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Spike Detection

A collection of quality check routines to find spikes.



spikes_flagBasic(thresh, tolerance, window)
parameter data type default value description
thresh float Minimum difference between to values, to consider the latter one as a spike. See condition (1)
tolerance float Maximum difference between pre-spike and post-spike values. See condition (2)
window offset string Maximum length of "spiky" value courses. See condition (3)

A basic outlier test, that is designed to work for harmonized, as well as raw (not-harmonized) data.

The values x_{n}, x_{n+1}, .... , x_{n+k} of a time series x_t with timestamps t_i are considered spikes, if:

  1. |x_{n-1} - x_{n+s}| > thresh, s \in \{0,1,2,...,k\}

  2. |x_{n-1} - x_{n+k+1}| < tolerance

  3. |t_{n-1} - t_{n+k+1}| < window

By this definition, spikes are values, that, after a jump of margin thresh(1), are keeping that new value level, for a time span smaller than window (3), and then return to the initial value level - within a tolerance of tolerance (2).

NOTE: This characterization of a "spike", not only includes one-value outliers, but also plateau-ish value courses.


spikes_flagMad(window, z=3.5)
parameter data type default value description
window integer/offset string size of the sliding window, where the modified Z-score is applied on
z float 3.5 z-parameter of the modified Z-score

This functions flags outliers using the simple median absolute deviation test.

Values are flagged if they fulfill the following condition within a sliding window:

 0.6745 * |x - m| > mad * z > 0

where x denotes the window data, m the window median, mad the median absolute deviation and z the z-parameter of the modified Z-Score.

The window is moved by one time stamp at a time.

NOTE: This function should only be applied on normalized data.

References: [1]


spikes_flagSlidingZscore(window, offset, count=1, polydeg=1, z=3.5, method="modZ")
parameter data type default value description
window integer/offset string size of the sliding window
offset integer/offset string offset between two consecutive windows
count integer 1 the minimal count a possible outlier needs, to be flagged
polydeg integer 1" the degree of the polynomial fit, to calculate the residual
z float 3.5 z-parameter for the method (see description)
method string "modZ" the method to detect outliers

This functions flags spikes using the given method within sliding windows.


  • window and offset must be of same type, mixing of offset- and integer- based windows is not supported and will fail
  • offset-strings only work with time-series-like data

The algorithm works as follows:

  1. a window of size window is cut from the data
  2. normalization - the data is fit by a polynomial of the given degree polydeg, which is subtracted from the data
  3. the outlier detection method is applied on the residual, possible outlier are marked
  4. the window (on the data) is moved by offset
  5. start over from 1. until the end of data is reached
  6. all potential outliers, that are detected count-many times, are flagged as outlier

Outlier Detection Methods

Currently two outlier detection methods are implemented:

  1. "zscore": The Z-score marks every value as a possible outlier, which fulfills the following condition:

     |r - m| > s * z

    where r denotes the residual, m the residual mean, s the residual standard deviation, and z the z-parameter.

  2. "modZ": The modified Z-score Marks every value as a possible outlier, which fulfills the following condition:

     0.6745 * |r - m| > mad * z > 0

    where r denotes the residual, m the residual mean, mad the residual median absolute deviation, and z the z-parameter.




spikes_flagSpektrumBased(raise_factor=0.15, deriv_factor=0.2,
                         noise_func="CoVar", noise_window="12h", noise_thresh=1, 
                         smooth_window=None, smooth_poly_deg=2)
parameter data type default value description
raise_factor float 0.15 Minimum relative value difference between two values to consider the latter as a spike candidate. See condition (1)
deriv_factor float 0.2 See condition (2)
noise_func string "CoVar" Function to calculate noisiness of the data surrounding potential spikes
noise_window offset string "12h" Determines the range of the time window of the "surrounding" data of a potential spike. See condition (3)
noise_thresh float 1 Upper threshold for noisiness of data surrounding potential spikes. See condition (3)
smooth_window offset string None Size of the smoothing window of the Savitsky-Golay filter. The default value None results in a window of two times the sampling rate (i.e. three values)
smooth_poly_deg integer 2 Degree of the polynomial used for fitting with the Savitsky-Golay filter

The function flags spikes by evaluating the time series' derivatives and applying various conditions to them.

