiples of freq.

This process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data set get flagged. These values will be excluded from the shifting process.
  2. Depending on the method, the data points and the associated flags will be assigned to a timestamp in the target grid


  • The data will be projected to an regular grid ranging from the first to the last timestamp of the original time series
  • Because of the above, the size of the harmonized time series is likely to differ from the size of the original series
  • Data from the original time series might be dropped (e.g. if there are multiple candidates for a shift, only one is used), but can be restored by harm_deharmonize


harm_aggregate2Grid(freq, value_func, flag_func="max", method='nagg')
parameter data type default value description
freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
value_func function string Function used for data aggregation
flag_func function string "max" Function used for flags aggregation
method method string "nagg" Method used to assign values to the target grid

The function "harmonizes" a time series to an equidistant frequency grid by aggregating data points to multiples of freq using the method.

This process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data set get flagged. These values will be excluded from the aggregation process
  2. Values and flags will be aggregated by value_func and flag_func respectively
  3. Depending on the method, the aggregation results will be assigned to a timestamp in the target grid


  • The data will be projected to an regular grid ranging from the first to the last timestamp of the original time series
  • Because of the above, the size of the harmonized time series is likely to differ from the size of the original series
  • Newly introduced intervals not covering any data in the original dataset will be treated as missing data


harm_linear2Grid(freq, method='nagg', func="max")
parameter data type default value description
freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
method shift/aggregation method string "nagg" Method used to propagate flags to the target grid
func function string "max" Function used for flags aggregation

The function "harmonizes" a time series to an equidistant frequency grid by linear interpolation of data points to multiples of freq.

This process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data set get flagged. These values will be excluded from the aggregation process
  2. Linear interpolation. This is not a gap filling algorithm, only target grid points, that are surrounded by valid data points in the original data set within a range of freq will be calculated.
  3. Depending on the method, the original flags get shifted or aggregated with func to the target grid


  • Newly introduced intervals not covering any data in the original dataset will be treated as missing data


                      method, order=1,
                      flag_method='nagg', flag_func="max")
parameter data type default value description
freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
method interpolation method string Interpolation method
order integer 1 Order of the interpolation, only relevant if applicable in the method
flag_method shift/aggregation method string "nagg" Method used to propagate flags to the target grid
flag_func function string "max" Function used for flags aggregation

The function "harmonizes" a time series to an equidistant frequency grid by interpolation of data points to multiples of freq.

This process includes:

  1. All missing values in the data set get flagged. These values will be excluded from the aggregation process
  2. Interpolation with method. This is not a gap filling algorithm, only target grid points, that are surrounded by valid data points in the original data set within a range of freq will be calculated.
  3. Depending on the method, the original flags get shifted or aggregated with func to the target grid


  • Newly introduced intervals not covering any data in the original dataset will be treated as missing data
  • We recommended harmonize_shift2Grid over the methods nearest and pad


harm_downsample(sample_freq, agg_freq,
                sample_func="mean", agg_func="mean",
parameter data type default value description
sample_freq offset string Frequency of the source grid
agg_freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
sample_func function string "mean" Function used to aggregate data to sample_freq. If None the data is expected to have a frequency of sample_freq
agg_func function string "mean" Function used to aggregate data from sample_freq to agg_freq
max_invalid integer None If the number of invalid data points (missing/flagged) within an aggregation interval exceeds max_invalid it is set to NAN

The function downsamples a time series from its sample_freq to the lower sampling rate agg_freq, by aggregation with agg_func.

If a sample_func is given, the data will be aggregated to sample_freq before downsampling.


