| noise_barrier | float | `1` | Upper bound for noisyness of data surrounding potential spikes. See condition (3).|
| noise_window_range | string | `"12h"` | Any offset string. Determines the range of the timewindow of the "surrounding" data of a potential spike. See condition (3). |
| noise_statistic | string | `"CoVar"` | Operator to calculate noisyness of data, surrounding potential spike. Either `"Covar"` (=Coefficient od Variation) or `"rvar"` (=relative Variance).|
| smooth_poly_order | integer | `2` | Order of the polynomial fit, applied for smoothing|
| filter_window_size | Nonetype or string | `None` | Options: <br/> - `None`<br/> - any offset string <br/><br/> Controlls the range of the smoothing window applied with the Savitsky-Golay filter. If None is passed (default), the window size will be two times the sampling rate. (Thus, covering 3 values.) If you are not very well knowing what you are doing - do not change that value. Broader window sizes caused unexpected results during testing phase.|
| parameter | data type | default value | description |
| ------ | ------ | ------ | ---- |
| raise_factor | float | `0.15` | Minimum change margin for a datapoint to become a candidate for a spike. See condition (1). |
| noise_barrier | float | `1` | Upper bound for noisyness of data surrounding potential spikes. See condition (3).|
| noise_window_range | string | `"12h"` | Any offset string. Determines the range of the timewindow of the "surrounding" data of a potential spike. See condition (3). |
| noise_statistic | string | `"CoVar"` | Operator to calculate noisyness of data, surrounding potential spike. Either `"Covar"` (=Coefficient od Variation) or `"rvar"` (=relative Variance).|
| smooth_poly_order | integer | `2` | Order of the polynomial fit, applied for smoothing|
| filter_window_size | Nonetype or string | `None`| Options: <br/> - `None`<br/> - any offset string <br/><br/> Controlls the range of the smoothing window applied with the Savitsky-Golay filter. If None is passed (default), the window size will be two times the sampling rate. (Thus, covering 3 values.) If you are not very well knowing what you are doing - do not change that value. Broader window sizes caused unexpected results during testing phase.|
The function detects and flags spikes in input data series by evaluating the
@@ -302,7 +297,6 @@ Dorigo, W. et al: Global Automated Quality Control of In Situ Soil Moisture
Data from the international Soil Moisture Network. 2013. Vadoze Zone J.