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Commit e6adfd39 authored by Peter Lünenschloß's avatar Peter Lünenschloß
Browse files

implemented flagging back projection method

parent 39864a13
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3 merge requests!193Release 1.4,!188Release 1.4,!49Dataprocessing features
Pipeline #4655 passed with stage
in 6 minutes and 54 seconds
......@@ -7,6 +7,13 @@ from saqc.core.register import register
from saqc.lib.ts_operators import interpolateNANs, aggregate2Freq, shift2Freq
from import toSequence
METHOD2ARGS = {'inverse_fshift': ('backward', pd.Timedelta),
'inverse_bshift': ('forward', pd.Timedelta),
'inverse_nshift': ('nearest', lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x)/2),
'inverse_fagg': ('bfill', pd.Timedelta),
'inverse_bagg': ('ffill', pd.Timedelta),
'inverse_nagg': ('nearest', lambda x: pd.Timedelta(x)/2)}
def proc_interpolateMissing(data, field, flagger, method, inter_order=2, inter_limit=2, interpol_flag='UNFLAGGED',
......@@ -70,6 +77,8 @@ def proc_interpolateGrid(data, field, flagger, freq, method, inter_order=2, drop
grid_index = pd.date_range(start=datcol.index[0].floor(freq), end=datcol.index[-1].ceil(freq), freq=freq,
aligned_start = datcol.index[0] == grid_index[0]
aligned_end = datcol.index[-1] == grid_index[-1]
datcol = datcol.reindex(
datcol.index.join(grid_index, how="outer", )
......@@ -105,10 +114,19 @@ def proc_interpolateGrid(data, field, flagger, freq, method, inter_order=2, drop
# ...hack done
# we might miss the flag for interpolated data grids last entry (if we miss it - the datapoint is always nan
# - just settling a convention here):
# - just settling a convention here(resulting GRID should start BEFORE first valid data entry and range to AFTER
# last valid data)):
if inter_data.shape[0] > flagscol.shape[0]:
flagscol = flagscol.append(pd.Series(empty_intervals_flag, index=[datcol.index[-1]]))
# Additional consistency operation: we have to block first/last interpolated datas flags - since they very
# likely represent chunk starts/ends (except data start and or end timestamp were grid-aligned before Grid
# interpolation already.)
if np.isnan(inter_data[0]) and not aligned_start:
chunk_bounds = chunk_bounds.insert(0, inter_data.index[0])
if np.isnan(inter_data[-1]) and not aligned_end:
chunk_bounds = chunk_bounds.append(pd.DatetimeIndex([inter_data.index[-1]]))
chunk_bounds = chunk_bounds.unique()
flagger_new = flagger.initFlags(inter_data).setFlags(field, flag=flagscol, force=True, **kwargs)
# block chunk ends of interpolation
......@@ -130,8 +148,6 @@ def proc_resample(data, field, flagger, freq, func=np.mean, max_invalid_total_d=
if empty_intervals_flag is None:
empty_intervals_flag = flagger.BAD
datcol = aggregate2Freq(datcol, method, freq, func, fill_value=np.nan,
max_invalid_total=max_invalid_total_d, max_invalid_consec=max_invalid_consec_d)
flagscol = aggregate2Freq(flagscol, method, freq, flag_agg_func, fill_value=empty_intervals_flag,
......@@ -146,7 +162,7 @@ def proc_resample(data, field, flagger, freq, func=np.mean, max_invalid_total_d=
def proc_shift(data, field, flagger, freq, method, drop_flags=None, empty_intervals_flag=None, **kwargs):
