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Commit 2768dde9 authored by Christoph Schürz's avatar Christoph Schürz
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Update plot_var_at_harvkill()

parent da563e25
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Package: SWATdoctR
Type: Package
Title: Finding the right diagnoses and treatments for SWAT+ models
Version: 0.1.14
Version: 0.1.15
Author: c(person("Christoph", "Schürz",
email = "",
role = c("aut", "cre")),
......@@ -34,89 +34,78 @@
plot_variable_at_harvkill <- function(sim_verify, variable, years = 1900:2100) {
##Identifying if it is single object of a list and generating df for plotting
if("mgt_out" %in% names(sim_verify)){
tbl_harv <- var_at_harv(sim_verify$mgt_out, years)
tbl_harv$name <- deparse(substitute(sim_verify))
} else if ("mgt_out" %in% names(sim_verify[[1]])){
is_single_sim <- "mgt_out" %in% names(sim_verify)
is_list_sim <- "mgt_out" %in% names(sim_verify[[1]])
years <- years[years >= min(sim_verify$basin_wb_day$yr)]
tbl_harv <- prepare_var_at_harvkill(sim_verify$mgt_out, years, variable)
} else if (is_list_sim){
df <- NULL
nn <- c()
for(n in names(sim_verify)){
mgt_out <- sim_verify[[n]][["mgt_out"]]
tbl_harv <- var_at_harv(mgt_out, years)
tbl_harv <- prepare_var_at_harvkill(mgt_out, years, variable)
tbl_harv$name <- n
nn <- c(nn, n)
if(is.null(df)){df <- tbl_harv} else {df <- bind_rows(df, tbl_harv)}
tbl_harv <- df %>%
mutate(name = factor(name, levels = nn))
if(variable == 'phu') {
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv %>%
select(op_typ, phuplant, name) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var', 'simulation'))
y_lbl <- 'Crop HUs at harvest/kill'
}else if(variable == 'yield') {
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv %>%
select(op_typ, op_var, name) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var', 'simulation'))
y_lbl <- 'Crop yield at harvest/kill'
} else if(variable == 'bioms') {
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv %>%
select(op_typ, plant_bioms, name) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var', 'simulation'))
y_lbl <- 'Biomass at harvest/kill'
} else if(variable == 'stress') {
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv %>%
select(op_typ, var4, var5, var3, var1, var2, name) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'water', 'aeration',
'temperature', 'nitrogen', 'phosphorus', 'simulation')) %>%
pivot_longer(., cols = -c(crop, simulation)) %>%
mutate(., name = factor(name,
levels = c('water', 'aeration', 'temperature',
'nitrogen', 'phosphorus')))
y_lbl <- 'Plant stress at harvest/kill'
} else {
stop("Variable must be one of: 'phu', 'yield', 'bioms'")
stop('Incorrect input for sim_verify')
y_lbl <- case_when(variable == 'phu' ~ 'Crop HU fraction before kill',
variable == 'yield' ~ 'Crop yield per growing period',
variable == 'bioms' ~ 'Biomass at harvest/kill',
variable == 'stress' ~ 'Plant stress in growing period')
gg <- ggplot(data = tbl_harv) +
labs(x = 'Crops', y = y_lbl) +
if (variable == 'stress') {
gg <- gg +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = crop, y = value, fill = name),
geom_boxplot(aes(x = crop, y = var, fill = stress),
color = "grey30", outlier.size=1, outlier.colour = "grey50") +
labs(fill = 'Stress factor') +
scale_fill_manual(values = c('deepskyblue4', 'lightcyan3',
'indianred3', 'palegreen4', 'orange3')) +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')+
theme(axis.text.x=element_text(angle=45, hjust=1))
scale_fill_manual(values = c('deepskyblue4', 'lightcyan3', 'indianred3',
'palegreen4', 'orange3')) +
theme(legend.position = 'bottom')
if (is_list_sim) {
gg <- gg + facet_wrap(~simulation)
} else {
gg <- gg + geom_boxplot(aes(x = crop, y = var, fill = simulation),
color = "grey30", outlier.size=1, outlier.colour = "grey50")+
scale_fill_manual(values = c('white', 'palegreen4', 'orange3', 'lightcyan3', 'indianred3'))
if (is_single_sim) {
gg <- gg +
geom_boxplot(aes(x = crop, y = var),
color = "grey30", outlier.size=1, outlier.colour = "grey50")
} else {
gg <- gg + geom_boxplot(aes(x = crop, y = var, fill = simulation),
color = "grey30", outlier.size=1,
outlier.colour = "grey50") +
scale_fill_manual(values = c('white', 'palegreen4', 'orange3',
'lightcyan3', 'indianred3'))
if(variable == 'phu') {
gg <- gg + geom_hline(yintercept = 1, lty = 2)
#' Prepare dataframe for plot_variable_at_harvkill function
#' @param mgt_out dataframe with model output data
#' @param years integer vector to filter dataframe
#' @param mgt_out Data frame with management output data
#' @param years Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated
#' @param variable String to define which variable is selected for plotting
#' @return dataframe for plotting
#' @return data frame for plotting
#' @importFrom dplyr %>% filter group_by mutate ungroup
#' @keywords internal
......@@ -125,29 +114,229 @@ plot_variable_at_harvkill <- function(sim_verify, variable, years = 1900:2100) {
#' var_at_harv(sim_nostress$mgt_out, 1900:2100)
#' }
var_at_harv <- function(mgt_out, years){
tbl_harv_b <- mgt_out %>%
prepare_var_at_harvkill <- function(mgt_out, years, variable){
if(variable == 'phu') {
tbl_var <- prepare_phu(mgt_out, years)
# y_lbl <- 'Crop HU fraction before kill'
}else if(variable == 'yield') {
tbl_var <- prepare_yield(mgt_out, years)
# y_lbl <- 'Crop yield per growing period'
} else if(variable == 'bioms') {
tbl_var <- prepare_biomass(mgt_out, years)
# y_lbl <- 'Biomass at harvest/kill'
} else if(variable == 'stress') {
tbl_var <- prepare_stress(mgt_out, years)
# y_lbl <- 'Plant stress at harvest/kill'
} else {
stop("Variable must be one of: 'phu', 'yield', 'bioms', 'stress'")
#' Prepare mgt_out data for plotting yields
#' For static land uses (no plant and kill operations) annual yields are calculated.
