Oddwater od implementation
Merge request reports
34 35 "roc": ts_ops.rateOfChange, 35 36 "scale": ts_ops.scale, 36 37 "normScale": ts_ops.normScale, 38 "stdByMean": ts_ops.standardizeByMean, changed this line in version 2 of the diff
12 12 spikes_flagSlidingZscore, 13 13 spikes_flagBasic, 14 14 spikes_flagRaise, 15 spikes_flagOddWater, 15 spikes_flagMultivariateKNNScores no dokumentation yet.
dokumentation is on the way.
just wanted to merge some tiny features (but failed handling this nasty dios submodule)
Yes! the name is really lengthy. but since we have "SlidingZScore" as well, i thought, having composita of three parts is still ok.
More concise naming i would like as well - but i couldnt think of a non cryptic/propper shorter name. Any suggestions?
More generally spoken - i was not sure which policy we should aim for:
having short/abbreviated/concise names at the cost of readabillity and intuitive conmprehensibillity, or
more verbose but informative names, at the cost of compactness.
Turns out its not so easy to keep the balance from case to case and stay consistent/corporate. I tend to verbosity and informativeness - but have the intuition you, @palmb and @schaefed prefer concise/compact naming?
changed this line in version 2 of the diff
added 2 commits
mentioned in commit 379eb7b9