# Note: all data nans get excluded defaultly from shifting. I drop_flags is None - all BAD flagged values get
# Note: all data nans get excluded defaultly from shifting. If drop_flags is None - all BAD flagged values get
# excluded as well.
data = data.copy()
datcol = data[field]
......@@ -182,5 +198,71 @@ def proc_transform(data, field, flagger, func, **kwargs):
data[field] = new_col
return data, flagger
#def proc_projectFlags(data, field, flagger, target_field, **kwargs):
\ No newline at end of file
def proc_projectFlags(data, field, flagger, target, method, freq=None, drop_flags=None, **kwargs):
datcol = data[field].copy()
target_datcol = data[target].copy()
flagscol = flagger.getFlags(field)
target_flagscol = flagger.getFlags(target)
if freq is None:
freq = pd.Timedelta(datcol.index.freq)
if freq is pd.NaT:
raise ValueError(
"Nor is {} a frequency regular timeseries, neither was a frequency passed to parameter 'freq'. "
"Dont know what to do.".format(field)
if method[-3:] == "agg":
# Aggregation - Inversion
projection_method = METHOD2ARGS[method][0]
tolerance = METHOD2ARGS[method][1](freq)
flagscol = flagscol.reindex(target_flagscol.index, method=projection_method,
replacement_mask = flagscol > target_flagscol
target_flagscol.loc[replacement_mask] = flagscol.loc[replacement_mask]
if method[-5:] == "shift":
# NOTE: although inverting a simple shift seems to be a less complex operation, it has quite some
# code assigned to it and appears to be more verbose than inverting aggregation -
# that ownes itself to the problem of BAD/invalid values blocking a proper
# shift inversion and having to be outsorted before shift inversion and re-inserted afterwards.
# starting with the dropping and its memorization:
if drop_flags is None:
drop_flags = flagger.BAD
drop_flags = toSequence(drop_flags)
drop_mask = pd.Series(False, index=target_datcol.index)
for f in drop_flags:
drop_mask |= flagger.isFlagged(field, flag=f)
drop_mask |= target_datcol.isna()
target_flagscol_drops = target_flagscol[drop_mask]
target_flagscol.drop(drop_mask[drop_mask].index, inplace=True)
# shift inversion
projection_method = METHOD2ARGS[method][0]
tolerance = METHOD2ARGS[method][1](freq)
flags_merged = pd.merge_asof(
flags_merged.dropna(subset=["pre_index"], inplace=True)
flags_merged = flags_merged.set_index(["pre_index"]).squeeze()
# write flags to target
replacement_mask = flags_merged > target_flagscol.loc[flags_merged.index]
target_flagscol.loc[replacement_mask[replacement_mask].index] = flags_merged.loc[replacement_mask]
# reinsert drops
target_flagscol = target_flagscol.reindex(target_flagscol.index.join(target_flagscol_drops.index, how='outer'))
target_flagscol.loc[target_flagscol_drops.index] = target_flagscol_drops.values
flagger = flagger.setFlags(field=target, flag=target_flagscol.values)
return data, flagger
\ No newline at end of file
......@@ -265,7 +265,7 @@ def aggregate2Freq(data, method, freq, agg_func, fill_value=np.nan, max_invalid_
# - resample AND groupBy do insert value zero for empty intervals if resampling with any kind of "sum" application -
# we want "fill_value" to be inserted
# - we are aggregating data and flags with this function and empty intervals usually would get assigned flagger.BAD
# flag (where resample inserts np.nan)
# flag (where resample inserts np.nan or 0)
data_resampler = data.resample(freq_string, base=base, closed=closed,
......@@ -273,7 +273,7 @@ def aggregate2Freq(data, method, freq, agg_func, fill_value=np.nan, max_invalid_
empty_intervals = data_resampler.count() == 0
data = data_resampler.apply(agg_func)
# since loffset keyword of pandas "discharges" after one use of the resampler (pandas logic) - we correct the
# since loffset keyword of pandas.resample "discharges" after one use of the resampler (pandas logic) - we correct the
# resampled labels offset manually, if necessary.
if method == "nagg":
data.index = data.index.shift(freq=pd.Timedelta(freq) / 2)
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