The value x_{k} of a time series x_t with timestamps t_i is considered a spikes, if:

  1. The quotient to its preceding data point exceeds a certain bound:
    • |\frac{x_k}{x_{k-1}}| > 1 + raise_factor, or
    • |\frac{x_k}{x_{k-1}}| < 1 - raise_factor
  2. The quotient of the second derivative x'', at the preceding and subsequent timestamps is close enough to 1:
    • |\frac{x''_{k-1}}{x''_{k+1}} | > 1 - deriv_factor, and
    • |\frac{x''_{k-1}}{x''_{k+1}} | < 1 + deriv_factor
  3. The dataset X = x_i, ..., x_{k-1}, x_{k+1}, ..., x_j, with |t_{k-1} - t_i| = |t_j - t_{k+1}| = noise_window fulfills the following condition: noise_func(X) < noise_thresh


  • The dataset is supposed to be harmonized to a time series with an equidistant frequency grid

  • The derivative is calculated after applying a Savitsky-Golay filter to x

    This function is a generalization of the Spectrum based Spike flagging mechanism presented in [1]

Noise Detection Functions

Currently two different noise detection functions are implemented:

  • "CoVar": Coefficient of Variation
  • "rVar": relative Variance


[1] Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J. doi:10.2136/vzj2012.0097.


spikes_flagRaise(thresh, raise_window, intended_freq, average_window=None, 
                 mean_raise_factor=2, min_slope=None, min_slope_weight=0.8, 
parameter data type default value description
thresh float The threshold, for the total rise (thresh > 0 ), or total drop (thresh < 0 ), that value courses must not exceed within a timespan of length raise_window
raise_window offset string The timespan, the rise/drop thresholding refers to. Window is inclusively defined.
intended_freq offset string The frequency, timeseries to-be-flagged is supposed to be sampled at. Window is inclusively defined.
average_window offset string None See condition (2) below. Window is inclusively defined. The window defaults to 1.5 times the size of raise_window
mean_raise_factor float 2 See condition (2) below.
min_slope float None See condition (3)
min_slope_weight integer 0.8 See condition (3)

The function flags rises and drops in value courses, that exceed the threshold given by thresh within a timespan shorter than, or equalling the time window given by raise_window.

Weather rises or drops are flagged, is controlled by the signum of thresh. (positive->rises, negative->drops)

The parameter variety of the function is owned to the intriguing case of values, that "return" from outlierish or anomalious value levels and thus exceed the threshold, while actually being usual values.

The value x_{k} of a time series x with associated timestamps t_i, is flagged a rise, if:

  1. There is any value x_{s}, preceeding x_{k} within raise_window range, so that:
    • M = |x_k - x_s | > thresh > 0
  2. The weighted average \mu^* of the values, preceeding x_{k} within average_window range indicates, that x_{k} doesnt return from an outliererish value course, meaning that:
    • x_k > \mu^* + ( M / mean_raise_factor )
  3. Additionally, if min_slope is not None, x_{k} is checked for being sufficiently divergent from its very predecessor x_{k-1}, meaning that, it is additionally checked if:
    • x_k - x_{k-1} > min_slope
    • t_k - t_{k-1} > min_slope_weight*intended_freq

The weighted average \mu^* was calculated with weights w_{i}, defined by:

  • w_{i} = (t_i - t_{i-1}) / intended_freq, if (t_i - t_{i-1}) < intended_freq and w_i =1 otherwise.

The application of time gap weights and a slope weights are to account for the case of not harmonized timeseries.


  • The dataset is NOT supposed to be harmonized to a time series with an equidistant frequency grid