@@ -74,6 +74,7 @@ In pycharm one can activate autogeneration of numpy doc style like so:
* Do not include lines *only* containing two or more `-` signs, except it is the underscore line of the section heading (otherwise resulting html representation could be messed up)
## hyperlinking docstrings
* Most straight forward way to make documented code content available / linkable, is, adding a rest file containing an
automodapi directive to the folder `moduleAPIs` - check out the files it already contains as example.
* adding ``.. automodapi:: foo.bar``, will make the module `foo.bar` and all its content `foo.bar.X` referable by the
@@ -105,6 +106,19 @@ In pycharm one can activate autogeneration of numpy doc style like so:
:py:meth: `saqc.SaQC.show`
## Linking to function categories
To link to a group of functions, you might generate a rest landing page for that link and add it to
the `function_cats` folder. It already contains the landing pages for the :doc:`generic <../function_cats/generic>`
functions and the :doc:`regularisation <../function_cats/regularisation>` functions.
Those can be linked via relative paths to the `function_cats` folder. From this file, located in `sphinx-doc/how_to_doc`,