  • Although the function is a wrapper around harm_harmonize, the deharmonization of "true" downsamples (sample_freq < agg_freq) is not supported yet.


harm_harmonize(freq, inter_method, reshape_method, inter_agg="mean", inter_order=1,
               inter_downcast=False, reshape_agg="max", reshape_missing_flag=None,
               reshape_shift_comment=False, data_missing_value=np.nan)
parameter data type default value description
freq offset string Frequency of the target grid
inter_method shift/aggregation/interpolation method string Method used to project values to the target grid
reshape_method shift/aggregation method string Method used to project flags to the target grid
inter_agg aggregation function string "mean" Function used for aggregation, if an inter_method is given
inter_order int 1 The order of interpolation applied, if an inter_method is given
inter_downcast bool False True: Decrease interpolation order if data chunks that are too short to be interpolated with order inter_order.
False: Project those data chunks to NAN.
Option only relevant if inter_method supports an inter_order
reshape_agg aggregation function string "max" Function used for the aggregation of flags. By default ("max") the worst/highest flag is assigned
reshape_missing_flag string None Valid flag value, that will be used for empty harmonization intervals. By default (None) such intervals are set to BAD
reshape_shift_comment bool False True: Shifted flags will be reset, other fields associated with a flag might get lost.
False: Shifted flags will not be reset.

Only relevant for multi-column flagger and a given inter_method
data_missing_value Any np.nan The value, indicating missing data

The function "harmonizes" a time series to an equidistant frequency grid. In general this includes projection and/or interpolation of the data to timestamps, that are multiples of freq.

This process includes:

  1. All missing values equal to data_missing_value in the data set get flagged. These values will be excluded from the aggregation process
  2. Values will be calculated according to the given inter_method
  3. Flags will be calculated according to the given reshape_method


  • The data will be projected to an regular grid ranging from the first to the last timestamp of the original time series
  • Because of the above, the size of the harmonized time series is likely to differ from the size of the original series
  • Newly introduced intervals not covering any data in the original dataset will be set to data_missing_value and reshape_missing respectively
  • Data from the original time series might be dropped, but can be restored by deharmonize
  • Flags calculated on the new harmonized data set can be projected to the original grid by harm_deharmonize


parameter data type default value description
co_flagging boolean False Control the bahviour of the flag reprojection, see description

This functions projects harmonized datasets back to their original time stamps and thereby restores the original data shape.

A combination of calls to one of the harm_* functions and harm_deharmonize, allows to leverage information from data sets with differing timestamps/frequencies and bring the generated information back to the original dataset.

_harm_deharmonize will implicitly revert the methods and functions applied during harmonization. I.e.:

  • The harmonized time series will be dropped in favor of the original one

  • Flags are projected to the original time stamps if the are 'worse'/higher than the original. The direction of this projection is invert to the shift/aggregation direction in harm_*, i.e. a forward shift in harm_* will result in a backward shift in harm_deharmonize and vice versa.

  • The projection behavior is controlled by the value of co_flagging:

    • False: Project a flag from the harmonized time series to a single flag in the deharmonized data set
    • True: Project a flag in the harmonized time series to all flags in the respective projection interval.

    Let's say during harmonization a dataset was aggregated to a lower frequency (e.g. a time series with a frequency of 10 minutes was resampled to one with a frequency of 1 hour) and needs to be deharmonized. If co_flagging is True, the flags from the harmonized dataset will be projected to all the six values within the aggregation period, if co_flagging is False, only the next/last/nearest value in the deharmonized dataset will inherit the flag from the harmonized time series.

Parameter Descriptions

Aggregation Functions

keyword description
"sum" sum of the values
"mean" arithmetic mean of the values
"min" minimum value
"max" maximum value
"median" median of the values
"first" first value
"last" last value

Aggregation Methods

keyword description
"fagg" aggregation result is propagated to the next target grid point
"bagg" aggregation result is propagated to the last target grid point
"nagg" aggregation result is propagated to the closest target grid point

Shift Methods

keyword description
"fshift" propagate the last valid value/flag to the grid point or fill with BAD/NAN
"bshift" propagate the next valid value/flag to the grid point or fill with BAD/NAN
"nshift" propagate the closest value/flag to the grid point or fill with BAD/NAN

Interpolation Methods

  • All the pandas.Series interpolation methods are supported
  • Available interpolations:
    • "linear"
    • "time"
    • "nearest"
    • "zero"
    • "slinear"
    • "quadratic"
    • "cubic"
    • "spline"
    • "barycentric"
    • "polynomial"
    • "krogh"
    • "piecewise_polynomial"
    • "spline"
    • "pchip"
    • "akima"