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Fix Processing Functions. Introduce custom target Parameter.

Peter Lünenschloß requested to merge preventProcessingfuncsFromDemasking into develop
  • Merge changes the register decorator to handles="index" and datamask="field", for all processing Functions, that do not alter the index.(Those are actually a lot)

  • This is done to prevent those functions from demasking the processing results and thus, introducing flagged original values into processed timeseries

  • Also, all processing functions got added custom target parameters, that just controll, where processing results shall be written to. (keeps flags, new data)

  • Resampling functions, that implicitly use to_mask, got an explicit datamask='field' added to their decorators.

  • pipeline currently fails due to toSequence being not able to handle None types - waitning for fix on multifields branch

Merge request reports
