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Closed David Schäfer requested to merge multifix into develop
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@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class History:
hist = hist.copy()
mask = mask.copy()
self.hist = hist
self.hist = hist.astype("category", copy=copy)
self.mask = mask
@@ -166,7 +166,7 @@ class History:
touched = s.notna()
self.mask.iloc[touched, :pos] = False
self.hist[pos] = s
self.hist[pos] = s.astype("category")
return self
@@ -247,8 +247,9 @@ class History:
raise ValueError("Index does not match")
n = len(self.columns)
value_hist = value.hist
value_mask = value.mask
# don't overwrite the `.columns` of the input down the line
value_hist = value.hist.copy(deep=False)
value_mask = value.mask.copy(deep=False)
if not force:
value_hist = value_hist.iloc[:, n:]
@@ -259,7 +260,10 @@ class History:
value_hist.columns = columns
value_mask.columns = columns
self.hist.loc[:, columns] = value_hist.copy()
# clear the current mask
self.mask.loc[(~value_mask & value_hist.notna()).any(axis="columns")] = False
self.hist.loc[:, columns] = value_hist.astype("category")
self.mask.loc[:, columns] = value_mask.copy()
return self
@@ -305,7 +309,7 @@ class History:
# this may leave us in an unstable state, because
# the last column maybe is not entirely True, but
# the following append, will fix this
self.hist = self.hist.iloc[:, :-n]
self.hist = self.hist.iloc[:, :-n].astype("category")
self.mask = self.mask.iloc[:, :-n]
@@ -319,7 +323,7 @@ class History:
pd.Series: maximum values
return self.hist[self.mask].idxmax(axis=1)
return self.hist[self.mask].astype(float).idxmax(axis=1)
def max(self) -> pd.Series:
@@ -367,11 +371,18 @@ class History:
self.hist = self.hist.reindex(index=index, copy=False, fill_value=np.nan)
self.mask = self.mask.reindex(index=index, copy=False, fill_value=False)
hist = self.hist.astype(float).reindex(
index=index, copy=False, fill_value=np.nan
mask = self.mask.astype(bool).reindex(index=index, copy=False, fill_value=False)
# Note: all following code must handle empty frames
self.hist.iloc[:, -1:] = self.hist.iloc[:, -1:].fillna(fill_value_last)
self.mask.iloc[:, -1:] = True
hist.iloc[:, -1:] = hist.iloc[:, -1:].fillna(fill_value_last)
mask.iloc[:, -1:] = True
self.mask = mask.astype(bool)
self.hist.hist = hist.astype("category")
return self
def __copy__(self, deep: bool = True):
@@ -423,7 +434,7 @@ class History:
f"'mask' must be of type pd.DataFrame, but {type(mask).__name__} was given"
if any(mask.dtypes != bool):
if (mask.dtypes != bool).any():
raise ValueError("dtype of all columns in 'mask' must be bool")
if not mask.empty and not mask.iloc[:, -1].all():
@@ -451,8 +462,10 @@ class History:
f"'hist' must be of type pd.DataFrame, but {type(obj).__name__} was given"
if any(obj.dtypes != float):
raise ValueError("dtype of all columns in hist must be float")
if obj.dtypes.isin([float, pd.Categorical]).any() is False:
raise ValueError(
"dtype of all columns in hist must be float or categorical"
if not obj.empty and (
not obj.columns.equals(pd.Index(range(len(obj.columns))))
@@ -474,8 +487,8 @@ class History:
f"value must be of type pd.Series, but {type(obj).__name__} was given"
if not obj.dtype == float:
raise ValueError("dtype must be float")
if not ((obj.dtype == float) or isinstance(obj.dtype, pd.CategoricalDtype)):
raise ValueError("dtype must be float or categorical")
return obj
@@ -529,12 +542,17 @@ def applyFunctionOnHistory(
new_history = History()
if func_handle_df:
history.hist = hist_func(history.hist, **hist_kws)
# we need to pass the data as floats as functions may fail with Categorical
history.hist = hist_func(history.hist.astype(float), **hist_kws).astype(
history.mask = hist_func(history.mask, **mask_kws)
for pos in history.columns:
new_history.hist[pos] = hist_func(history.hist[pos], **hist_kws)
new_history.hist[pos] = hist_func(
history.hist[pos].astype(float), **hist_kws
new_history.mask[pos] = mask_func(history.mask[pos], **mask_kws)
# handle unstable state
@@ -544,7 +562,7 @@ def applyFunctionOnHistory(
if isinstance(last_column, str) and last_column == "dummy":
last_column = pd.Series(UNTOUCHED, index=new_history.index, dtype=float)
new_history.append(last_column, force=True)
new_history.append(last_column.astype("category"), force=True)
# assure a boolean mask and UNFLAGGED column
new_history.mask = new_history.mask.fillna(True).astype(bool)