| window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | | Minimum duration during which values need to identical to become plateau candidates. See condition (1) |
| thresh | float | `0.0005` | Maximum variance of a group of values to still consider them constant. See condition (2) |
| precipitation_window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `"12h"` | See condition (3) and (4) |
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ---- |
| prec_reference | string | | A string, denoting the fields name in data, that holds the data series of precipitation values, the to-be-flagged values shall be checked against. |
| sensor_meas_depth | integer | `0` | Depth of the soil moisture sensor in meter.|
| ignore_missing | bool | `False` | If True, the variance of condition (2), will also be calculated if there is a value missing in the time window. Selcting Flase (default) results in values that succeed a time window containing a missing value never being flagged (test not applicable rule) |
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
3. Depending on some sensor specifications, there can be calculated a bound $`>0`$, the rainfall has to exceed to justify the eventual soil moisture raise.
For the series of the precipitation meassurements $`y`$, and the quotient $`j = `$ "24h" / $`f`$, this means: