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read/write extra (meta) columns

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+ 58
@@ -112,19 +112,37 @@ class BaseFlagger(ABC):
return self.copy(flags=flags)
def getFlags(self, field: FieldsT = None, loc: LocT = None) -> PandasT:
def getFlags(self, field: FieldsT = None, loc: LocT = None, full=False):
""" Return a potentially, to `loc`, trimmed down version of flags.
field : str, list of str or None, default None
Field(s) to request.
loc :
limit result to specific rows.
full : object
If True, an additional dict is returned, holding all extras that
the flagger may specify. These extras can be feed back to a/the
flagger with `setFlags(...with_extras=True)`.
a pd.Series if field is a string or a Dios if not
flags: pandas.Series or dios.DictOfSeries
If field is a scalar a series is returned, otherwise a dios.
extras: dict
Present only if `full=True`. A dict that hold all extra information.
This is more or less a __getitem__(key)-like function, where
self._flags is accessed and key is a single key or a tuple.
Either key is [loc] or [loc,field]. loc also can be a 2D-key,
aka. a booldios"""
This is more or less a __getitem__(key)-like function, where
self._flags is accessed and key is a single key or a tuple.
Either key is [loc] or [loc,field]. loc also can be a 2D-key,
aka. a booldios
The resulting dict (full=True) can be feed to setFlags to update extra Columns.
but field must be a scalar then, because setFlags only can process a scalar field.
# loc should be a valid 2D-indexer and
# then field must be None. Otherwise aloc
@@ -139,18 +157,47 @@ class BaseFlagger(ABC):
# this is a bug in `dios.aloc`, which may return a shallow copied dios, if `slice(None)` is passed
# as row indexer. Thus is because pandas `.loc` return a shallow copy if a null-slice is passed to a series.
return self._flags.copy().aloc[indexer]
def setFlags(self, field: str, loc: LocT = None, flag: FlagT = None, force: bool = False, inplace=False, **kwargs) -> BaseFlaggerT:
flags = self._flags.aloc[indexer].copy()
if full:
return flags, dict()
return flags
def setFlags(
field: str,
loc: LocT = None,
flag: FlagT = None,
force: bool = False,
) -> BaseFlaggerT:
"""Overwrite existing flags at loc.
If `force=False` (default) only flags with a lower priority are overwritten,
otherwise, if `force=True`, flags are overwritten unconditionally.
One can use this to update extra columns without knowing their names. Eg. like so:
>>> field = 'var0'
>>> flags, extra = flagger.getFlags(field, full=True)
>>> newflags = magic_that_alter_index(flags)
>>> for k, v in extra.items()
... extra[k] = magic_that_alter_index(v)
>>> flagger = flagger.setFlags(field, flags=newflags, with_extra=True, **extra)
assert "iloc" not in kwargs, "deprecated keyword, `iloc=slice(i:j)`. Use eg. `loc=srs.index[i:j]` instead."
assertScalar("field", field, optional=False)
assertScalar("field", self._check_field(field), optional=False)
flag = self.BAD if flag is None else flag
out = self if inplace else deepcopy(self)
if with_extra and not isinstance(flag, pd.Series):
raise ValueError("flags must be pd.Series if `with_extras=True`.")
if force:
row_indexer = slice(None) if loc is None else loc
@@ -159,11 +206,6 @@ class BaseFlagger(ABC):
this = self.getFlags(field=field, loc=loc)
row_indexer = this < flag
if inplace:
out = self
out = deepcopy(self)
out._flags.aloc[row_indexer, field] = flag
return out
@@ -236,7 +278,7 @@ class BaseFlagger(ABC):
saved = self._flags
self._flags = None
out = deepcopy(self)
out._flags = flags
out._flags = flags.copy()
self._flags = saved
return out