#' For crops with defined growing periods the yield sums of that period is calculated.
#' @param mgt_out Data frame with management output data
#' @param years Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated
#' @return data frame with crop names and yields
#' @importFrom dplyr bind_rows filter group_by mutate select summarise ungroup %>%
#' @importFrom purrr set_names
#' @keywords internal
prepare_yield <- function(mgt_out, years) {
yield_tbl <- mgt_out %>%
filter(operation %in% c('PLANT','HARVEST', 'KILL')) %>%
select(hru, year, operation, op_typ, op_var) %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ) %>%
mutate(grw_group = ifelse(operation == 'KILL', 1, 0),
grw_group = cumsum(grw_group)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(hru) %>%
mutate(no_plntkill = max(grw_group) == 0)
yield_mono <- yield_tbl %>%
filter(no_plntkill) %>%
filter(year %in% years) %>%
group_by(hru, year, op_typ) %>%
summarise(op_var = sum(op_var), .groups = 'drop') %>%
select(-hru, -year)
yield_rota <- yield_tbl %>%
filter(!no_plntkill) %>%
filter(operation == 'HARVEST') %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ, grw_group) %>%
summarise(op_var = sum(op_var), year = max(year), .groups = 'drop') %>%
filter(year %in% years) %>%
filter(operation %in% c('HARVEST', 'KILL'))
select(-hru, -grw_group, -year)
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv_b %>%
yield <- bind_rows(yield_mono, yield_rota) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var'))
#' Prepare mgt_out data for plotting biomass
#' Biomass is only extracted for harvest/kill operations.
#' @param mgt_out Data frame with management output data
#' @param years Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated
#' @return data frame with crop names and bio mass
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate n select summarise ungroup %>%
#' @importFrom purrr set_names
#' @keywords internal
prepare_biomass <- function(mgt_out, years) {
bioms <- mgt_out %>%
filter(year %in% years) %>%
filter(operation %in% c('HARVEST', 'KILL')) %>%
group_by(hru, year, mon, day) %>%
mutate(n = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(n == 2, operation == 'HARVEST')
##Just in case dates of harvest and kill differ a bit
if(dim(tbl_harv)[1] == 0){
print("harv and kill are not on the same day. Switching to closest on same month.")
tbl_harv <- tbl_harv_b %>%
group_by(hru, year, mon) %>%
mutate(n = n()) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(n == 2, operation == 'HARVEST')
filter(n == 2, operation == 'HARVEST') %>%
select(op_typ, plant_bioms) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var'))
#' Prepare mgt_out data for plotting PHU fractions
#' PHU fractions are extracted for the last operation before a kill operation is set.
#' @param mgt_out Data frame with management output data
#' @param years Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated
#' @return data frame with crop names and phu fractions
#' @importFrom dplyr arrange filter group_by lead mutate n select summarise ungroup %>%
#' @importFrom purrr set_names
#' @keywords internal
prepare_phu <- function(mgt_out, years) {
phu_tbl <- mgt_out %>%
mutate(date = 1e4*year + 100*mon + day) %>%
select(hru, date, year, operation, op_typ, phuplant) %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ, year) %>%
mutate(is_kill = ifelse(operation == 'KILL', TRUE, FALSE)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
arrange(hru, date) %>%
mutate(is_kill = is_kill | lead(is_kill)) %>%
filter(is_kill) %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ, year) %>%
mutate(date_diff = diff(date)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(year %in% years)
if(any(phu_tbl$date_diff > 1)) {
crop_diff <- phu_tbl %>%
filter(operation == 'KILL') %>%
filter(date_diff > 1) %>%
.$op_typ %>%
message('For the following crops the difference between the kill operation\n',
'and the operation before that was more than 1 day:\n',
paste(crop_diff, collapse = ', '), '\n',
'The plotted PHU fractions may therefore not be correct.')
phu <- phu_tbl %>%
filter(operation != 'KILL') %>%
select(op_typ, phuplant) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'var'))
#' Prepare mgt_out data for plotting stress factors
#' For static land uses (no plant and kill operations) annual changes in stress
#' values are calculated (annual increase of a stress factor).
