| inter_method | [shift](#shift-methods)/[aggregation](#aggregation-methods)/[interpolation](#interpolation-methods) method string | | Method used to project values to the target grid |
| reshape_method | [shift](#shift-methods)/[aggregation](#aggregation-methods) method string | | Method used to project flags to the target grid |
| inter_agg | [aggregation function string](#aggregation-functions) | `"mean"` | Function used for aggregation, if an `inter_method` is given |
| inter_order | int | `1` | The order of interpolation applied, if an an `inter_method` is given |
| inter_downcast | boolean | `False` | `True`: Decrease interpolation order if data chunks that are too short to be interpolated with order `inter_order`. <br/>`False`: Project those data chunks to `NAN`. <br/> Option only relevant if `inter_method` supports an `inter_order` |
| inter_order | int | `1` | The order of interpolation applied, if an `inter_method` is given |
| inter_downcast | bool | `False` | `True`: Decrease interpolation order if data chunks that are too short to be interpolated with order `inter_order`. <br/>`False`: Project those data chunks to `NAN`. <br/> Option only relevant if `inter_method` supports an `inter_order` |
| reshape_agg | [aggregation function string](#aggregation-functions) | `"max"` | Function used for the aggregation of flags. By default (`"max"`) the worst/highest flag is assigned |
| reshape_missing_flag | string | `None` | Valid flag value, that will be used for empty harmonization intervals. By default (`None`) such intervals are set to `BAD` |
| reshape_shift_comment | boolean | `True` | `True`: Shifted flags will be reset, other fields associated with a flag might get lost. <br/>`False`: Shifted flags will not be reset. <br/><br/> Only relevant for multi-column flagger and a given `inter_method` |
| reshape_shift_comment | bool | `True` | `True`: Shifted flags will be reset, other fields associated with a flag might get lost. <br/>`False`: Shifted flags will not be reset. <br/><br/> Only relevant for multi-column flagger and a given `inter_method` |
| data_missing_value | Any | `np.nan` | The value, indicating missing data |
@@ -224,53 +224,55 @@ NOTE:
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| co_flagging | boolean | | `False`: depending on the harmonization method applied, only overwrite ultimately preceeding, first succeeding or nearest flag to a harmonized flag. <br/>`True`: Depending on the harmonization method applied, overwrite all the values covered by the succeeding or preceeding sampling intervall, or, all the values in the range of a harmonic flags timestamp. |
After having calculated flags on an equidistant frequency grid, generated by
a call to a harmonization function, you may want to project
that new flags on to the original data index, or just restore the
original data shape. Then a call to `deharmonize` will do exactly that.
`deharmonize` will check for harmonization information for the variable it is
applied on (automatically generated by any call to a harmonization function of that variable)
and than:
1. Overwrite the harmonized data series with the original dataseries and its timestamps.
2. Project the calculated flags onto the original index, by inverting the
flag projection method used for harmonization, meaning, that:
* if the flags got shifted or aggregated forward, either the flag associated with the ultimatly preceeding
original timestamp, to the harmonized flag (`co_flagging`=`False`),
or all the flags, coverd by the harmonized flags preceeding sampling intervall (`co_flagging`=`True`)
get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag.
(According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)
* if the flags got shifted or aggregated backwards, either the flag associated with the first succeeding
original timestamp, to the harmonized flag (`co_flagging`=`False`),
or all the flags, coverd by the harmonized flags succeeding sampling intervall (`co_flagging`=`True`)
get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag.
(According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)
* if the flags got shifted or aggregated to the nearest harmonic index,
either the flag associated with the flag, nearest, to the harmonized flag (`co_flagging`=`False`),
or all the flags, covered by the harmonized flags range (`co_flagging`=`True`)
get overwritten with the harmonized flag - if they are "better" than this harmonized flag.
(According to the flagging order of the current flagger.)
## Paramater Descriptions
| parameter | data type | default value | description |