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Offset Strings

All the pandas offset aliases ars supported by SaQC. The following table lists some of the more relevant options:

Alias Description
"S", "s" second
"T", "Min", "min" minute
"H", "h" hour
"D", "d" calendar day
"W", "w" week
"M", "m" month
"Y", "y" year

Multiples are build by preceeding the alias with the desired multiply (e.g "5Min", "4W")


Flagging Constants

The following flag constants are available and can be used to mark the quality of a data point:

Alias Description
GOOD A value did pass all the test and is therefore considered to be valid
BAD At least on test failed on the values and is therefore considered to be invalid
UNFLAGGED The value has not got a flag yet. This might mean, that all tests passed or that no tests ran

How these aliases will be translated into 'real' flags (output of SaQC) dependes on the flagger implementation and might range from numerical values to string concstants

Numerical Constants

Alias Description
NAN Not a number
NODATA Missing data