0.8.0213fc275 · ·
Add implemented_nswrms table - with every measure implementation now entries for changed objects (only HRUs so far) are added to the table .$modified_inputs$implemented_nswrms - if measures was already implemented and other measure is implemented in the same HRU the entry will be replaced in this table.
0.1.0fda7b5e5 · ·
Release version 0.1.0 This is the first working version which is fully compatible with the NSWRMs in the Schoeps case study. The following features are implemented: - preparation of the input file which defines management related scenarios based on SWATfarmR objects. - generating a measr project which is an R6 object with included methods. This will be useful when loaded in the optimization. - loading NSWRM definitions now works for land_use, management, and pond type NSWRMs. - writing the input files into the project - resetting input files.