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Correct docstring formatting

Peter Lünenschloß requested to merge docMaintenance into develop

Found that a huge partition of docstrings are messed up.

MR only contains doc reformttings nd no content or code changes.

Fixing the following formatting errors:

  • also in See also - Section has to be written with small "a". Otherwise section wont be rendered and remaining docstring gets messed up
  • See also setion has always to be the last section. Otherwise it messes up remaining docstring, or parameters get rendered in the see also section (guess due to the docurator, but dont know.)
  • >>> wont render code examples, but spawn empty Examples section. Code examples have to be part of a doctest directive. (but there are other possibilities - just not bare >>>)
  • List items (bullet lists and enumerated lists) have to be preceded by a blank line - otherwise they will be rendered as flowing text
  • second to last line of multi line list items (bullet lists and enumerated lists) have to start with leading 2 spaces - not with a tab spacing. Otherwise first line gets boldly rendered paragraph headline
Edited by Peter Lünenschloß

Merge request reports
