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Horizontal axis rolling

Peter Lünenschloß requested to merge haxisRolling into develop

Although a general axis keyword as proposed in #295 (closed) might not be a good idea, - saqc has a functional gap when trying to apply function on rows instead of columns (for example counting the meassurements present at a certain timestamp or calculating the scattering of meassurements at a certain timestamp.)

So i added that "row wise" functionality to qc.rolling.

The reason to add it to rolling, is, that it seems probable, that one might not only want to check for a statistics or an aggregation result at an exact timestamp, but within a certain extension. That can be achieved with a 2 dimensional rolling window.

For example: Get the number of values present within every hour:

qc.rolling(['data1','data2','data3'], func='count', window=1h, target='count')
Edited by Peter Lünenschloß

Merge request reports