#' For crops with defined growing periods the stress values for the last harvest
#' operation is extracted.
#' @param mgt_out Data frame with management output data
#' @param years Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated
#' @return data frame with crop names, stress names and values
#' @importFrom dplyr filter group_by mutate select summarise ungroup %>%
#' @importFrom purrr set_names
#' @importFrom tidyr pivot_longer
#' @keywords internal
prepare_stress <- function(mgt_out, years) {
stress_tbl <- mgt_out %>%
filter(operation %in% c('PLANT','HARVEST', 'KILL')) %>%
select(hru, year, operation, op_typ, var4, var5, var3, var1, var2) %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ) %>%
mutate(grw_group = ifelse(operation == 'KILL', 1, 0),
grw_group = cumsum(grw_group)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
group_by(hru) %>%
mutate(no_plntkill = max(grw_group) == 0) %>%
stress_mono <- stress_tbl %>%
filter(no_plntkill) %>%
group_by(hru, year, op_typ) %>%
summarise(var4 = max(var4), var5 = max(var5), var3 = max(var3),
var2 = max(var2), var1 = max(var1), .groups = 'drop') %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ) %>%
mutate(var4 = diff1(var4), var5 = diff1(var5), var3 = diff1(var3),
var2 = diff1(var2), var1 = diff1(var1)) %>%
ungroup() %>%
filter(year %in% years) %>%
select(-hru, -year)
stress_rota <- stress_tbl %>%
filter(year %in% years) %>%
filter(!no_plntkill) %>%
filter(operation == 'HARVEST') %>%
group_by(hru, op_typ, grw_group) %>%
summarise(var4 = max(var4), var5 = max(var5), var3 = max(var3),
var2 = max(var2), var1 = max(var1), .groups = 'drop') %>%
ungroup(.) %>%
select(-hru, -grw_group)
stress <- bind_rows(stress_mono, stress_rota) %>%
set_names(c('crop', 'water', 'aeration',
'temperature', 'nitrogen', 'phosphorus')) %>%
pivot_longer(., cols = - crop, names_to = 'stress', values_to = 'var') %>%
mutate(., stress = factor(stress,
levels = c('water', 'aeration', 'temperature',
'nitrogen', 'phosphorus')))
#' Concatenate the first value of a vector and the differences of following values.
#' @param x numeric vector
#' @return numeric vector
#' @keywords internal
diff1 <- function(x) {
c(x[1], diff(x))
#' Filter HRUs by their variable values at harvest/kill
......@@ -187,4 +376,3 @@ filter_hru_at_harvkill <- function(sim_verify, ...) {
filter(., ...) %>%
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Concatenate the first value of a vector and the differences of following values.}
\item{x}{numeric vector}
numeric vector
Concatenate the first value of a vector and the differences of following values.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Prepare mgt_out data for plotting biomass}
prepare_biomass(mgt_out, years)
\item{mgt_out}{Data frame with management output data}
\item{years}{Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated}
data frame with crop names and bio mass
Biomass is only extracted for harvest/kill operations.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Prepare mgt_out data for plotting PHU fractions}
prepare_phu(mgt_out, years)
\item{mgt_out}{Data frame with management output data}
\item{years}{Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated}
data frame with crop names and phu fractions
PHU fractions are extracted for the last operation before a kill operation is set.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Prepare mgt_out data for plotting stress factors}
prepare_stress(mgt_out, years)
\item{mgt_out}{Data frame with management output data}
\item{years}{Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated}
data frame with crop names, stress names and values
For static land uses (no plant and kill operations) annual changes in stress
values are calculated (annual increase of a stress factor).
For crops with defined growing periods the stress values for the last harvest
operation is extracted.
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Prepare dataframe for plot_variable_at_harvkill function}
var_at_harv(mgt_out, years)
prepare_var_at_harvkill(mgt_out, years, variable)
\item{mgt_out}{dataframe with model output data}
\item{mgt_out}{Data frame with management output data}
\item{years}{integer vector to filter dataframe}
\item{years}{Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated}
\item{variable}{String to define which variable is selected for plotting}
dataframe for plotting
data frame for plotting
Prepare dataframe for plot_variable_at_harvkill function
% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand
% Please edit documentation in R/plot_mgt_harv.R
\title{Prepare mgt_out data for plotting yields}
prepare_yield(mgt_out, years)
\item{mgt_out}{Data frame with management output data}
\item{years}{Integer vector of years for which values should be calculated}
data frame with crop names and yields
For static land uses (no plant and kill operations) annual yields are calculated.
For crops with defined growing periods the yield sums of that period is calculated.
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