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[List of commits](
### Added
-`reindex`: base reindexer function
-`flagGeneric`, `processGeneric`: target broadcasting and numpy array support
-`SaQC`: automatic translation of incoming flags
- Option to change the flagging scheme after initialization
-`flagByClick`: manually assign flags using a graphical user interface
-`SaQC`: support for selection, slicing and setting of items by use of subscription on SaQC objects (e.g. `qc[key]` and `qc[key] = value`).
Selection works with single keys, collections of keys and string slices (e.g. `qc["a":"f"]`). Values can be SaQC objects, pd.Series,
Iterable of Series and dict-like with series values.
-`SaQC`: support for selection, slicing and setting of items by subscription on `SaQC` objects
-`transferFlags` is a multivariate function
-`plot`: added `yscope` keyword
-`setFlags`: function to replace `flagManual`
-`flagUniLOF`: added defaultly applied correction to mitigate phenomenon of overflagging at relatively steep data value slopes. (parameter `slope_correct`).
-`flagUniLOF`: added parameter `slope_correct` to correct for overflagging at relatively steep data value slopes
-`History`: added option to change aggregation behavior
- Translation scheme `FloatScheme`
- Translation scheme `AnnotatedFloatScheme`
### Changed
-`flagPattern` uses *fastdtw* package now to compute timeseries distances
-`SaQC.flags` always returns a `DictOfSeries`
### Removed
-`SaQC` methods deprecated in version 2.4: `interpolate`, `interpolateIndex`, `interpolateInvalid`, `roll`, `linear`,`shift`, `flagCrossStatistics`
-`Flags` method deprecated in version 2.4: `toDios`
-`DictOfSeries` method deprecated in version 2.4: `index_of`
-Method `Flags.toDios` deprecated in version 2.4
-Method `DictOfSeries.index_of` method deprecated in version 2.4
- Option `"complete"` for parameter `history` of method `plot`
- Option `"cycleskip"` for parameter `ax_kwargs` of method `plot`