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Bad excluder

Peter Lünenschloß requested to merge BAD-excluder into develop

A small function that overrides values in dataseries with nan, if those values are flagged bad-ish. The func is thought to be used inside test funcs only - since this is a common task to do there and some ugly lines can get wrapped away. However - when including the small func in the testfuncs, i realized that the way how bad flagged values are handled in the testfuncs is inconsistent. some exclude them - some dont. I inserted the exclusion of bad flagged values where ever i thought it makes sence. But thinking aout that is confusing quite soon. I think we will need an issue about that theme to develop a general policy towards BAD flagged values in tests. (in general its the old annoying question of how to deal with test judgements made upon BAD flagged value insertion)

Merge request reports
