| window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | | Minimum duration during which values need to identical to become plateau candidates. See condition (1) |
| window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `"12h"` | Minimum duration during which values need to identical to become plateau candidates. See condition (1) |
| thresh | float | `0.0005` | Maximum variance of a group of values to still consider them constant. See condition (2) |
| thresh | float | `0.0005` | Maximum variance of a group of values to still consider them constant. See condition (2) |
| precipitation_window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `"12h"` | See condition (3) and (4) |
| precipitation_window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `"12h"` | See condition (3) and (4) |
| max_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| max_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| max_consec_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of consecutive missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| max_consec_missing | integer | `None` | Maximum number of consecutive missing values allowed in `window`, by default this condition is ignored |
| smooth_window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `None` | Size of the smoothing window of the Savitsky-Golay filter. The default value `None` results in a window of two times the sampling rate (i.e. three values) |
| smooth_window | [offset string](docs/ParameterDescriptions.md#offset-strings) | `None` | Size of the smoothing window of the Savitsky-Golay filter. The default value `None` results in a window of two times the sampling rate (i.e. three values) |